The entry point is the main() function in solvers/IncNavierStokesSolver/IncNavierStokesSolver.cpp
Session initialization (possibly reading)
Mesh graph creation, weights, polynomials, partition for parallel
Driver initialization, many Drivers are possible, e.g. Standard
Driver execution
Finalization specific tasks
The magic happens at the level of the Driver. This is where all the important stuff is selected. One of the possible rivers is selected:
During the initialization of the Driver object components of the solution process are created and initialized. The most common ones are:
EvolutionOperator responsible for the type of probelm. Possible values are: Nonlinear (default), Direct (linear), Adjoint, TransientGrowtsh, SkewSymmetric
EquationType that determines the problem to be solved e.g. UnsteadyNavierStokes
SolverType, i.e. the scheme to be used such as the VelocityCorrection
The ProjectionType (CG or DG, Homogenous ...) is initialized during initialization of the EquationSystem object. At this moment velocity and pressure variable fields are created.
Need to add the information on where the time integration scheme is initialized.