Chapter 5

FieldConvert is a utility embedded in Nektar++ with the primary aim of allowing the user to convert the Nektar++ output binary files (.chk and .fld) into formats which can be read by common visualisation and post-processing software, primarily Paraview/VisIt (in unstructured VTK .vtu format) or Tecplot/VisIt (in ASCII .dat or binary .plt formats). FieldConvert also allows the user to manipulate the Nektar++ output binary files by using some additional modules which can be called with the option -m which stands for module.

Almost all of the FieldConvert functionalities can be run in parallel if Nektar++ is compiled using MPI (see the installation documentation for additional info on how to implement Nektar++ using MPI). 1

 5.1 Basic usage
  5.1.1 Input formats
 5.2 Convert .fld / .chk files into Paraview, VisIt or Tecplot format
  5.2.1 Using the VTK library for output
 5.3 Convert field files between XML and HDF5 format
 5.4 Specifying a sub-range of the mesh
 5.5 FieldConvert in NekPy
 5.6 FieldConvert modules -m
  5.6.1 Smooth the data: C0Projection module
  5.6.2 Calculate CFL number: CFL module
  5.6.3 Calculate Q-Criterion: QCriterion module
  5.6.4 Calculate λ2: L2Criterion module
  5.6.5 Add composite ID: addcompositeid module
  5.6.6 Add new field: fieldfromstring module
  5.6.7 Sum two .fld files: addFld module
  5.6.8 Combine two .fld files containing time averages: combineAvg module
  5.6.9 Concatenate two files: concatenate module
  5.6.10 Count the number of DOF: dof module
  5.6.11 Equi-spaced output of data: equispacedoutput module
  5.6.12 Extract a boundary region: extract module
  5.6.13 Calculate divergence: divergence module
  5.6.14 Compute the gradient of a field: gradient module
  5.6.15 Convert HalfMode expansion to SingleMode for further processing: halfmodetofourier module
  5.6.16 Extract a plane from 3DH1D expansion: homplane module
  5.6.17 Stretch a 3DH1D expansion: homstretch module
  5.6.18 Inner Product of a single or series of fields with respect to a single or series of fields: innerproduct module
  5.6.19 Interpolate one field to another: interpfield module
  5.6.20 Interpolate scattered point data to a field: interppointdatatofld module
  5.6.21 Interpolate a field to a series of points: interppoints module
  5.6.22 Interpolate a set of points to another: interpptstopts module
  5.6.23 Isocontour extraction: iscontour module
  5.6.24 Show high frequency energy of the Jacobian: jacobianenergy module
  5.6.25 Calculate mesh quality: qualitymetric module
  5.6.26 Evaluate the mean of variables on the domain: mean module
  5.6.27 Extract mean mode of 3DH1D expansion: meanmode module
  5.6.28 Project point data to a field: pointdatatofld module
  5.6.29 Print L2 and LInf norms: printfldnorms module
  5.6.30 Removes one or more fields from .fld files: removefield module
  5.6.31 Computes the scalar gradient: scalargrad module
  5.6.32 Scale a given .fld: scaleinputfld module
  5.6.33 Time-averaged shear stress metrics: shear module
  5.6.34 Stream function of a 2D incompressible flow: streamfunction module
  5.6.35 Boundary layer height calculation: surfdistance module
  5.6.36 Calculate vorticity: vorticity module
  5.6.37 Computing the wall shear stress: wss module
  5.6.38 Calculating the shape function Φ for an SPM case: phifile module
  5.6.39 Interpolate values for a point array: wallNormalData module
  5.6.40 Project velocity into body-fitted coordinate system: bodyFittedVelocity module
  5.6.41 Zero a homogeneous plane in wavespace: zero-homo-plane module
  5.6.42 Manipulating meshes with FieldConvert
  5.6.43 Field averaging module
  5.6.44 Computing the spanwise power spectrum module
  5.6.45 Computing the velocity field induced by vortex filaments
 5.7 FieldConvert in parallel
 5.8 FieldConvert for parallel-in-time
 5.9 Processing large files in serial
  5.9.1 Using the part-only and part-only-overlapping options
  5.9.2 Using the nparts options
  5.9.3 Running in parallel with the nparts option