. The parameters and properties needed for this are present in the file
in $NEKTUTORIAL/stability
. In this case the Arpack
library was used to
compute the largest eigenvalue of the system and the corresponding eigenmode. We
will compute the maximum growth for a time horizon of τ = 1, usually denoted
session for performing transient growth analysis:
to TransientGrowth
that is equal to 1 (this is the time horizon τ).
) to be the ratio between the final time and the
time step.
for the initial condition. This file contains an eigenmode of the system.Now run the simulation
IncNavierStokesSolver bfs_tg.xml
The terminal screen should look like this:
Initially, the solution will be evolved forward in time using the operator A , then backward in time through the adjoint operator A∗.
We can visualise graphically the optimal growth, recalling that the energy of the perturbation field at any given time t is defined by means of the inner product:
| (3.1) |
The solver can output the evolution of the energy of the perturbation in time by using the
filter (defined in the FILTERS
section of the XML file):
This will write the energy of the perturbation every 10 time steps to the file energy.mld
Repeating these simulations for different τ with the optimal initial perturbation as the initial
condition, it is possible to create a plot similar to figure 3.3. Each curve necessarily meets the
optimal growth envelope (denoted by the circles) at its corresponding value of τ, and never
exceeds it.
folder contains the files bfs_energy_tau01.xml
, as well as the pre-computed optimal initial condition for
τ = 20 (bfs_energy_tau20.rst
), with corresponding optimal growth of 2172.9.
Use your favourite plotting program (e.g. MATLAB or GNUPlot) to read in the files produced by the energy filter and plot the normalised energy growth curves.
driver. You should also use the Direct
evolution operator for this task, similar to the channel example.
Examine your plot. Verify the energy at time t = τ matches the optimal growth in each case. Now examine the plot at time t = 1. Note that although the overall energy growth for the τ = 20 curve is far greater than the corresponding τ = 1 curve, the τ = 1 curve has greater growth at t = τ = 1.