77 const int k1,
const int k2,
const NekDouble scale,
113 std::vector<std::string> &variables)
Base class for linear elastic system.
Array< OneD, Array< OneD, unsigned int > > m_imap
Interior maps for each of the fields.
static EquationSystemSharedPtr create(const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr &pSession, const SpatialDomains::MeshGraphSharedPtr &pGraph)
Creates an instance of this class.
DNekScalBlkMatSharedPtr m_Dinv
Matrix of elemental components.
NekDouble m_nu
Poisson ratio.
static std::string className
Name of class.
void v_InitObject(bool DeclareFields=true) override
Set up the linear elasticity system.
void BuildMatrixSystem()
Build matrix system for linear elasticity equations.
LinearElasticSystem(const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr &pSession, const SpatialDomains::MeshGraphSharedPtr &pGraph)
Default constructor.
void SetStaticCondBlock(const int n, const LocalRegions::ExpansionSharedPtr exp, Array< TwoD, DNekMatSharedPtr > &mat)
Given a block matrix for an element, construct its static condensation matrices.
Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > m_temperature
Storage for the temperature terms.
CoupledAssemblyMapSharedPtr m_assemblyMap
Assembly map for the coupled (u,v,w) system.
void v_DoSolve() override
Solve elliptic linear elastic system.
DNekScalBlkMatSharedPtr m_BinvD
Matrix of elemental components.
NekDouble m_beta
Parameter dictating amount of thermal stress to add.
DNekScalBlkMatSharedPtr m_schurCompl
Schur complement boundary-boundary matrix.
void v_ExtraFldOutput(std::vector< Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &fieldcoeffs, std::vector< std::string > &variables) override
NekDouble m_E
Young's modulus.
Array< OneD, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > > m_stress
Storage for the thermal stress terms.
Array< OneD, Array< OneD, unsigned int > > m_bmap
Boundary maps for each of the fields.
DNekMatSharedPtr BuildLaplacianIJMatrix(const int k1, const int k2, const NekDouble scale, LocalRegions::ExpansionSharedPtr exp)
Construct a LaplacianIJ matrix for a given expansion.
void v_GenerateSummary(SolverUtils::SummaryList &s) override
Generate summary at runtime.
DNekScalBlkMatSharedPtr m_C
Matrix of elemental components.
General purpose memory allocation routines with the ability to allocate from thread specific memory p...
static std::shared_ptr< DataType > AllocateSharedPtr(const Args &...args)
Allocate a shared pointer from the memory pool.
A base class for describing how to solve specific equations.
std::shared_ptr< SessionReader > SessionReaderSharedPtr
std::shared_ptr< Expansion > ExpansionSharedPtr
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > SummaryList
std::shared_ptr< EquationSystem > EquationSystemSharedPtr
A shared pointer to an EquationSystem object.
std::shared_ptr< MeshGraph > MeshGraphSharedPtr
std::shared_ptr< CoupledAssemblyMap > CoupledAssemblyMapSharedPtr
std::shared_ptr< DNekScalBlkMat > DNekScalBlkMatSharedPtr
std::shared_ptr< DNekMat > DNekMatSharedPtr