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Nektar::HLLSolver Class Reference

#include <HLLSolver.h>

Inheritance diagram for Nektar::HLLSolver:

Static Public Member Functions

static RiemannSolverSharedPtr create (const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr &pSession)
static RiemannSolverSharedPtr create (const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr &pSession)

Static Public Attributes

static std::string solverName

Protected Member Functions

 HLLSolver (const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr &pSession)
void v_PointSolve (double rhoL, double rhouL, double rhovL, double rhowL, double EL, double rhoR, double rhouR, double rhovR, double rhowR, double ER, double &rhof, double &rhouf, double &rhovf, double &rhowf, double &Ef) override
 HLL Riemann solver. More...
 HLLSolver (const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr &pSession)
void v_PointSolve (NekDouble hL, NekDouble huL, NekDouble hvL, NekDouble hR, NekDouble huR, NekDouble hvR, NekDouble &hf, NekDouble &huf, NekDouble &hvf) override
 HLL Riemann solver for the Nonlinear Shallow Water Equations. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Nektar::CompressibleSolver
 CompressibleSolver (const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr &pSession)
 Session ctor. More...
 CompressibleSolver ()
 Programmatic ctor. More...
void v_Solve (const int nDim, const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, ND > > &Fwd, const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, ND > > &Bwd, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, ND > > &flux) override
virtual void v_ArraySolve (const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, ND > > &Fwd, const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, ND > > &Bwd, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, ND > > &flux)
virtual void v_PointSolve (ND rhoL, ND rhouL, ND rhovL, ND rhowL, ND EL, ND rhoR, ND rhouR, ND rhovR, ND rhowR, ND ER, ND &rhof, ND &rhouf, ND &rhovf, ND &rhowf, ND &Ef)
ND GetRoeSoundSpeed (ND rhoL, ND pL, ND eL, ND HL, ND srL, ND rhoR, ND pR, ND eR, ND HR, ND srR, ND HRoe, ND URoe2, ND srLR)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Nektar::SolverUtils::RiemannSolver
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT RiemannSolver (const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr &pSession)
virtual SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT ~RiemannSolver ()
virtual void v_Solve (const int nDim, const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &Fwd, const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &Bwd, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &flux)=0
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void GenerateRotationMatrices (const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &normals)
 Generate rotation matrices for 3D expansions. More...
void FromToRotation (Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &from, Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &to, NekDouble *mat)
 A function for creating a rotation matrix that rotates a vector from into another vector to. More...
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void rotateToNormal (const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &inarray, const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &normals, const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &vecLocs, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &outarray)
 Rotate a vector field to trace normal. More...
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void rotateFromNormal (const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &inarray, const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &normals, const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &vecLocs, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &outarray)
 Rotate a vector field from trace normal. More...
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT bool CheckScalars (std::string name)
 Determine whether a scalar has been defined in m_scalars. More...
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT bool CheckVectors (std::string name)
 Determine whether a vector has been defined in m_vectors. More...
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT bool CheckParams (std::string name)
 Determine whether a parameter has been defined in m_params. More...
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT bool CheckAuxScal (std::string name)
 Determine whether a scalar has been defined in m_auxScal. More...
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT bool CheckAuxVec (std::string name)
 Determine whether a vector has been defined in m_auxVec. More...
virtual SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void v_CalcFluxJacobian (const int nDim, const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &Fwd, const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &Bwd, const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &normals, DNekBlkMatSharedPtr &FJac, DNekBlkMatSharedPtr &BJac)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Nektar::NonlinearSWESolver
 NonlinearSWESolver (const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr &pSession)
void v_Solve (const int nDim, const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &Fwd, const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &Bwd, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &flux) override
virtual void v_ArraySolve (const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &Fwd, const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &Bwd, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &flux)
virtual void v_PointSolve (NekDouble hL, NekDouble huL, NekDouble hvL, NekDouble hR, NekDouble huR, NekDouble hvR, NekDouble &hf, NekDouble &huf, NekDouble &hvf)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Nektar::SolverUtils::RiemannSolver
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void Solve (const int nDim, const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &Fwd, const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &Bwd, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &flux)
 Perform the Riemann solve given the forwards and backwards spaces. More...
template<typename FuncPointerT , typename ObjectPointerT >
void SetScalar (std::string name, FuncPointerT func, ObjectPointerT obj)
void SetScalar (std::string name, RSScalarFuncType fp)
template<typename FuncPointerT , typename ObjectPointerT >
void SetVector (std::string name, FuncPointerT func, ObjectPointerT obj)
void SetVector (std::string name, RSVecFuncType fp)
template<typename FuncPointerT , typename ObjectPointerT >
void SetParam (std::string name, FuncPointerT func, ObjectPointerT obj)
void SetALEFlag (bool &ALE)
void SetParam (std::string name, RSParamFuncType fp)
template<typename FuncPointerT , typename ObjectPointerT >
void SetAuxScal (std::string name, FuncPointerT func, ObjectPointerT obj)
template<typename FuncPointerT , typename ObjectPointerT >
void SetAuxVec (std::string name, FuncPointerT func, ObjectPointerT obj)
void SetAuxVec (std::string name, RSVecFuncType fp)
std::map< std::string, RSScalarFuncType > & GetScalars ()
std::map< std::string, RSVecFuncType > & GetVectors ()
std::map< std::string, RSParamFuncType > & GetParams ()
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void CalcFluxJacobian (const int nDim, const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &Fwd, const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &Bwd, DNekBlkMatSharedPtr &FJac, DNekBlkMatSharedPtr &BJac)
 Calculate the flux jacobian of Fwd and Bwd. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from Nektar::SolverUtils::RiemannSolver
int m_spacedim
- Protected Types inherited from Nektar::CompressibleSolver
using ND = NekDouble
- Protected Attributes inherited from Nektar::CompressibleSolver
bool m_pointSolve
EquationOfStateSharedPtr m_eos
bool m_idealGas
- Protected Attributes inherited from Nektar::SolverUtils::RiemannSolver
bool m_requiresRotation
 Indicates whether the Riemann solver requires a rotation to be applied to the velocity fields. More...
std::map< std::string, RSScalarFuncTypem_scalars
 Map of scalar function types. More...
std::map< std::string, RSVecFuncTypem_vectors
 Map of vector function types. More...
std::map< std::string, RSParamFuncTypem_params
 Map of parameter function types. More...
std::map< std::string, RSScalarFuncTypem_auxScal
 Map of auxiliary scalar function types. More...
std::map< std::string, RSVecFuncTypem_auxVec
 Map of auxiliary vector function types. More...
Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > m_rotMat
 Rotation matrices for each trace quadrature point. More...
Array< OneD, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > > m_rotStorage
 Rotation storage. More...
bool m_ALESolver = false
 Flag if using the ALE formulation. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from Nektar::NonlinearSWESolver
bool m_pointSolve

Detailed Description

Definition at line 42 of file CompressibleFlowSolver/RiemannSolvers/HLLSolver.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HLLSolver() [1/2]

Nektar::HLLSolver::HLLSolver ( const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr pSession)

Definition at line 43 of file CompressibleFlowSolver/RiemannSolvers/HLLSolver.cpp.

44 : CompressibleSolver(pSession)
Programmatic ctor.

Referenced by create().

◆ HLLSolver() [2/2]

Nektar::HLLSolver::HLLSolver ( const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr pSession)

Member Function Documentation

◆ create() [1/2]

static RiemannSolverSharedPtr Nektar::HLLSolver::create ( const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr pSession)

Definition at line 45 of file CompressibleFlowSolver/RiemannSolvers/HLLSolver.h.

47 {
48 return RiemannSolverSharedPtr(new HLLSolver(pSession));
49 }
HLLSolver(const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr &pSession)
std::shared_ptr< RiemannSolver > RiemannSolverSharedPtr
A shared pointer to an EquationSystem object.

References HLLSolver().

◆ create() [2/2]

static RiemannSolverSharedPtr Nektar::HLLSolver::create ( const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr pSession)

Definition at line 45 of file ShallowWaterSolver/RiemannSolvers/HLLSolver.h.

47 {
48 return RiemannSolverSharedPtr(new HLLSolver(pSession));
49 }

References HLLSolver().

◆ v_PointSolve() [1/2]

void Nektar::HLLSolver::v_PointSolve ( double  rhoL,
double  rhouL,
double  rhovL,
double  rhowL,
double  EL,
double  rhoR,
double  rhouR,
double  rhovR,
double  rhowR,
double  ER,
double &  rhof,
double &  rhouf,
double &  rhovf,
double &  rhowf,
double &  Ef 

HLL Riemann solver.

rhoLDensity left state.
rhoRDensity right state.
rhouLx-momentum component left state.
rhouRx-momentum component right state.
rhovLy-momentum component left state.
rhovRy-momentum component right state.
rhowLz-momentum component left state.
rhowRz-momentum component right state.
ELEnergy left state.
EREnergy right state.
rhofComputed Riemann flux for density.
rhoufComputed Riemann flux for x-momentum component
rhovfComputed Riemann flux for y-momentum component
rhowfComputed Riemann flux for z-momentum component
EfComputed Riemann flux for energy.

Reimplemented from Nektar::CompressibleSolver.

Definition at line 67 of file CompressibleFlowSolver/RiemannSolvers/HLLSolver.cpp.

73 // Left and Right velocities
74 NekDouble uL = rhouL / rhoL;
75 NekDouble vL = rhovL / rhoL;
76 NekDouble wL = rhowL / rhoL;
77 NekDouble uR = rhouR / rhoR;
78 NekDouble vR = rhovR / rhoR;
79 NekDouble wR = rhowR / rhoR;
81 // Internal energy (per unit mass)
82 NekDouble eL = (EL - 0.5 * (rhouL * uL + rhovL * vL + rhowL * wL)) / rhoL;
83 NekDouble eR = (ER - 0.5 * (rhouR * uR + rhovR * vR + rhowR * wR)) / rhoR;
84 // Pressure
85 NekDouble pL = m_eos->GetPressure(rhoL, eL);
86 NekDouble pR = m_eos->GetPressure(rhoR, eR);
87 // Speed of sound
88 NekDouble cL = m_eos->GetSoundSpeed(rhoL, eL);
89 NekDouble cR = m_eos->GetSoundSpeed(rhoR, eR);
91 // Left and right total enthalpy
92 NekDouble HL = (EL + pL) / rhoL;
93 NekDouble HR = (ER + pR) / rhoR;
95 // Square root of rhoL and rhoR.
96 NekDouble srL = sqrt(rhoL);
97 NekDouble srR = sqrt(rhoR);
98 NekDouble srLR = srL + srR;
100 // Roe average state
101 NekDouble uRoe = (srL * uL + srR * uR) / srLR;
102 NekDouble vRoe = (srL * vL + srR * vR) / srLR;
103 NekDouble wRoe = (srL * wL + srR * wR) / srLR;
104 NekDouble URoe2 = uRoe * uRoe + vRoe * vRoe + wRoe * wRoe;
105 NekDouble HRoe = (srL * HL + srR * HR) / srLR;
106 NekDouble cRoe = GetRoeSoundSpeed(rhoL, pL, eL, HL, srL, rhoR, pR, eR, HR,
107 srR, HRoe, URoe2, srLR);
109 // Maximum wave speeds
110 NekDouble SL = std::min(uL - cL, uRoe - cRoe);
111 NekDouble SR = std::max(uR + cR, uRoe + cRoe);
113 // HLL Riemann fluxes (positive case)
114 if (SL >= 0)
115 {
116 rhof = rhouL;
117 rhouf = rhouL * uL + pL;
118 rhovf = rhouL * vL;
119 rhowf = rhouL * wL;
120 Ef = uL * (EL + pL);
121 }
122 // HLL Riemann fluxes (negative case)
123 else if (SR <= 0)
124 {
125 rhof = rhouR;
126 rhouf = rhouR * uR + pR;
127 rhovf = rhouR * vR;
128 rhowf = rhouR * wR;
129 Ef = uR * (ER + pR);
130 }
131 // HLL Riemann fluxes (general case (SL < 0 | SR > 0)
132 else
133 {
134 NekDouble tmp1 = 1.0 / (SR - SL);
135 NekDouble tmp2 = SR * SL;
136 rhof = (SR * rhouL - SL * rhouR + tmp2 * (rhoR - rhoL)) * tmp1;
137 rhouf = (SR * (rhouL * uL + pL) - SL * (rhouR * uR + pR) +
138 tmp2 * (rhouR - rhouL)) *
139 tmp1;
140 rhovf =
141 (SR * rhouL * vL - SL * rhouR * vR + tmp2 * (rhovR - rhovL)) * tmp1;
142 rhowf =
143 (SR * rhouL * wL - SL * rhouR * wR + tmp2 * (rhowR - rhowL)) * tmp1;
144 Ef = (SR * uL * (EL + pL) - SL * uR * (ER + pR) + tmp2 * (ER - EL)) *
145 tmp1;
146 }
ND GetRoeSoundSpeed(ND rhoL, ND pL, ND eL, ND HL, ND srL, ND rhoR, ND pR, ND eR, ND HR, ND srR, ND HRoe, ND URoe2, ND srLR)
EquationOfStateSharedPtr m_eos
double NekDouble
scalarT< T > sqrt(scalarT< T > in)
Definition: scalar.hpp:294

References Nektar::CompressibleSolver::GetRoeSoundSpeed(), Nektar::CompressibleSolver::m_eos, and tinysimd::sqrt().

◆ v_PointSolve() [2/2]

void Nektar::HLLSolver::v_PointSolve ( NekDouble  hL,
NekDouble  huL,
NekDouble  hvL,
NekDouble  hR,
NekDouble  huR,
NekDouble  hvR,
NekDouble hf,
NekDouble huf,
NekDouble hvf 

HLL Riemann solver for the Nonlinear Shallow Water Equations.

hLWater depth left state.
hRWater depth right state.
huLx-momentum component left state.
huRx-momentum component right state.
hvLy-momentum component left state.
hvRy-momentum component right state.
hfComputed Riemann flux for density.
hufComputed Riemann flux for x-momentum component
hvfComputed Riemann flux for y-momentum component

Reimplemented from Nektar::NonlinearSWESolver.

Definition at line 61 of file ShallowWaterSolver/RiemannSolvers/HLLSolver.cpp.

65 static NekDouble g = m_params["gravity"]();
67 // Left and Right velocities
68 NekDouble uL = huL / hL;
69 NekDouble vL = hvL / hL;
70 NekDouble uR = huR / hR;
71 NekDouble vR = hvR / hR;
73 // Left and right wave speeds
74 NekDouble cL = sqrt(g * hL);
75 NekDouble cR = sqrt(g * hR);
77 // the two-rarefaction wave assumption
78 NekDouble hstar, fL, fR;
79 hstar = 0.5 * (cL + cR) + 0.25 * (uL - uR);
80 hstar *= hstar;
81 hstar *= (1.0 / g);
83 // Compute SL
84 NekDouble SL;
85 if (hstar > hL)
86 {
87 SL = uL - cL * sqrt(0.5 * ((hstar * hstar + hstar * hL) / (hL * hL)));
88 }
89 else
90 {
91 SL = uL - cL;
92 }
94 // Compute SR
95 NekDouble SR;
96 if (hstar > hR)
97 {
98 SR = uR + cR * sqrt(0.5 * ((hstar * hstar + hstar * hR) / (hR * hR)));
99 }
100 else
101 {
102 SR = uR + cR;
103 }
105 if (SL >= 0)
106 {
107 hf = hL * uL;
108 huf = uL * uL * hL + 0.5 * g * hL * hL;
109 hvf = hL * uL * vL;
110 }
111 else if (SR <= 0)
112 {
113 hf = hR * uR;
114 huf = uR * uR * hR + 0.5 * g * hR * hR;
115 hvf = hR * uR * vR;
116 }
117 else
118 {
119 hf = (SR * hL * uL - SL * hR * uR + SL * SR * (hR - hL)) / (SR - SL);
120 fL = uL * uL * hL + 0.5 * g * hL * hL;
121 fR = uR * uR * hR + 0.5 * g * hR * hR;
122 huf = (SR * fL - SL * fR + SL * SR * (hR * uR - hL * uL)) / (SR - SL);
123 fL = uL * vL * hL;
124 fR = uR * vR * hR;
125 hvf = (SR * fL - SL * fR + SL * SR * (hR * vR - hL * vL)) / (SR - SL);
126 }
std::map< std::string, RSParamFuncType > m_params
Map of parameter function types.

References tinysimd::sqrt().

Member Data Documentation

◆ solverName

static std::string Nektar::HLLSolver::solverName
Initial value:
"HLL", HLLSolver::create, "HLL Riemann solver")
static RiemannSolverSharedPtr create(const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr &pSession)
tKey RegisterCreatorFunction(tKey idKey, CreatorFunction classCreator, std::string pDesc="")
Register a class with the factory.
RiemannSolverFactory & GetRiemannSolverFactory()

Definition at line 51 of file CompressibleFlowSolver/RiemannSolvers/HLLSolver.h.