Part II

In this part of the developer’s guide, we walk you through development aspects of the various solvers that are available within publicly-available Nektar++repository. For each of these solvers, user guides have been developed that help you see how to use these for various engineering applications. We encourage you to use these solvers in your science and engineering work flows. If you find that the current solvers do not meet your needs and consequently you end up building a new solver based upon our framework, we encourage you to consider submitting this to us for incorporation in the publicly-available master branch.

13 ADRSolver: Solving the Advection-Reaction-Diffusion Equation
14 IncNavierStokesSolver: Solving the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations
 14.1 Fundamental Theories of IncNavierStokesSolver
 14.2 Functions of the implementation
 14.3 Structure of the algorithm
15 CompressibleFlowSolver: Solving the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations
 15.1 Fundamental Theories of CompressibleFlowSolver
 15.2 Functions of the implementation
 15.3 Data Structure of CompressibleFlowSolver
 15.4 Flow Chart of CompressibleFlowSolver