When processing large files it is not always convenient to run in parallel but process each
parallel partition in serial, for example when interpolating one field to another. To do this we
can use the –nprocs
and –procid
options. For example the following option will interpolate
partition 2 of a decomposition into 10 partitions of fiile2.xml
from file1.fld
This call will only provide part of the overall partition and so to create the full interpolated field you need to call a loop of such commands. For example in a bash shell you can run
This will create a directory called file2.fld
and put the different parallel partitions into files
with names P0000000.fld, P0000001.fld, ?., P0000009.fld
. This is nearly a complete
parallel field file but the Info.xml file which contains the information about which elements are
in each partitioned file P000000X.fld
. So to generate this Info.xml file you need to call
Note the final :info
extension on the last argument is necessary to tell FieldConvert that you
wish to generate an info file but the extension to this file is .xml. This syntax allows the
routine not to get confused with the input/output xml files.