Classes | |
class | Composite |
A composite is a collection of elements. More... | |
struct | Condition |
Defines a boundary condition. More... | |
struct | ConfigOption |
Represents a command-line configuration option. More... | |
class | Edge |
Represents an edge which joins two points. More... | |
struct | EdgeHash |
Defines a hash function for edges. More... | |
struct | EdgeInfo |
class | Element |
Base class for element definitions. More... | |
struct | element_id_less_than |
Define element ordering based on ID. More... | |
struct | ElmtConfig |
Basic information about an element. More... | |
struct | ElmtConfigHash |
class | Face |
Represents a face comprised of three or more edges. More... | |
struct | FaceHash |
struct | Field |
class | FieldConvertComm |
class | Hexahedron |
A 3-dimensional six-faced element. More... | |
struct | HOSurfHash |
struct | HOTriangle |
A lightweight struct for dealing with high-order triangle alignment. More... | |
class | InputDat |
Input module for Xml files. More... | |
class | InputFld |
class | InputGmsh |
class | InputModule |
Abstract base class for input modules. More... | |
class | InputNek |
class | InputNekpp |
class | InputPly |
Converter for Ply files. More... | |
class | InputPts |
class | InputSem |
class | InputStar |
Converter for VTK files. More... | |
class | InputSwan |
Converter for Swansea mesh format. More... | |
class | InputTec |
Converter for VTK files. More... | |
class | InputVtk |
Converter for VTK files. More... | |
class | InputXml |
class | Iso |
class | IsoVertex |
class | Line |
A 1-dimensional line between two vertex nodes. More... | |
class | Mesh |
class | Module |
class | Node |
Represents a point in the domain. More... | |
struct | NodeHash |
Defines a hash function for nodes. More... | |
class | OutputFld |
Converter from fld to vtk. More... | |
class | OutputGmsh |
Converter for Gmsh files. More... | |
class | OutputInfo |
class | OutputModule |
Abstract base class for output modules. More... | |
class | OutputNekpp |
Converter for Gmsh files. More... | |
class | OutputTecplot |
Converter from fld to dat. More... | |
class | OutputVtk |
Converter from fld to vtk. More... | |
class | OutputXml |
Converter from fld to vtk. More... | |
class | Point |
A 0-dimensional vertex. More... | |
class | Prism |
A 3-dimensional five-faced element (2 triangles, 3 quadrilaterals). More... | |
class | ProcessAddFld |
This processing module scales the input fld file. More... | |
class | ProcessBL |
This processing module calculates the Jacobian of elements using SpatialDomains::GeomFactors and the Element::GetGeom method. For now it simply prints a list of elements which have negative Jacobian. More... | |
class | ProcessBoundaryExtract |
This processing module sets up for the boundary field to be extracted. More... | |
class | ProcessC0Projection |
This processing module calculates the Q Criterion and adds it as an extra-field to the output file. More... | |
class | ProcessConcatenateFld |
This processing module sets up for the boundary field to be extracted. More... | |
class | ProcessCyl |
class | ProcessDeform |
class | ProcessDetectSurf |
This processing module calculates the Jacobian of elements using SpatialDomains::GeomFactors and the Element::GetGeom method. For now it simply prints a list of elements which have negative Jacobian. More... | |
class | ProcessDisplacement |
class | ProcessEquiSpacedOutput |
This processing module interpolates one field to another. More... | |
class | ProcessExtractSurf |
This processing module calculates the Jacobian of elements using SpatialDomains::GeomFactors and the Element::GetGeom method. For now it simply prints a list of elements which have negative Jacobian. More... | |
class | ProcessGrad |
This processing module calculates the vorticity and adds it as an extra-field to the output file. More... | |
class | ProcessInterpField |
This processing module interpolates one field to another. More... | |
class | ProcessInterpPointDataToFld |
This processing module interpolates one field to another. More... | |
class | ProcessInterpPoints |
This processing module interpolates one field to another. More... | |
class | ProcessIsoContour |
This processing module extracts an isocontour. More... | |
class | ProcessJac |
This processing module calculates the Jacobian of elements using SpatialDomains::GeomFactors and the Element::GetGeom method. For now it simply prints a list of elements which have negative Jacobian. More... | |
class | ProcessJacobianEnergy |
This processing module scales the input fld file. More... | |
class | ProcessModule |
Abstract base class for processing modules. More... | |
class | ProcessMultiShear |
This processing module calculates the shear stress metrics and writes it to a surface output file. More... | |
class | ProcessPerAlign |
class | ProcessPrintFldNorms |
This processing module prints the L2 and LInf norms of the variables in the field. More... | |
class | ProcessQCriterion |
This processing module calculates the Q Criterion and adds it as an extra-field to the output file. More... | |
class | ProcessScalar |
This processing module calculates the Jacobian of elements using SpatialDomains::GeomFactors and the Element::GetGeom method. For now it simply prints a list of elements which have negative Jacobian. More... | |
class | ProcessScaleInFld |
This processing module scales the input fld file. More... | |
class | ProcessScalGrad |
This processing module calculates the scalar gradient field and writes it to a surface output file. More... | |
class | ProcessSpherigon |
class | ProcessTetSplit |
This processing module calculates the Jacobian of elements using SpatialDomains::GeomFactors and the Element::GetGeom method. For now it simply prints a list of elements which have negative Jacobian. More... | |
class | ProcessVorticity |
This processing module calculates the vorticity and adds it as an extra-field to the output file. More... | |
class | ProcessWSS |
This processing module calculates the wall shear stress and adds it as an extra-field to the output file, and writes it to a surface output file. More... | |
class | Pyramid |
A 3-dimensional square-based pyramidic element. More... | |
class | Quadrilateral |
A 2-dimensional four-sided element. More... | |
struct | SplitEdgeHelper |
struct | SplitMapHelper |
struct | TetOrient |
struct | TetOrientHash |
class | Tetrahedron |
A 3-dimensional four-faced element. More... | |
class | Triangle |
A 2-dimensional three-sided element. More... | |
struct | TriFaceHash |
struct | TriFaceIDs |
Typedefs | |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Field > | FieldSharedPtr |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< InputModule > | InputModuleSharedPtr |
typedef pair< ModuleType, string > | ModuleKey |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Module > | ModuleSharedPtr |
typedef LibUtilities::NekFactory< ModuleKey, Module, FieldSharedPtr > | ModuleFactory |
typedef boost::unordered_map< TriFaceIDs, int, TriFaceHash > | TriFaceMap |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Iso > | IsoSharedPtr |
typedef HOTriangle< NodeSharedPtr > | HOSurf |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< HOSurf > | HOSurfSharedPtr |
typedef boost::unordered_set< HOSurfSharedPtr, HOSurfHash > | HOSurfSet |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< InputPly > | InputPlySharedPtr |
typedef boost::unordered_set< struct TetOrient, TetOrientHash > | TetOrientSet |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Element > | ElementSharedPtr |
Shared pointer to an element. More... | |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Node > | NodeSharedPtr |
Shared pointer to a Node. More... | |
typedef boost::unordered_set< NodeSharedPtr, NodeHash > | NodeSet |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Edge > | EdgeSharedPtr |
Shared pointer to an edge. More... | |
typedef boost::unordered_set< EdgeSharedPtr, EdgeHash > | EdgeSet |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Face > | FaceSharedPtr |
Shared pointer to a face. More... | |
typedef boost::unordered_set< FaceSharedPtr, FaceHash > | FaceSet |
typedef std::map< unsigned int, std::vector< ElementSharedPtr > > | ElementMap |
Container for elements; key is expansion dimension, value is vector of elements of that dimension. More... | |
typedef Nektar::LibUtilities::NekFactory< LibUtilities::ShapeType, Element, ElmtConfig, std::vector< NodeSharedPtr >, std::vector< int > > | ElementFactory |
Element factory definition. More... | |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Composite > | CompositeSharedPtr |
Shared pointer to a composite. More... | |
typedef std::map< unsigned int, CompositeSharedPtr > | CompositeMap |
Container of composites; key is the composite id, value is the composite. More... | |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Condition > | ConditionSharedPtr |
typedef std::map< int, ConditionSharedPtr > | ConditionMap |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Mesh > | MeshSharedPtr |
Shared pointer to a mesh. More... | |
typedef map< int, pair< FaceSharedPtr, vector< int > > > | PerMap |
typedef std::pair< int, int > | ipair |
Enumerations | |
enum | ModuleType { eInputModule, eProcessModule, eOutputModule, SIZE_ModuleType, eInputModule, eProcessModule, eOutputModule, SIZE_ModuleType } |
enum | TecOutType { eFullBlockZone, eFullBlockZoneEquiSpaced, eSeperateZones } |
enum | NekCurve { eFile, eRecon } |
enum | ConditionType { eDirichlet, eNeumann, eRobin, ePeriodic, eHOPCondition, SIZE_ConditionType } |
enum | ModuleType { eInputModule, eProcessModule, eOutputModule, SIZE_ModuleType, eInputModule, eProcessModule, eOutputModule, SIZE_ModuleType } |
Functions | |
ModuleFactory & | GetModuleFactory () |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ModuleKey &rhs) |
bool | operator== (TriFaceIDs const &p1, TriFaceIDs const &p2) |
void | TwoPairs (Array< OneD, NekDouble > &cx, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &cy, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &cz, int &pr) |
void | ThreeSimilar (const int i, const int j, const int k, int &pr, int &ps) |
bool | operator== (const IsoVertex &x, const IsoVertex &y) |
bool | operator!= (const IsoVertex &x, const IsoVertex &y) |
bool | same (NekDouble x1, NekDouble y1, NekDouble z1, NekDouble x2, NekDouble y2, NekDouble z2) |
std::vector< int > | quadTensorNodeOrdering (const std::vector< int > &nodes, int n) |
Reorder a quadrilateral to appear in Nektar++ ordering from Gmsh. More... | |
std::vector< int > | triTensorNodeOrdering (const std::vector< int > &nodes, int n) |
bool | operator== (HOSurfSharedPtr const &p1, HOSurfSharedPtr const &p2) |
Compares two HOSurf objects referred to as shared pointers. More... | |
static void | PrismLineFaces (int prismid, map< int, int > &facelist, vector< vector< int > > &FacesToPrisms, vector< vector< int > > &PrismsToFaces, vector< bool > &PrismDone) |
static void | PrismLineFaces (int prismid, map< int, int > &facelist, vector< vector< int > > &FacesToPrisms, vector< vector< int > > &PrismsToFaces, vector< bool > &PrismDone) |
ElementFactory & | GetElementFactory () |
bool | operator== (ConditionSharedPtr const &c1, ConditionSharedPtr const &c2) |
Test equality of two conditions - i.e. compare types, fields and values but not composite ids. More... | |
bool | operator== (NodeSharedPtr const &p1, NodeSharedPtr const &p2) |
Defines equality between two NodeSharedPtr objects. More... | |
bool | operator< (NodeSharedPtr const &p1, NodeSharedPtr const &p2) |
Defines ordering between two NodeSharedPtr objects. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const NodeSharedPtr &n) |
bool | operator== (EdgeSharedPtr const &p1, EdgeSharedPtr const &p2) |
Defines equality of two edges (equal if IDs of end nodes match in either ordering). More... | |
bool | operator< (EdgeSharedPtr const &p1, EdgeSharedPtr const &p2) |
Defines ordering between two edges (based on ID of edges). More... | |
bool | operator== (FaceSharedPtr const &p1, FaceSharedPtr const &p2) |
Defines equality of two faces (equal if IDs of vertices are the same.) More... | |
bool | operator< (FaceSharedPtr const &p1, FaceSharedPtr const &p2) |
Defines ordering between two faces (depending on ID of faces). More... | |
bool | operator== (const struct TetOrient &a, const struct TetOrient &b) |
bool | operator== (ElmtConfig const &p1, ElmtConfig const &p2) |
int ** | helper2d (int lda, int arr[][2]) |
int ** | helper2d (int lda, int arr[][4]) |
Variables | |
const char *const | ModuleTypeMap [] |
NekDouble | SQ_PNT_TOL =1e-16 |
typedef std::map<unsigned int, CompositeSharedPtr> Nektar::Utilities::CompositeMap |
Container of composites; key is the composite id, value is the composite.
Definition at line 1065 of file MeshElements.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Composite> Nektar::Utilities::CompositeSharedPtr |
Shared pointer to a composite.
Definition at line 1062 of file MeshElements.h.
typedef std::map<int,ConditionSharedPtr> Nektar::Utilities::ConditionMap |
Definition at line 1097 of file MeshElements.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Condition> Nektar::Utilities::ConditionSharedPtr |
Definition at line 1096 of file MeshElements.h.
typedef boost::unordered_set<EdgeSharedPtr, EdgeHash> Nektar::Utilities::EdgeSet |
Definition at line 342 of file MeshElements.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Edge> Nektar::Utilities::EdgeSharedPtr |
Shared pointer to an edge.
Definition at line 318 of file MeshElements.h.
typedef Nektar::LibUtilities::NekFactory<LibUtilities::ShapeType, Element, ElmtConfig, std::vector<NodeSharedPtr>, std::vector<int> > Nektar::Utilities::ElementFactory |
Element factory definition.
Definition at line 1010 of file MeshElements.h.
typedef std::map<unsigned int, std::vector<ElementSharedPtr> > Nektar::Utilities::ElementMap |
Container for elements; key is expansion dimension, value is vector of elements of that dimension.
Definition at line 1007 of file MeshElements.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Element> Nektar::Utilities::ElementSharedPtr |
Shared pointer to an element.
Definition at line 63 of file MeshElements.h.
typedef boost::unordered_set<FaceSharedPtr, FaceHash> Nektar::Utilities::FaceSet |
Definition at line 574 of file MeshElements.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Face> Nektar::Utilities::FaceSharedPtr |
Shared pointer to a face.
Definition at line 550 of file MeshElements.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Field> Nektar::Utilities::FieldSharedPtr |
Definition at line 51 of file InputNek.h.
typedef boost::unordered_set<HOSurfSharedPtr, HOSurfHash> Nektar::Utilities::HOSurfSet |
Definition at line 78 of file InputNek.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<HOSurf> Nektar::Utilities::HOSurfSharedPtr |
Definition at line 52 of file InputNek.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<InputModule> Nektar::Utilities::InputModuleSharedPtr |
Definition at line 193 of file FieldConvert/Module.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<InputPly> Nektar::Utilities::InputPlySharedPtr |
Definition at line 65 of file InputPly.h.
typedef std::pair<int,int> Nektar::Utilities::ipair |
Definition at line 54 of file ProcessTetSplit.cpp.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Iso> Nektar::Utilities::IsoSharedPtr |
Definition at line 186 of file ProcessIsoContour.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Mesh> Nektar::Utilities::MeshSharedPtr |
Shared pointer to a mesh.
Definition at line 1147 of file MeshElements.h.
typedef LibUtilities::NekFactory< ModuleKey, Module, MeshSharedPtr > Nektar::Utilities::ModuleFactory |
Definition at line 228 of file FieldConvert/Module.h.
typedef std::pair< ModuleType, std::string > Nektar::Utilities::ModuleKey |
Definition at line 223 of file FieldConvert/Module.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Module > Nektar::Utilities::ModuleSharedPtr |
Definition at line 226 of file FieldConvert/Module.h.
typedef boost::unordered_set<NodeSharedPtr, NodeHash> Nektar::Utilities::NodeSet |
Definition at line 218 of file MeshElements.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Node> Nektar::Utilities::NodeSharedPtr |
Shared pointer to a Node.
Definition at line 195 of file MeshElements.h.
typedef map<int, pair<FaceSharedPtr, vector<int> > > Nektar::Utilities::PerMap |
Definition at line 67 of file MeshConvert/Module.h.
typedef boost::unordered_set<struct TetOrient, TetOrientHash> Nektar::Utilities::TetOrientSet |
Definition at line 1158 of file MeshElements.cpp.
typedef boost::unordered_map<TriFaceIDs, int, TriFaceHash> Nektar::Utilities::TriFaceMap |
Definition at line 100 of file ProcessDisplacement.cpp.
Enumeration of condition types (Dirichlet, Neumann, etc).
Enumerator | |
eDirichlet | |
eNeumann | |
eRobin | |
ePeriodic | |
eHOPCondition | |
SIZE_ConditionType |
Definition at line 1070 of file MeshElements.h.
Denotes different types of mesh converter modules: so far only input, output and process modules are defined.
Enumerator | |
eInputModule | |
eProcessModule | |
eOutputModule | |
SIZE_ModuleType | |
eInputModule | |
eProcessModule | |
eOutputModule | |
SIZE_ModuleType |
Definition at line 53 of file MeshConvert/Module.h.
Denotes different types of mesh converter modules: so far only input, output and process modules are defined.
Enumerator | |
eInputModule | |
eProcessModule | |
eOutputModule | |
SIZE_ModuleType | |
eInputModule | |
eProcessModule | |
eOutputModule | |
SIZE_ModuleType |
Definition at line 64 of file FieldConvert/Module.h.
Enumerator | |
eFile | |
eRecon |
Definition at line 45 of file InputNek.h.
Enumerator | |
eFullBlockZone | |
eFullBlockZoneEquiSpaced | |
eSeperateZones |
Definition at line 47 of file OutputTecplot.h.
ElementFactory & Nektar::Utilities::GetElementFactory | ( | ) |
Definition at line 60 of file MeshElements.cpp.
Referenced by Nektar::Utilities::InputTec::GenElement2D(), Nektar::Utilities::InputStar::GenElement2D(), Nektar::Utilities::InputTec::GenElement3D(), Nektar::Utilities::InputStar::GenElement3D(), Nektar::Utilities::InputSem::insertEdge(), Nektar::Utilities::InputSem::Process(), Nektar::Utilities::InputNekpp::Process(), Nektar::Utilities::InputGmsh::Process(), Nektar::Utilities::InputSwan::Process(), Nektar::Utilities::InputVtk::Process(), Nektar::Utilities::ProcessSpherigon::Process(), Nektar::Utilities::ProcessDetectSurf::Process(), Nektar::Utilities::ProcessTetSplit::Process(), Nektar::Utilities::ProcessBL::Process(), Nektar::Utilities::InputNek::Process(), Nektar::Utilities::InputPly::ReadPly(), and Nektar::Utilities::Module::ReorderPrisms().
ModuleFactory & Nektar::Utilities::GetModuleFactory | ( | ) |
Returns an instance of the module factory, held as a singleton.
Definition at line 49 of file FieldConvert/Module.cpp.
Referenced by main().
int** Nektar::Utilities::helper2d | ( | int | lda, |
int | arr[][2] | ||
) |
Definition at line 59 of file ProcessBL.cpp.
Referenced by Nektar::Utilities::ProcessBL::Process().
int** Nektar::Utilities::helper2d | ( | int | lda, |
int | arr[][4] | ||
) |
Definition at line 71 of file ProcessBL.cpp.
Definition at line 644 of file ProcessIsoContour.cpp.
References Nektar::Utilities::IsoVertex::m_x, Nektar::Utilities::IsoVertex::m_y, and Nektar::Utilities::IsoVertex::m_z.
bool Nektar::Utilities::operator< | ( | NodeSharedPtr const & | p1, |
NodeSharedPtr const & | p2 | ||
) |
Defines ordering between two NodeSharedPtr objects.
Definition at line 162 of file MeshElements.cpp.
bool Nektar::Utilities::operator< | ( | EdgeSharedPtr const & | p1, |
EdgeSharedPtr const & | p2 | ||
) |
Defines ordering between two edges (based on ID of edges).
Definition at line 186 of file MeshElements.cpp.
bool Nektar::Utilities::operator< | ( | FaceSharedPtr const & | p1, |
FaceSharedPtr const & | p2 | ||
) |
Defines ordering between two faces (depending on ID of faces).
Definition at line 213 of file MeshElements.cpp.
std::ostream & Nektar::Utilities::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const ModuleKey & | rhs | ||
) |
Prints a given module key to a stream.
Definition at line 61 of file FieldConvert/Module.cpp.
References ModuleTypeMap.
std::ostream & Nektar::Utilities::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const NodeSharedPtr & | n | ||
) |
Definition at line 167 of file MeshElements.cpp.
bool Nektar::Utilities::operator== | ( | ElmtConfig const & | p1, |
ElmtConfig const & | p2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 60 of file OutputGmsh.h.
References Nektar::Utilities::ElmtConfig::m_e, Nektar::Utilities::ElmtConfig::m_faceNodes, Nektar::Utilities::ElmtConfig::m_order, and Nektar::Utilities::ElmtConfig::m_volumeNodes.
bool Nektar::Utilities::operator== | ( | TriFaceIDs const & | p1, |
TriFaceIDs const & | p2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 81 of file ProcessDisplacement.cpp.
References Nektar::Utilities::TriFaceIDs::a, Nektar::Utilities::TriFaceIDs::b, and Nektar::Utilities::TriFaceIDs::c.
bool Nektar::Utilities::operator== | ( | ConditionSharedPtr const & | c1, |
ConditionSharedPtr const & | c2 | ||
) |
Test equality of two conditions - i.e. compare types, fields and values but not composite ids.
Definition at line 126 of file MeshElements.cpp.
bool Nektar::Utilities::operator== | ( | NodeSharedPtr const & | p1, |
NodeSharedPtr const & | p2 | ||
) |
Defines equality between two NodeSharedPtr objects.
Definition at line 154 of file MeshElements.cpp.
bool Nektar::Utilities::operator== | ( | EdgeSharedPtr const & | p1, |
EdgeSharedPtr const & | p2 | ||
) |
Defines equality of two edges (equal if IDs of end nodes match in either ordering).
Definition at line 177 of file MeshElements.cpp.
bool Nektar::Utilities::operator== | ( | FaceSharedPtr const & | p1, |
FaceSharedPtr const & | p2 | ||
) |
Defines equality of two faces (equal if IDs of vertices are the same.)
Definition at line 195 of file MeshElements.cpp.
References Nektar::StdRegions::find(), and Nektar::iterator.
Definition at line 637 of file ProcessIsoContour.cpp.
References Nektar::Utilities::IsoVertex::m_x, Nektar::Utilities::IsoVertex::m_y, and Nektar::Utilities::IsoVertex::m_z.
bool Nektar::Utilities::operator== | ( | HOSurfSharedPtr const & | p1, |
HOSurfSharedPtr const & | p2 | ||
) |
Compares two HOSurf objects referred to as shared pointers.
Two HOSurf objects are defined to be equal if they contain identical vertex ids contained in HOSurf::vertId.
Definition at line 1086 of file InputNek.cpp.
Definition at line 1160 of file MeshElements.cpp.
References Nektar::Utilities::TetOrient::nid.
static |
Definition at line 423 of file InputStar.cpp.
Referenced by PrismLineFaces(), Nektar::Utilities::InputStar::ResetNodes(), and Nektar::Utilities::InputTec::ResetNodes().
static |
Definition at line 647 of file InputStarTec.cpp.
References PrismLineFaces().
std::vector<int> Nektar::Utilities::quadTensorNodeOrdering | ( | const std::vector< int > & | nodes, |
int | n | ||
) |
Reorder a quadrilateral to appear in Nektar++ ordering from Gmsh.
Definition at line 59 of file InputGmsh.cpp.
Referenced by Nektar::Utilities::InputGmsh::HexReordering(), and Nektar::Utilities::InputGmsh::QuadReordering().
bool Nektar::Utilities::same | ( | NekDouble | x1, |
NekDouble | y1, | ||
NekDouble | z1, | ||
NekDouble | x2, | ||
NekDouble | y2, | ||
NekDouble | z2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 651 of file ProcessIsoContour.cpp.
Referenced by Nektar::SpatialDomains::GeomFactors::ComputeDeriv(), and Nektar::Utilities::Iso::globalcondense().
void Nektar::Utilities::ThreeSimilar | ( | const int | i, |
const int | j, | ||
const int | k, | ||
int & | pr, | ||
int & | ps | ||
) |
Definition at line 227 of file ProcessIsoContour.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by Nektar::Utilities::ProcessIsoContour::ExtractContour().
std::vector<int> Nektar::Utilities::triTensorNodeOrdering | ( | const std::vector< int > & | nodes, |
int | n | ||
) |
Definition at line 107 of file InputGmsh.cpp.
Referenced by Nektar::Utilities::InputGmsh::TetReordering(), and Nektar::Utilities::InputGmsh::TriReordering().
void Nektar::Utilities::TwoPairs | ( | Array< OneD, NekDouble > & | cx, |
Array< OneD, NekDouble > & | cy, | ||
Array< OneD, NekDouble > & | cz, | ||
int & | pr | ||
) |
Definition at line 195 of file ProcessIsoContour.cpp.
Referenced by Nektar::Utilities::ProcessIsoContour::ExtractContour().
const char *const Nektar::Utilities::ModuleTypeMap |
Definition at line 72 of file FieldConvert/Module.h.
Referenced by operator<<().
NekDouble Nektar::Utilities::SQ_PNT_TOL =1e-16 |
Definition at line 634 of file ProcessIsoContour.cpp.