4.2 BasicUtils

This directory contains some of the lowest level basic computer science routines within Nektar++. The directory currently contains the following:

ArrayPolicies.hpp CheckedCast.hpp CompressData.cpp

CompressData.h ConsistentObjectAccess.hpp CsvIO.cpp

CsvIO.h Deprecated.hpp DomainRange.h

Equation.cpp Equation.h ErrorUtil.cpp

ErrorUtil.hpp FieldIO.cpp FieldIO.h

FieldIOHdf5.cpp FieldIOHdf5.h FieldIOXml.cpp

FieldIOXml.h FileSystem.cpp FileSystem.h

H5.cpp H5.h HashUtils.hpp

Interpolator.cpp Interpolator.h Likwid.hpp

Metis.hpp NekFactory.hpp NekInline.hpp

NekManager.hpp ParseUtils.cpp ParseUtils.h

Progressbar.hpp PtsField.cpp PtsField.h

PtsIO.cpp PtsIO.h RawType.hpp

RealComparison.hpp SessionReader.cpp SessionReader.h

ShapeType.hpp SharedArray.hpp Smath.hpp

Thread.cpp Thread.h ThreadBoost.cpp

ThreadBoost.h Timer.cpp Timer.h

Vmath.cpp Vmath.hpp VmathArray.hpp

VmathSIMD.hpp VtkUtil.hpp

We have used bold to denote (as examples) routines at our used throughout Nektar++. They are in this sense “fundamental”. Note that this list includes input/output routines (e.g. FieldIO and H5), partitioning (e.g. Metis) and Threading (e.g. Thread and ThreadBoost).