Chapter 5
You should be now familiar with the following topics:
- Generate a simple mesh in Gmsh and convert it in a Nektar++-compatible format;
- Visualise the mesh in Paraview;
- Setup the initial and boundary conditions, the parameters and the solver settings;
- Run the ADR solver; and
- Post-process the data in order to visualise results in Paraview.
5.1 Additional Exercises
- Increase the polynomial order and plot the L2 error vs. the polynomial order in a
semilogarithmic scale.
- Change the projection operator for a fixed polynomial order and look at the error.
- Increase the time-step for a fixed polynomial order and look at the error.
- If the solver is compiled with the MPI option, then try running the case in parallel
mpirun -np 2
- Change the Projection Operator to Continuous to see the same problem running
with a CG solver.
- Change the solver type to AdvectionDiffusion and CG to change the problem type.
You also need to update the AdvectionType to NonConservative.
Tip: To check the additional settings and parameters that can be used for this solver, check
the folder: $NEK/solvers/ADRSolver/Tests/ where you can find several tests associated to the
ADR solver.