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NekDouble | Nektar::guessp (NekDouble g[], NekDouble rhoL, NekDouble uL, NekDouble pL, NekDouble cL, NekDouble rhoR, NekDouble uR, NekDouble pR, NekDouble cR) |
| Use either PVRS, two-rarefaction or two-shock Riemann solvers to calculate an initial pressure for the Newton-Raphson scheme. More...
void | Nektar::prefun (NekDouble *g, NekDouble p, NekDouble dk, NekDouble pk, NekDouble ck, NekDouble &f, NekDouble &fd) |
| Evaluate pressure functions fL and fR in Newton iteration of Riemann solver (see equation 4.85 and 4.86 of Toro 2009). More...