14.2 Functions of the implementation

Table 14.1 presents the public functions that is responsible for performing the velocity-correction scheme (VCS).

Table 14.1 Table of variable and function mapping used in the incompressible flow solver to their mathematical operations

Variable/Function name Physical meaning

 VelocityCorrectionScheme Constructor using the Session and MeshGraph objects.

 SetUpPressureForcing Compute RHS of pressure equation: ∫ Ω in 14.9

 SetUpViscousForcing Compute RHS of Helmholtz equations, see 14.10

 SolvePressure Solves the pressure Poisson system ∇2pn+1 = f

 SolveViscous Solves the Helmholtz equations [∇2 - λ]un+1 = f

 SolveUnsteadyStokesSystem Implicit part - Solve Poisson + d * Helmholtz

 EvaluateAdvection_SetPressureBCs Explicit part - Advection + Forcing: [u ⋅∇u]⋆n+1 -fn+1
Also sets the pressure BCs: ∫ Γ in 14.9