Base class for unsteady solvers. More...
#include <PulseWaveSystemOutput.h>
Public Member Functions | |
virtual | ~PulseWaveSystemOutput () |
Destructor. | |
![]() | |
virtual | ~PulseWaveSystem () |
Destructor. | |
int | GetNdomains () |
Array< OneD, MultiRegions::ExpListSharedPtr > | UpdateVessels (void) |
void | CalcCharacteristicVariables (int omega) |
![]() | |
virtual SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT | ~UnsteadySystem () |
Destructor. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT NekDouble | GetTimeStep (const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &inarray) |
Calculate the larger time-step mantaining the problem stable. | |
![]() | |
virtual SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT | ~EquationSystem () |
Destructor. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | SetUpTraceNormals (void) |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | InitObject () |
Initialises the members of this object. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | DoInitialise () |
Perform any initialisation necessary before solving the problem. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | DoSolve () |
Solve the problem. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | TransCoeffToPhys () |
Transform from coefficient to physical space. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | TransPhysToCoeff () |
Transform from physical to coefficient space. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | Output () |
Perform output operations after solve. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT NekDouble | LinfError (unsigned int field, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > &exactsoln=NullNekDouble1DArray) |
Linf error computation. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT std::string | GetSessionName () |
Get Session name. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | ResetSessionName (std::string newname) |
Reset Session name. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr | GetSession () |
Get Session name. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT MultiRegions::ExpListSharedPtr | GetPressure () |
Get pressure field if available. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | PrintSummary (std::ostream &out) |
Print a summary of parameters and solver characteristics. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | SetLambda (NekDouble lambda) |
Set parameter m_lambda. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | EvaluateFunction (Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &pArray, std::string pFunctionName, const NekDouble pTime=0.0, const int domain=0) |
Evaluates a function as specified in the session file. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | EvaluateFunction (std::vector< std::string > pFieldNames, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &pFields, const std::string &pName, const int domain=0) |
Populate given fields with the function from session. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | EvaluateFunction (std::vector< std::string > pFieldNames, Array< OneD, MultiRegions::ExpListSharedPtr > &pFields, const std::string &pName, const int domain=0) |
Populate given fields with the function from session. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | EvaluateFunction (std::string pFieldName, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &pArray, const std::string &pFunctionName, const NekDouble &pTime=0.0, const int domain=0) |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT std::string | DescribeFunction (std::string pFieldName, const std::string &pFunctionName, const int domain) |
Provide a description of a function for a given field name. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | InitialiseBaseFlow (Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &base) |
Perform initialisation of the base flow. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | SetInitialConditions (NekDouble initialtime=0.0, bool dumpInitialConditions=true, const int domain=0) |
Initialise the data in the dependent fields. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | EvaluateExactSolution (int field, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outfield, const NekDouble time) |
Evaluates an exact solution. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT NekDouble | L2Error (unsigned int field, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > &exactsoln, bool Normalised=false) |
Compute the L2 error between fields and a given exact solution. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT NekDouble | L2Error (unsigned int field, bool Normalised=false) |
Compute the L2 error of the fields. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT Array < OneD, NekDouble > | ErrorExtraPoints (unsigned int field) |
Compute error (L2 and L_inf) over an larger set of quadrature points return [L2 Linf]. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | WeakAdvectionGreensDivergenceForm (const Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &F, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
Compute the inner product ![]() | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | WeakAdvectionDivergenceForm (const Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &F, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
Compute the inner product ![]() | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | WeakAdvectionNonConservativeForm (const Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &V, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &u, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray, bool UseContCoeffs=false) |
Compute the inner product ![]() | |
f SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | AdvectionNonConservativeForm (const Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &V, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &u, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &wk=NullNekDouble1DArray) |
Compute the non-conservative advection. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | WeakDGAdvection (const Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &InField, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &OutField, bool NumericalFluxIncludesNormal=true, bool InFieldIsInPhysSpace=false, int nvariables=0) |
Calculate the weak discontinuous Galerkin advection. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | WeakDGDiffusion (const Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &InField, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &OutField, bool NumericalFluxIncludesNormal=true, bool InFieldIsInPhysSpace=false) |
Calculate weak DG Diffusion in the LDG form. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | Checkpoint_Output (const int n) |
Write checkpoint file of m_fields. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | Checkpoint_Output (const int n, MultiRegions::ExpListSharedPtr &field, std::vector< Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &fieldcoeffs, std::vector< std::string > &variables) |
Write checkpoint file of custom data fields. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | WriteFld (const std::string &outname) |
Write field data to the given filename. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | WriteFld (const std::string &outname, MultiRegions::ExpListSharedPtr &field, std::vector< Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &fieldcoeffs, std::vector< std::string > &variables) |
Write input fields to the given filename. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | ImportFld (const std::string &infile, Array< OneD, MultiRegions::ExpListSharedPtr > &pFields) |
Input field data from the given file. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | ImportFldToMultiDomains (const std::string &infile, Array< OneD, MultiRegions::ExpListSharedPtr > &pFields, const int ndomains) |
Input field data from the given file to multiple domains. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | ImportFld (const std::string &infile, std::vector< std::string > &fieldStr, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &coeffs) |
Output a field. Input field data into array from the given file. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | ImportFld (const std::string &infile, MultiRegions::ExpListSharedPtr &pField, std::string &pFieldName) |
Output a field. Input field data into ExpList from the given file. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | ScanForHistoryPoints () |
Builds map of which element holds each history point. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | WriteHistoryData (std::ostream &out) |
Probe each history point and write to file. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | SessionSummary (SummaryList &vSummary) |
Write out a session summary. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT Array < OneD, MultiRegions::ExpListSharedPtr > & | UpdateFields () |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT LibUtilities::FieldMetaDataMap & | UpdateFieldMetaDataMap () |
Get hold of FieldInfoMap so it can be updated. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT NekDouble | GetFinalTime () |
Return final time. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT int | GetNcoeffs () |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT int | GetNcoeffs (const int eid) |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT int | GetNumExpModes () |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT const Array< OneD, int > | GetNumExpModesPerExp () |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT int | GetNvariables () |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT const std::string | GetVariable (unsigned int i) |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT int | GetTraceTotPoints () |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT int | GetTraceNpoints () |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT int | GetExpSize () |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT int | GetPhys_Offset (int n) |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT int | GetCoeff_Offset (int n) |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT int | GetTotPoints () |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT int | GetTotPoints (int n) |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT int | GetNpoints () |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT int | GetNumElmVelocity () |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT int | GetSteps () |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT NekDouble | GetTimeStep () |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | CopyFromPhysField (const int i, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &output) |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | CopyToPhysField (const int i, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &output) |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | SetStepsToOne () |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | ZeroPhysFields () |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | FwdTransFields () |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | GetFluxVector (const int i, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &physfield, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &flux) |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | GetFluxVector (const int i, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &physfield, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &fluxX, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &fluxY) |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | GetFluxVector (const int i, const int j, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &physfield, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &flux) |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | NumericalFlux (Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &physfield, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &numflux) |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | NumericalFlux (Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &physfield, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &numfluxX, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &numfluxY) |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | NumFluxforScalar (const Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &ufield, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > > &uflux) |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | NumFluxforVector (const Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &ufield, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > > &qfield, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &qflux) |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | SetModifiedBasis (const bool modbasis) |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT int | NoCaseStringCompare (const string &s1, const string &s2) |
Perform a case-insensitive string comparison. |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static EquationSystemSharedPtr | create (const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr &pSession) |
Creates an instance of this class. |
Static Public Attributes | |
static std::string | className = GetEquationSystemFactory().RegisterCreatorFunction("PulseWaveSystemOutput", PulseWaveSystemOutput::create, "Pulse Wave Propagation output.") |
Name of class. |
Protected Member Functions | |
PulseWaveSystemOutput (const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr &m_session) | |
virtual void | v_InitObject () |
![]() | |
PulseWaveSystem (const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr &m_session) | |
Initialises PulseWaveSystem class members. | |
virtual void | v_DoInitialise () |
Sets up initial conditions. | |
virtual void | v_DoSolve () |
Solves an unsteady problem. | |
void | LinkSubdomains (Array< OneD, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > > &fields) |
Links the subdomains. | |
void | BifurcationRiemann (Array< OneD, NekDouble > &Au, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &uu, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &beta, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &A_0) |
Riemann Problem for Bifurcation. | |
void | MergingRiemann (Array< OneD, NekDouble > &Au, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &uu, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &beta, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &A_0) |
Riemann Problem for Merging Flow. | |
void | JunctionRiemann (Array< OneD, NekDouble > &Au, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &uu, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &beta, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &A_0) |
Riemann Problem for Junction. | |
virtual void | v_Output (void) |
void | CheckPoint_Output (const int n) |
NekDouble | v_L2Error (unsigned int field, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > &exactsoln=NullNekDouble1DArray, bool Normalised=false) |
Compute the L2 error between fields and a given exact solution. | |
NekDouble | v_LinfError (unsigned int field, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > &exactsoln=NullNekDouble1DArray) |
Compute the L_inf error between fields and a given exact solution. | |
void | WriteVessels (const std::string &outname) |
Write input fields to the given filename. | |
void | EnforceInterfaceConditions (const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &fields) |
![]() | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT | UnsteadySystem (const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr &pSession) |
Initialises UnsteadySystem class members. | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT NekDouble | MaxTimeStepEstimator () |
Get the maximum timestep estimator for cfl control. | |
virtual SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | v_GenerateSummary (SummaryList &s) |
Print a summary of time stepping parameters. | |
virtual SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | v_AppendOutput1D (Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &solution1D) |
Print the solution at each solution point in a txt file. | |
virtual SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | v_NumericalFlux (Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &physfield, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &numflux) |
virtual SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | v_NumericalFlux (Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &physfield, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &numfluxX, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &numfluxY) |
virtual SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | v_NumFluxforScalar (const Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &ufield, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > > &uflux) |
virtual SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | v_NumFluxforVector (const Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &ufield, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > > &qfield, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &qflux) |
virtual SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT NekDouble | v_GetTimeStep (const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &inarray) |
Return the timestep to be used for the next step in the time-marching loop. | |
virtual SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT bool | v_PreIntegrate (int step) |
virtual SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT bool | v_PostIntegrate (int step) |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | CheckForRestartTime (NekDouble &time) |
![]() | |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT | EquationSystem (const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr &pSession) |
Initialises EquationSystem class members. | |
int | nocase_cmp (const string &s1, const string &s2) |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | SetBoundaryConditions (NekDouble time) |
Evaluates the boundary conditions at the given time. | |
virtual SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | v_TransCoeffToPhys () |
Virtual function for transformation to physical space. | |
virtual SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | v_TransPhysToCoeff () |
Virtual function for transformation to coefficient space. | |
virtual SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | v_SetInitialConditions (NekDouble initialtime=0.0, bool dumpInitialConditions=true, const int domain=0) |
virtual SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | v_EvaluateExactSolution (unsigned int field, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outfield, const NekDouble time) |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | SetUpBaseFields (SpatialDomains::MeshGraphSharedPtr &mesh) |
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | ImportFldBase (std::string pInfile, SpatialDomains::MeshGraphSharedPtr pGraph) |
virtual SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT MultiRegions::ExpListSharedPtr | v_GetPressure (void) |
virtual SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void | v_ExtraFldOutput (std::vector< Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &fieldcoeffs, std::vector< std::string > &variables) |
Friends | |
class | MemoryManager< PulseWaveSystemOutput > |
Base class for unsteady solvers.
Initialises the arterial subdomains in m_vessels and sets up all domain-linking conditions (bifurcations, junctions, merging flows). Detects the network structure and assigns boundary conditons. Also provides the underlying timestepping framework for pulse wave solvers including the general timestepping routines.
Definition at line 48 of file PulseWaveSystemOutput.h.
virtual |
protected |
Processes SolverInfo parameters from the session file and sets up timestepping-specific code.
m_Session | Session object to read parameters from. |
Definition at line 63 of file PulseWaveSystemOutput.cpp.
inlinestatic |
Creates an instance of this class.
Definition at line 54 of file PulseWaveSystemOutput.h.
protectedvirtual |
Duplicates PulseWaveSystem InitObject but does not set
Reimplemented from Nektar::PulseWaveSystem.
Definition at line 80 of file PulseWaveSystemOutput.cpp.
References Nektar::SolverUtils::EquationSystem::m_session.
friend |
Definition at line 51 of file PulseWaveSystemOutput.h.
static |
Name of class.
Definition at line 62 of file PulseWaveSystemOutput.h.