70 "UnsteadyLinearisedNS",
71 "UnsteadyNavierStokes",
"This method is not defined in this class");
"This method is not defined in this class");
EquationType m_equationType
equation type;
#define ASSERTL0(condition, msg)
void SetBoundaryConditions(NekDouble time)
time dependent boundary conditions updating
Array< OneD, Array< OneD, int > > m_fieldsBCToTraceID
Mapping from BCs to Elmt Edge IDs.
static Array< OneD, NekDouble > NullNekDouble1DArray
virtual bool v_PreIntegrate(int step)
void SetRadiationBoundaryForcing(int fieldid)
Set Radiation forcing term.
NekDouble m_kinvis
Kinematic viscosity.
bool m_subSteppingScheme
bool to identify if using a substepping scheme
bool CalcSteadyState(void)
evaluate steady state
Array< OneD, int > m_velocity
int which identifies which components of m_fields contains the velocity (u,v,w);
virtual void v_TransCoeffToPhys(void)
Virtual function for transformation to physical space.
boost::shared_ptr< TimeIntegrationWrapper > TimeIntegrationWrapperSharedPtr
boost::shared_ptr< IncNavierStokes > IncNavierStokesSharedPtr
ExtrapolateSharedPtr m_extrapolation
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT typedef boost::shared_ptr< Forcing > ForcingSharedPtr
A shared pointer to an EquationSystem object.
virtual ~IncNavierStokes()
virtual bool v_PostIntegrate(int step)
int m_intSteps
Number of time integration steps AND Order of extrapolation for pressure boundary conditions...
int m_nConvectiveFields
Number of fields to be convected;.
boost::shared_ptr< SessionReader > SessionReaderSharedPtr
const std::string kAdvectionFormStr[]
int m_energysteps
dump energy to file at steps time
EquationType GetEquationType(void)
Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > m_fieldsRadiationFactor
RHS Factor for Radiation Condition.
int m_cflsteps
dump cfl estimate
std::vector< SolverUtils::ForcingSharedPtr > m_forcing
Forcing terms.
virtual MultiRegions::ExpListSharedPtr v_GetPressure()
boost::shared_ptr< ExpList > ExpListSharedPtr
Shared pointer to an ExpList object.
bool m_SmoothAdvection
bool to identify if advection term smoothing is requested
int m_steadyStateSteps
Check for steady state at step interval.
boost::shared_ptr< Extrapolate > ExtrapolateSharedPtr
int GetNConvectiveFields(void)
virtual void v_NumericalFlux(Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &physfield, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &numflux)
Array< OneD, int > & GetVelocity(void)
void EvaluateAdvectionTerms(const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &inarray, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &outarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &wk=NullNekDouble1DArray)
Array< OneD, Array< OneD, int > > m_fieldsBCToElmtID
Mapping from BCs to Elmt IDs.
void AddForcing(const SolverUtils::ForcingSharedPtr &pForce)
std::ofstream m_mdlFile
modal energy file
This class is the base class for Navier Stokes problems.
const std::string kEquationTypeStr[]
LibUtilities::TimeIntegrationWrapperSharedPtr m_subStepIntegrationScheme
void WriteModalEnergy(void)
NekDouble m_steadyStateTol
Tolerance to which steady state should be evaluated at.
virtual void v_TransPhysToCoeff(void)
Virtual function for transformation to coefficient space.
MultiRegions::ExpListSharedPtr m_pressure
Pointer to field holding pressure field.
A base class for PDEs which include an advection component.
virtual void v_GetFluxVector(const int i, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &physfield, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &flux)
virtual void v_InitObject()
Init object for UnsteadySystem class.
virtual int v_GetForceDimension()=0
NekDouble GetCFLEstimate(int &elmtid)
Array< OneD, NekDouble > GetElmtCFLVals(void)
IncNavierStokes(const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr &pSession)