1.1 Installing Debian/Ubuntu Packages

Binary packages are available for current Debian/Ubuntu based Linux distributions. These can be installed through the use of standard system package management utilities, such as Apt, if administrative access is available.

  1. Create a configuration file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nektar.list containing the appropriate line from the following table.



    Debian 9.0

    deb http://www.nektar.info/debian-stretch stretch contrib

    Debian 10.0

    deb http://www.nektar.info/debian-buster buster contrib

    Debian 11.0

    deb http://www.nektar.info/debian-bullseye bullseye contrib


    deb http://www.nektar.info/debian-unstable unstable contrib

    Ubuntu 16.04
    (xenial xerus)

    deb http://www.nektar.info/ubuntu-xenial xenial contrib

    Ubuntu 18.04
    (bionic beaver)

    deb http://www.nektar.info/ubuntu-bionic bionic contrib

    Ubuntu 20.04
    (focal fossa)

    deb http://www.nektar.info/ubuntu-focal focal contrib

  2. Update the main package list /etc/apt/sources.list to include the non-free component, by appending (if not already present) the word non-free after main.
  3. Install the Nektar++ repository GPG key:
    wget -qO- https://www.nektar.info/nektar-apt.gpg | sudo apt-key add -
  4. Update the package lists
    apt update
  5. Install specific Nektar++ packages as required, or install the complete suite with:
    apt install nektar++

    Any additional dependencies required by Nektar++ will be automatically installed.

    Tip: Nektar++ is split into multiple packages for the different components of the software. A list of available Nektar++ packages can be found using:

    apt search nektar++