3.2 Documentation and Tutorials

Documentation for Nektar++ is provided in a number of forms:

3.2.1 Dependencies

To build the User Guide and Developer’s Guide, the following dependencies are required:

3.2.2 Compiling the User Guide

To compile the User Guide:

  1. Configure the Nektar++ build tree as normal.

  2. Run

    make user-guide-pdf

    to make the PDF version, or run

    make user-guide-html

    to make the HTML version.

3.2.3 Developers Guide

To compile the Developer’s Guide:

  1. Configure the Nektar++ build tree as normal.

  2. Run

    make developer-guide-pdf

    to make the PDF version, or run

    make developer-guide-html

    to make the HTML version.

3.2.4 Compiling the code documentation

To build the Doxygen documentation, the following dependencies are required:

To compile the code documentation enable the NEKTAR_BUILD_DOC option in the ccmake configuration tool.

You can then compile the HTML code documentation using:

make doc