In the following the possible options are shown for setting up a simulation using the incompressible Navier-Stokes.
The Expansions
are introduced generally in section 3.2. The Expansion
section for an
incompressible flow simulation can be set as for other solvers regardless of the projection type.
Here an example for a 3D simulation with all variables having a same polynomial order (for
2D simulations the specified fields would be just u,v,p
In case of a simulation using the Direct Solver we need to set FIELDS=u,v
as the pressure
expansion order will be automatically set to fulfil the inf-sup condition. Possible choices for
the expansion TYPE
Basis | TYPE |
Modal | MODIFIED |
For well resolved simulations it appears that often using the same polynomial space for the pressure and velocity does give suitable answer but this does not satisfy the so-called LBB or inf-sup condition. Therefore, it is potentially better to specify an equivalent of the Taylor Hood approximation and use one higher polynomial order for velocity than the pressure with a continuous expansion. To specify this type of expansion you can use an expansion section of the form:
In the above example the “u,v” fields are specified to have a polynomial order of 7 using a
modified expansion. Implicitly this form of the expansion definition uses a quadrature order of
9. The above definition then also uses a modified expansion for pressure but of polynomial
order 6. Since currently for this solver to run we need to use a consistent quadrature order for
both the velocity and pressure fields we specify the MODIFIEDQUADPLUS1
to tell the solver to
use an additional quadrature point and therefore also use 9 quadrature points in each 1D
direction for the pressure.
In other cases it is sometimes useful to run with an even higher quadrature order, for example to handle highly deformed elements where the Jacobian is represented by a polynomial expansion. This can be done by using a more detailed definition of the expansion of the form:
1 <EXPANSIONS> 2 <E COMPOSITE="C[0]" BASISTYPE="Modified_A,Modified_B" NUMMODES="8,8" POINTSTYPE="GaussLobattoLegendre,GaussRadauMAlpha1Beta0" NUMPOINTS="9,8" FIELDS="u,v" /> 3 <E COMPOSITE="C[0]" BASISTYPE="Modified_A,Modified_B" NUMMODES="7,7" POINTSTYPE="GaussLobattoLegendre,GaussRadauMAlpha1Beta0" NUMPOINTS="9,8" FIELDS="p" /> 4 </EXPANSIONS>
In this example we have specified an 8th order expansion for “u,v” and a 7th order expansion for “p”. The BasisType is given as “Modified_A, Modified_B” which is for a triangular expansion (note that for a quadrilateral expansion it would have been “Modified_A,Modified_A”) and so the number of quadrature points in this case is 9 in the first direction which uses Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points but only 8 in the second direction since this uses a Gauss-Radau formula with α = 1,β = 0 weights (see [22] for details).
Further information is also available in Section 3.2.
The first thing in setting up a simulation is to define what governing eqautions are to be
solved. This can be done using the EqType
tag in the SOLVERINFO
Possible values are:
Equations | EQTYPE | Dim. | Projections | Alg. |
Steady Stokes (SS) | SteadyStokes | All | CG | VCS |
Steady Oseen (SO) | SteadyOseen | All | CG | DS |
Unsteady Stokes (US) | UnsteadyStokes | All | CG | VCS |
Steady Linearised NS (SLNS) | SteadyLinearisedNS | All | CG | DS |
Unsteady Linearised NS (ULNS) | UnsteadyLinearisedNS | All | CG | VCS,DS |
Unsteady NS (UNS) | UnsteadyNavierStokes | All | CG,CG-DG | VCS |
For example, for solving the unsteady Navier-Stokes equations, the following should be
included inside the SOLVERINFO
Please note that, we will have only one SOLVERINFO
tags in the xml file which inclues all the
settings. If more than one SOLVERINFO
is defined in the xml session file, the last one will
override the previous ones and the settings could be lost or be overwritten with the
Depend on the type of the equations that will be solved, a consistent sovler scheme should be
defined in the SOLVERINFO
using SolverType
Available options are as shown next:
Algorithm | SolverType | Dimensions | Projections |
Velocity Correction Scheme (VCS) | VelocityCorrectionScheme | 2D, Quasi-3D, 3D | CG, CG-DG |
Implicit VCS | VCSImplicit | 2D and 3D | CG |
VCS with coordinate transformation | VCSMapping | 2D, Quasi-3d and 3D | CG, CG-DG |
VCS with weak pressure | VCSWeakPressure | 2D, Quasi-3D, 3D | CG, CG-DG |
Smoothed Profile Method (SPM) | SmoothedProfileMethod | 2D, Quasi-3D, 3D | CG, CG-DG |
Direct solver | CoupledLinearisedNS | 2D, Quasi-3D | CG |
For exmaple, for the unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes, using the VCS scheme otherwise
known as Velocity Correction Scheme, the follwoing should be added inside the SOLVERINFO
1<I PROPERTY="SolverType" VALUE="VelocityCorrectionScheme"/>
or if we want to improve the timestepping stability and hence being able to run with higher CFL condition, this could be done using the implicit VCS as:
1<I PROPERTY="SolverType" VALUE="VCSImplicit"/>
Along with setting the solver scheme, we need to set the following tags in SOLVERINFO
: this specifies the type of problem to be solved:
Driver | Description | Dimensions | Projections |
Standard | Time integration of the equations | All | CG, DG |
SteadyState | Steady-state solver (see Sec. 11.1.4) | All | CG, DG |
: sets the Galerkin projection type as
1<I PROPERTY="Projection" VALUE="Continuous"/>
Possible values are:
Galerkin Projection | Projection | Dimensions | Equations | Algorithms |
Continuous (CG) | Continuous | All | All | All |
Discontinuous (DG) | DisContinuous | All | ... | ... |
Mixed CG and DG (CG-DG) | Mixed_CG_Discontinuous | 2D,3D | just UNS | VCS-substepping |
: sets the time integration as
Possible values are
Time-Integration Scheme | Method | Order | Dimensions | Equations | Projections |
IMEX Order 1 | IMEX | 1 | all | US, UNS | CG |
IMEX Order 2 | IMEX | 2 | all | US, UNS | CG |
IMEX Order 3 | IMEX | 3 | all | US, UNS | CG |
Backward Euler | BackwardEuler | 1 | all | US, UNS | CG-DG |
BDF Order 1 | BDFImplicit | 1 | all | US, UNS | CG-DG |
BDF Order 2 | BDFImplicit | 2 | all | US, UNS | CG-DG |
: Specify the extrapolation method (standard or substepping) to be used
in velocity correction scheme. Essentially this activates the sub-stepping routine which
requires the mixed CG-DG projection
1<I PROPERTY="Extrapolation" VALUE="SubStepping"/>
Possible values are SubStepping
or Standard
with “Standard” being the default value if
nothing is specifiied.
: choose the substep DG time integration scheme so that a different
order schems can be used as compared to the overal time integraiton scheme.
1<I PROPERTY="SubStepIntScheme" VALUE="RungeKutta2_ImprovedEuler"/>
Possible values are
Time-Integration Scheme | SubStepIntScheme |
ForwardEuler, Order 1 | ForwardEuler, Order 1 |
RungeKutta, Order 2 | RungeKutta, Variant SSP, Order 2 |
This option is useful if you wish to use an overall scheme that is first order accurate for example with TimeIntegrationScheme as BDFImplicit Order 1 but using a second order RungeKutta, Variant SSP, Order 2 for greater stability in the substep.
: sets the approach we use to solve the the linear systems of the type
Ax = b appearing in the solution steps, such as the Poisson equation for the pressure, or
the velocity Helmholtz equation in the splitting-scheme. It can be globally set in section
1<I PROPERTY="GlobalSysSoln" VALUE="IterativeStaticCond"/>
Possible values are:
System solution | GlobalSysSoln | Parallel |
Direct Solver (DS) | DirectFull | quasi-3D |
DS with Static Condensation | DirectStaticCond | quasi-3D |
DS with Multilevel Static Condensation | DirectMultiLevelStaticCond | quasi-3D |
Iterative Solver (IS) | IterativeFull | quasi-3D |
IS with Static Condensation | IterativeStaticCond | quasi-3D, 3D |
IS with Multilevel Static Condensation | IterativeMultiLevelStaticCond | quasi-3D, 3D |
DS via Xxt | XxtFull | 2D, quasi-3D, 3D |
IS with Static Condensation via Xxt | XxtStaticCond | 2D, quasi-3D, 3D |
IS with Multilevel Static Condensation via Xxt | XxtMultiLevelStaticCond | 2D, quasi-3D, 3D |
DS via PETSc | PETScFull | 2D, quasi-3D, 3D |
IS with Static Condensation via PETSc | PETScStaticCond | 2D, quasi-3D, 3D |
IS with Multilevel Static Condensation via PETSc | PETScMultiLevelStaticCond | 2D, quasi-3D, 3D |
Default values are DirectMultiLevelStaticCond
in serial and IterativeStaticCond
parallel. More information on each solver can found in Section 3.4.5. For 2D problems
that run in parallel, it is recommended to use the XxtMultiLevelStaticCond
solver for all the flow variables. It is possible to specify a different solver and
preconditioner for each of the pressure and velocity components in a separate
section. If an Iterative Solver is used, then different tolerances
can be specified for each variable and whether the relative, or absolute error
is monitored. An efficient set-up for parallel simulations is presented below:
1<GLOBALSYSSOLNINFO> 2 <V VAR="u,v,w"> 3 <I PROPERTY="GlobalSysSoln" VALUE="IterativeStaticCond" /> 4 <I PROPERTY="Preconditioner" VALUE="LowEnergyBlock"/> 5 <I PROPERTY="AbsoluteTolerance" VALUE="True"/> 6 <I PROPERTY="IterativeSolverTolerance" VALUE="1e-2"/> 7 </V> 8 <V VAR="p"> 9 <I PROPERTY="GlobalSysSoln" VALUE="IterativeStaticCond" /> 10 <I PROPERTY="Preconditioner" VALUE="Diagonal"/> 11 <I PROPERTY="AbsoluteTolerance" VALUE="True"/> 12 <I PROPERTY="IterativeSolverTolerance" VALUE="1e-4"/> 13 </V> 14</GLOBALSYSSOLNINFO>
In case the relative error is tracked, where PROPERTY="AbsoluteTolerance"
(default setting), attention must be given on setting the
. As a guideline for setting the tolerances, some trial runs
are necessary. In more detail, the flag -v
needs to be used and read the information
provided by the solver. When the Conjugate Gradient solver is used, the tolerance, the
arithmetic error and the right-hand side magnitude(rhs_mag) is printed at every
time-step. Then, the rhs_mag needs to be multiplied by the arithmetic error
printed to express the stopping criteria for the Conjugate Gradient solver. If the
order of this product is too large, then the tolerance needs to be reduced. The
tolerance can reach values up to 1e - 15 depending on the problem size, mesh and
needs to be activated upon configuring the compilation.
There are various techniques and options available to stablise the simulation as explained in
this section. Should any of these options to be used, they are needed to be included in the
One source of instablity in the simulation could be related to aliasing. This can be overcome
using “Dealiasing” technique. The following options are available and if needed should be
included in the SOLVERINFO
section of the xml file.
: activates the 3/2 padding rule on the advection term of a
Quasi-3D simulation.
: activates the spectral/hp dealiasing to stabilize the simulation.
This method is based on the work of Kirby and Sherwin [7].
Spectral Vanishing Viscousity (SVV) activates a stabilization technique which increases the
viscosity on the modes with the highest frequencies. In the Nektar++
there are two kinds of
SVV are supported, one acts on the spectral/hp expansions and the other on the Fourier
expansions. Additionally, the SVV supports several different kernels as will be shortly
explained next.
To activate SVV for the spectral/hp expansions, i.e. in 2D and 3D simulaitons as well as the
xy domain in Quasi-3D simulations, the following should be included in the SOLVERINFO
1<I PROPERTY="SpectralVanishingViscosity" VALUE="True"/>
Using the VALUE="True"
will activates the Exponential Kernel
by default. There are indeed
tree kernels available as summarized next:
SVV Kernel | SpectralVanishingViscosity |
Exponential Kernel | True |
Power Kernel | PowerKernel |
DG Kernel | DGKernel |
The Exponential kernel is based on the work of Maday et al. [30], its extension to 2D can be found in [23]. A diffusion coefficient can be specified which defines the base magnitude of the viscosity; this parameter is scaled by h∕p. SVV viscosity is activated for expansion modes greater than the product of the cut-off ratio and the expansion order. The Power kernel is a smooth function with no cut-off frequency; it focusses on a narrower band of higher expansion modes as the polynomial order increases. The cut-off ratio parameter for the Power kernel corresponds to the power ratio, see Moura et al. [32].
It is recommended that for the spectral/hp SVV one uses DGKernel
as follows:
1<I PROPERTY="SpectralVanishingViscosity" VALUE="DGKernel"/>
also note that the DGKernel
is only supported for the spectral/hp expansions.
Using any of the SVV Kernels, the cut-off ratio and diffusion coefficient will be set by default.
However, as mentioned above these are could be modified by the user. For the DGKernel
, the
default diffusion coefficient is one and can be changed by setting the SVVDiffCoeff
tag. It is recommended that the defalut values for the DGKernel
won’t be changed, however, should the user wanted to changed it for exmaple, to
reduce the amount of the diffusion coefficient to “0.75”, this can be done as shown
1<P> SVVDiffCoeff = 0.75 </P>
For the Exponential Kernel
there are two parameters that can be adjusted. The first
parameter, i.e. SVVCutOffRatio
, controls the cut-off ratio and the second parameter is the
that controls the diffusion coefficient.
A practical hint especially for high-Reynolds number flows is that if the simulation is not very well stable using the default values of exponential kernel, one could start with the cut-off ratio around "0.5" and the diffusion coefficient of "1" and gradually increases the cut-off ratio and/or reducing the diffusion coefficient to get the stable solution with the least amount of dissipation.
In a Quasi-3D simulation, in addition to the spectral/hp modes, one can activate the
SVV for the Fourier expansions too. In this case, these two kinds of SVV can be
independently activated using the SpectralVanishingViscositySpectralHP
for spectral/hp
and SpectralVanishingViscosityHomo1D
for Forier expansions. Additionally, the
cut-off ratio and diffusion coefficients are also can be set independently. For the
spectral/hp this would be the same as explained before. For the Fourier expansions the
cut-off ratio and diffusion coefficient can be set using SVVCutoffRatioHomo1D
parameters respectively. These paramters need to be set in the
1<P> SVVDiffCoeff = 0.1 </P> 2<P> SVVCutOffRatio= 0.5 </P> 3<P> SVVDiffCoeffHomo1D = 0.1 </P> 4<P> SVVCutOffRatioHomo1D = 0.5 </P>
GJPStabilisation activates the gradient jump penalty[33] stabilization technique. The GJP is less dissipative than the spectral vanishing viscousity (SVV) stabilisation and gives a better turbulent structures specially when the simulaiton is under-resolved or in other words when the polynomial order is low. It is expected that with increasing the polynomial order and approaching towards a resolved solution both SVV and GJP stabilisation solutions approaches each other. Since the GJP is less dissipative than the SVV, it means that it probably requires a smaller Δt for the stable solution. Further, GJP only affects the spectral/hp discretisations and doesn’t have any stabilisation effect on the Fourier discritisation. This means that in the Quasi-3D simulations, if GJP is activated we still needs to use the SpectralVanishingViscousityHomo1D to stablise the solution in the spanwise direction which is discretised using the Fourier method. For the 2D and full 3D problems, GJP stabilisation should suffices though.
1<I PROPERTY="GJPStabilisation" VALUE="SemiImplicit"/>
Another option for the GJP stabilisation is to use Explicit
for its value instead of
. If the Explicit
value is set, there is an additional option that can be set for
the explicit GJP stabilisation in the solver info as follwos.
1<I PROPERTY="GJPNormalVelocity" VALUE="True"/>
Using the GJPNormalVelocity
, the GJP formulation will uses the average velocity normal to
the edge/face as the velocity scaling of jump term.
In Setting up the simulation, various parmeters can be used to set required parameters such as
TimeStep or determine the controls such as number of I/O. The following parameters can be
specified in the PARAMETERS
section of the session file. Note that some of these have
already been discussed in previous sections and only repeated here for the sake of
: sets the timestep for the integration in time formula.
: sets the number of time-steps.
: sets the number of steps between successive checkpoint files.
: sets the number of steps between successive info stats are printed
to screen.
: sets the cinematic viscosity coefficient formula.
: sets the CFL safety limit for the sub-stepping algorithm (default
value = 0.5).
: perform a minimum number of substeps in sub-stepping algorithm
(default is 1).
: perform a maxmimum number of substeps in sub-stepping algorithm
otherwise exit (default is 100).
: sets the ratio of Fourier frequency not affected by the SVV
technique (default value = 0.75, i.e. the first 75% of frequency are not damped).
: sets the SVV diffusion coefficient (default value = 0.1 (Exponential
and Power kernel), 1 (DG-Kernel)).
: This is a parameter that scales all of the jump terms in the GJP
stabilisation formualtion. The default value GJPJumpScale=1
: sets a treshold value for the CFL number. If CFL exceeds this
value, the flow field is written to file (only once). This is useful for debugging
purposes, allowing to visually inspect a flow field that is becoming unstable.
: sets the number of timesteps after
which IO_CFLWriteFld
becomes operational. This avoids writing the flow field at
the beginning of a simulation when initialising a new geometry.
The process of setting up the incompressible solver requires setting apropriate boundary conditions. This includes consistent pressure boundary conditions, outflow boundary conditions for truncated domains. Additionally, for the biomechanical simulaitons such as pulsatile flows, e.g. flow in arteries a specific type of boundary condition such as Wormersley conditions may be required. These boundary conditions are explained in this section.
In order to specify the pressure boundary conditions given by equation (11.4) or for the
equivalent conditions in the VCSWeakPressure scheme the USERDEFINEDTYPE
condition “H”
can be used. Therefore a zero velocity wall boundary condition on boundary region 0 in
two-dimensions can be specified as
The most straightforward outflow condition is to specify fully developed conditions of ∇un+1 ⋅n = 0 and p = 0 which can be specified as
However when energetic vortices pass through an outflow region one can experience instabilities as identified by the work of Dong, Karnidakis and Chryssostomidis [10]. In this paper they suggest to impose a pressure Dirichlet outflow condition of the form
(11.27) |
with a step function defined by So(n ⋅u) = (1 - tanh
), where u0 is the characteristic
velocity scale and δ is a non-dimensional positive constant chosen to be sufficiently small. fb is
the forcing term in this case the analytical conditions can be given but if these are not known
explicitly, it is set to zero, i.e. fb = 0. (see the test KovaFlow_m8_short_HOBC.xml
for a non-zero example). Note that in the paper [10] they define this term as the
negative of what is shown here so that it could be use used to impose a default
pressure values. This does however mean that the forcing term is imposed through the
velocity components u,v by specifying the entry
(An example can be found in
ChanFlow_m3_VCSWeakPress_ConOBC.xml). For the velocity component one can
(11.28) |
This condition can be enforced using the USERDEFINEDTYPE
“HOutflow”, i.e.
Note that in the moving body work of Bao et al. [4] some care must be made to identify when the flow over the boundary is incoming or outgoing and so a modification of the term
is replaced with
where the default values are given by θ = 1,α1 = 0,α2 = 0 and these values can be set through
the parameters OutflowBC_theta
, OutflowBC_alpha1
and OutflowBC_alpha2
Dong has also suggested convective like outflow conditions in [9] which can be enforced through a Robin type specification of the form
(11.29) |
= - | |||
- | (11.30) |
It is possible to define the time-dependent Womersley velocity profile for pulsatile flow in a pipe. The modulation of the velocity profile is based on the desired peak or centerline velocity which can be represented by a Fourier expansion Umax = A(ωn)eiωnt where A are the Fourier modes and ω the frequency. The womersely solution is then defined as:
where the womersley number α is defined:
and (n = 1 : N)are the Fourier coefficients scaled in the following way:
The Womersley velocity profile is implemented in the following way:
1<REGION REF="0"> 2 <D VAR="u" USERDEFINEDTYPE="Womersley:WomParams.xml" VALUE="0" /> 3 <D VAR="v" USERDEFINEDTYPE="Womersley:WomParams.xml" VALUE="0" /> 4 <D VAR="w" USERDEFINEDTYPE="Womersley:WomParams.xml" VALUE="0" /> 5 <N VAR="p" USERDEFINEDTYPE="H" VALUE="0" /> 6</REGION>
A file containing the Fourier coefficients, Ã, must be in the directory where the solver is called
from. The name of the file is defined by the string given in the attribute USERDEFINEDTYPE
after the “:” and contains the real and imaginary coefficients. This file has the format
1<NEKTAR> 2 <WOMERSLEYBC> 3 <WOMPARAMS> 4 <W PROPERTY="Radius" VALUE="0.5" /> 5 <W PROPERTY="Period" VALUE="1.0" /> 6 <W PROPERTY="axisnormal" VALUE="0.0,0.0,1.0" /> 7 <W PROPERTY="axispoint" VALUE="0.0,0.0,0.0" /> 8 </WOMPARAMS> 9 10 <FOURIERCOEFFS> 11 <F ID="0"> 0.600393641193, 0.0 </F> 12 <F ID="1"> -0.277707172935, 0.0767582715413 </F> 13 <F ID="2"> -0.0229953131146, 0.0760936232478 </F> 14 <F ID="3"> 0.00858135174058, 0.017089888642 </F> 15 <F ID="4"> 0.0140332527651, 0.0171575122496 </F> 16 <F ID="5"> 0.0156970122129, -0.00547357750345 </F> 17 <F ID="6"> 0.00473626554238, -0.00498786519876 </F> 18 <F ID="7"> 0.00204434981523, -0.00614566561937 </F> 19 <F ID="8"> -0.000274697215201, 0.000153571881197 </F> 20 <F ID="9"> -0.000148037910774, 2.68919619581e-05 </F> 21 </FOURIERCOEFFS> 22 </WOMERSLEYBC> 23</NEKTAR>
Each value of à is provided in the FOURIERCOEFFS
section and provided as separate entries
containing the real and imaginary components, i.e. the mean component provided above is
Similarly in the WOMPARAMS
section the key parameters of the boundary condition are also
provided as:
is the radius of the boundary.
is the cycle time period,
defines the normal direction to the boundary,
defines a coordinate in the boundary centre,
This force type allows the user to solve the interaction system of an incompressible fluid flowing past a flexible moving bodies [37]. By this forcing function, one can eliminate the difficulty of moving mesh by using body-fitted coordinates, so that an additional acceleration term(i.e., forcing term) is introduced to the momentum equations by the non-inertial transform from the deformed and moving coordinate system to non-deformed and stationary one.
1<FORCE TYPE="MovingBody"> 2</FORCE>
Available options of the motion type for the moving body include free, constrained
and forced vibrations, which can be specified in the TIMEINTEGRATIONSCHEME
section. The free type of motion allows the body to move in both streamwise
and crossflow directions, while the constrained type limits the motion only in the
crossflow direction. For the forced type, the vibration profiles of the body should be
specified as a given function or read from input file in MovingBody
section. For
1<TIMEINTEGRATIONSCHEME> 2 <METHOD> IMEX </METHOD> 3 <ORDER> 2 </ORDER> 4</TIMEINTEGRATIONSCHEME> 5 6<SOLVERINFO> 7 <I PROPERTY="EQTYPE" VALUE="UnsteadyNavierStokes" /> 8 <I PROPERTY="SolverType" VALUE="VelocityCorrectionScheme" /> 9 <I PROPERTY="EvolutionOperator" VALUE="SkewSymmetric" /> 10 <I PROPERTY="Projection" VALUE="Galerkin" /> 11 <I PROPERTY="GlobalSysSoln" VALUE="DirectStaticCond" /> 12 <I PROPERTY="HOMOGENEOUS" VALUE="1D" /> 13 <I PROPERTY="USEFFT" VALUE="FFTW" /> 14 <I PROPERTY="VibrationType" VALUE="FREE" /> 15</SOLVERINFO>
A moving body type boundary condition should be specified in BOUNDARYCONDITIONS
for the
velocities on the moving body,
For the simulation of low mass ratio, there is an option to activate fictitious mass method for
stabilizing explicit coupling between the fluid solver and structural dynamic solver. Here
we need to specify the values of fictitious mass and damping in PARAMETERS
, for
1<SOLVERINFO> 2 <I PROPERTY="FictitiousMassMethod" VALUE="True" /> 3</SOLVERINFO> 4<PARAMETERS> 5 <P> FictDamp = 1000 </P> 6 <P> FictMass = 1.5 </P> 7</PARAMETERS>
A filter called MovingBody
is encapsulated in this module to evaluate the aerodynamic forces
along the moving body surface. The forces for each computational plane are projected along
the Cartesian axes and the pressure and viscous contributions are computed in each
The following parameters are supported:
Option name | Required | Default | Description |
OutputFile | ✗ | session | Prefix of the output filename to which the forces are written. |
Frequency | ✗ | 1 | Number of timesteps after which output is written. |
Boundary | ✓ | - | Boundary surfaces on which the forces are to be evaluated. |
To enable the filter, add the following to the FORCE
1 <FORCE TYPE="MovingBody"> 2 <PARAM NAME="OutputFile">DragLift</PARAM> 3 <PARAM NAME="OutputFrequency">10</PARAM> 4 <PARAM NAME="Boundary"> B[0] </PARAM> 5 </FORCE>
During the execution a file named DragLift.fce
will be created and the value of the
aerodynamic forces on boundary 0, defined in the GEOMETRY
section, will be output every 10
time steps.evaluates the aerodynamic forces along the moving body surface. The forces for
each computational plane are projected along the Cartesian axes and the pressure and viscous
contributions are computed in each direction.
Also, to use this module a MAPPING
needs to be specified, as described in section 11.7. In the
case of free and constrained motion presented here, the functions defined by the mapping act
as initial conditions. Also, when using the MovingBody forcing, it is not necessary to set the
property of the mapping.
The following filters are supported exclusively for the incompressible Navier-Stokes solver. Further filters from section 3.5 are also available for this solver.