template<class T > |
void | Vmath::Fill (int n, const T alpha, Array< OneD, T > &x, const int incx) |
| Fill a vector with a constant value. More...
template<class T > |
void | Vmath::FillWhiteNoise (int n, const T eps, Array< OneD, T > &x, const int incx, int outseed) |
template<class T > |
void | Vmath::Vmul (int n, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, const int incx, const Array< OneD, const T > &y, const int incy, Array< OneD, T > &z, const int incz) |
| Multiply vector z = x*y. More...
template<class T > |
void | Vmath::Vmul (int n, const Array< TwoD, NekDouble >::const_reference &x, const int incx, const Array< OneD, const T > &y, const int incy, Array< OneD, T > &z, const int incz) |
template<class T > |
void | Vmath::Smul (int n, const T alpha, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, const int incx, Array< OneD, T > &y, const int incy) |
| Scalar multiply y = alpha*y. More...
template<class T > |
void | Vmath::Vdiv (int n, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, const int incx, const Array< OneD, const T > &y, const int incy, Array< OneD, T > &z, const int incz) |
| Multiply vector z = x/y. More...
template<class T > |
void | Vmath::Sdiv (int n, const T alpha, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, const int incx, Array< OneD, T > &y, const int incy) |
| Scalar multiply y = alpha/y. More...
template<class T > |
void | Vmath::Vadd (int n, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, const int incx, const Array< OneD, const T > &y, const int incy, Array< OneD, T > &z, const int incz) |
| Add vector z = x+y. More...
template<class T > |
void | Vmath::Sadd (int n, const T alpha, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, const int incx, Array< OneD, T > &y, const int incy) |
| Add vector y = alpha + x. More...
template<class T > |
void | Vmath::Vsub (int n, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, const int incx, const Array< OneD, const T > &y, const int incy, Array< OneD, T > &z, const int incz) |
| Subtract vector z = x-y. More...
template<class T > |
void | Vmath::Zero (int n, Array< OneD, T > &x, const int incx) |
| Zero vector. More...
template<class T > |
void | Vmath::Neg (int n, Array< OneD, T > &x, const int incx) |
| Negate x = -x. More...
template<class T > |
void | Vmath::Vlog (int n, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, const int incx, Array< OneD, T > &y, const int incy) |
template<class T > |
void | Vmath::Vexp (int n, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, const int incx, Array< OneD, T > &y, const int incy) |
template<class T > |
void | Vmath::Vpow (int n, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, const int incx, const T f, Array< OneD, T > &y, const int incy) |
template<class T > |
void | Vmath::Vsqrt (int n, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, const int incx, Array< OneD, T > &y, const int incy) |
| sqrt y = sqrt(x) More...
template<class T > |
void | Vmath::Vabs (int n, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, const int incx, Array< OneD, T > &y, const int incy) |
| vabs: y = |x| More...
template<class T > |
void | Vmath::Vvtvp (int n, const Array< OneD, const T > &w, const int incw, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, const int incx, const Array< OneD, const T > &y, const int incy, Array< OneD, T > &z, const int incz) |
| vvtvp (vector times vector plus vector): z = w*x + y More...
template<class T > |
void | Vmath::Vvtvp (int n, const Array< TwoD, NekDouble >::const_reference &w, const int incw, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, const int incx, const Array< OneD, const T > &y, const int incy, Array< OneD, T > &z, const int incz) |
template<class T > |
void | Vmath::Svtvp (int n, const T alpha, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, const int incx, const Array< OneD, const T > &y, const int incy, Array< OneD, T > &z, const int incz) |
| svtvp (scalar times vector plus vector): z = alpha*x + y More...
template<class T > |
void | Vmath::Svtvm (int n, const T alpha, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, const int incx, const Array< OneD, const T > &y, const int incy, Array< OneD, T > &z, const int incz) |
| svtvp (scalar times vector plus vector): z = alpha*x + y More...
template<class T > |
void | Vmath::Vvtvm (int n, const Array< OneD, const T > &w, const int incw, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, const int incx, const Array< OneD, const T > &y, const int incy, Array< OneD, T > &z, const int incz) |
| vvtvm (vector times vector minus vector): z = w*x - y More...
template<class T > |
void | Vmath::Vvtvvtp (int n, const Array< OneD, const T > &v, int incv, const Array< OneD, const T > &w, int incw, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, int incx, const Array< OneD, const T > &y, int incy, Array< OneD, T > &z, int incz) |
| vvtvvtp (vector times vector plus vector times vector): z = v*w + y*z More...
template<class T > |
void | Vmath::Svtsvtp (int n, const T alpha, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, const int incx, const T beta, const Array< OneD, const T > &y, const int incy, Array< OneD, T > &z, const int incz) |
| svtsvtp (scalar times vector plus scalar times vector): z = alpha*x + beta*y More...
template<class T > |
void | Vmath::Gathr (int n, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, const Array< OneD, const int > &y, Array< OneD, T > &z) |
| Gather vector z[i] = x[y[i]]. More...
template<class T > |
void | Vmath::Scatr (int n, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, const Array< OneD, const int > &y, Array< OneD, T > &z) |
| Scatter vector z[y[i]] = x[i]. More...
template<class T > |
void | Vmath::Assmb (int n, const Array< OneD, T > &x, const Array< OneD, int > &y, Array< OneD, T > &z) |
| Assemble z[y[i]] += x[i]; z should be zero'd first. More...
template<class T > |
T | Vmath::Vsum (int n, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, const int incx) |
| Subtract return sum(x) More...
template<class T > |
int | Vmath::Imax (int n, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, const int incx) |
| Return the index of the maximum element in x. More...
template<class T > |
T | Vmath::Vmax (int n, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, const int incx) |
| Return the maximum element in x – called vmax to avoid conflict with max. More...
template<class T > |
int | Vmath::Iamax (int n, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, const int incx) |
| Return the index of the maximum absolute element in x. More...
template<class T > |
T | Vmath::Vamax (int n, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, const int incx) |
| Return the maximum absolute element in x called vamax to avoid conflict with max. More...
template<class T > |
int | Vmath::Imin (int n, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, const int incx) |
| Return the index of the minimum element in x. More...
template<class T > |
T | Vmath::Vmin (int n, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, const int incx) |
| Return the minimum element in x - called vmin to avoid conflict with min. More...
template<class T > |
T | Vmath::Dot (int n, const Array< OneD, const T > &w, const Array< OneD, const T > &x) |
template<class T > |
T | Vmath::Dot (int n, const Array< OneD, const T > &w, const int incw, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, const int incx) |
template<class T > |
T | Vmath::Dot2 (int n, const Array< OneD, const T > &w, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, const Array< OneD, const int > &y) |
template<class T > |
T | Vmath::Ddot (int n, const Array< OneD, const T > &w, const int incw, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, const int incx, const Array< OneD, const int > &y, const int incy) |
template<class T > |
void | Vmath::Vcopy (int n, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, int incx, Array< OneD, T > &y, int const incy) |
template<class T > |
void | Vmath::Reverse (int n, const Array< OneD, const T > &x, int incx, Array< OneD, T > &y, int const incy) |