This directory contains some of the lowest level basic computer science routines within Nektar++. The directory currently contains the following:
ArrayPolicies.hpp | CheckedCast.hpp | CompressData.cpp |
CompressData.h | ConsistentObjectAccess.hpp | CsvIO.cpp |
CsvIO.h | Deprecated.hpp | DomainRange.h |
Equation.cpp | Equation.h | ErrorUtil.cpp |
ErrorUtil.hpp | FieldIO.cpp | FieldIO.h |
FieldIOHdf5.cpp | FieldIOHdf5.h | FieldIOXml.cpp |
FieldIOXml.h | FileSystem.cpp | FileSystem.h |
H5.cpp | H5.h | HashUtils.hpp |
Interpolator.cpp | Interpolator.h | Likwid.hpp |
Metis.hpp | NekFactory.hpp | NekInline.hpp |
NekManager.hpp | ParseUtils.cpp | ParseUtils.h |
Progressbar.hpp | PtsField.cpp | PtsField.h |
PtsIO.cpp | PtsIO.h | RawType.hpp |
RealComparison.hpp | SessionReader.cpp | SessionReader.h |
ShapeType.hpp | SharedArray.hpp | Smath.hpp |
Thread.cpp | Thread.h | ThreadBoost.cpp |
ThreadBoost.h | Timer.cpp | Timer.h |
Vmath.cpp | Vmath.hpp | VmathArray.hpp |
VmathSIMD.hpp | VtkUtil.hpp | |
We have used bold to denote (as examples) routines at our used throughout Nektar++. They are in this sense “fundamental”. Note that this list includes input/output routines (e.g. FieldIO and H5), partitioning (e.g. Metis) and Threading (e.g. Thread and ThreadBoost).