4.1 BasicConst

This directory contains two important files for all of Nektar++: NektarUnivConsts.hpp and NektarUnivTypeDefs.hpp.

The file NektarUnivConsts.hpp contains various default constants used within Nektar++ as seen here:

1static const NekDouble kVertexTheSameDouble = 1.0e-08; 
2static const NekDouble kGeomFactorsTol      = 1.0e-08; 
3static const NekDouble kNekZeroTol          = 1.0e-12; 
4static const NekDouble kNekIterativeTol     = 1.0e-09; 
5static const NekDouble kNekMachineEpsilon = 
6    std::numeric_limits<NekDouble>::epsilon(); 
7static const NekDouble kNekSparseNonZeroTol = kNekMachineEpsilon; 
9// Tolerances for mesh generation and CAD handling 
10static const NekDouble GeomTol = 1.0e-02; 
11static const NekDouble CoinTol = 1.0e-06; 
13// Factor for tolerance for floating point comparison

The file NektarUnivTypeDefs.hpp contains the low level typedefs such as: NekDouble, NekInt, OneD, TwoD, ThreeD, FourD, and enumerations such as Direction (xDir, yDir and zDir) and OutputFormat.