62 const std::shared_ptr<AssemblyMap> &pLocToGloMap);
122 const int pNumDir)
Describe a linear system.
A PETSc global linear system.
Vec m_x
PETSc vector objects used for local storage.
PETScMatMult m_matMult
Enumerator to select matrix multiplication type.
static void DoNekppOperation(Vec &in, Vec &out, ShellCtx *ctx, bool precon)
Perform either matrix multiplication or preconditioning using Nektar++ routines.
std::vector< int > m_reorderedMap
Reordering that takes universal IDs to a unique row in the PETSc matrix.
void SetUpScatter()
Set up PETSc local (equivalent to Nektar++ global) and global (equivalent to universal) scatter maps.
virtual void v_DoMatrixMultiply(const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &pInput, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &pOutput)=0
Mat m_matrix
PETSc matrix object.
PreconditionerSharedPtr m_precon
static PetscErrorCode DoPreconditioner(PC pc, Vec in, Vec out)
Apply preconditioning using Nektar++ routines.
void SetUpSolver(NekDouble tolerance)
Set up KSP solver object.
GlobalLinSysPETSc(const GlobalLinSysKey &pKey, const std::weak_ptr< ExpList > &pExp, const std::shared_ptr< AssemblyMap > &pLocToGloMap)
Constructor for full direct matrix solve.
~GlobalLinSysPETSc() override
Clean up PETSc objects.
static std::string matMult
static PetscErrorCode DoMatrixMultiply(Mat M, Vec in, Vec out)
Perform matrix multiplication using Nektar++ routines.
void SetUpMatVec(int nGlobal, int nDir)
Construct PETSc matrix and vector handles.
static PetscErrorCode DoDestroyMatCtx(Mat M)
Destroy matrix shell context object.
VecScatter m_ctx
PETSc scatter context that takes us between Nektar++ global ordering and PETSc vector ordering.
static std::string matMultIds[]
PC m_pc
PCShell for preconditioner.
void CalculateReordering(const Array< OneD, const int > &glo2uniMap, const Array< OneD, const int > &glo2unique, const AssemblyMapSharedPtr &pLocToGloMap)
Calculate a reordering of universal IDs for PETSc.
void v_SolveLinearSystem(const int pNumRows, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &pInput, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &pOutput, const AssemblyMapSharedPtr &locToGloMap, const int pNumDir) override
Solve linear system using PETSc.
KSP m_ksp
KSP object that represents solver system.
static PetscErrorCode DoDestroyPCCtx(PC pc)
Destroy preconditioner context object.
int m_nLocal
Number of unique degrees of freedom on this process.
std::shared_ptr< Preconditioner > PreconditionerSharedPtr
std::shared_ptr< AssemblyMap > AssemblyMapSharedPtr
Internal struct for MatShell and PCShell calls to store current context for callback.
int nDir
Number of Dirichlet degrees of freedom.
int nGlobal
Number of global degrees of freedom.
GlobalLinSysPETSc * linSys
Pointer to the original calling object.