Base class for all multi-elemental spectral/hp expansions. More...
#include <ExpList.h>
Public Member Functions | |
ExpList () | |
The default constructor. More... | |
ExpList (const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr &pSession) | |
The default constructor. More... | |
ExpList (const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr &pSession, const SpatialDomains::MeshGraphSharedPtr &pGraph) | |
The default constructor. More... | |
ExpList (const ExpList &in, const std::vector< unsigned int > &eIDs, const bool DeclareCoeffPhysArrays=true) | |
Constructor copying only elements defined in eIds. More... | |
ExpList (const ExpList &in, const bool DeclareCoeffPhysArrays=true) | |
The copy constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~ExpList () |
The default destructor. More... | |
int | GetNcoeffs (void) const |
Returns the total number of local degrees of freedom . More... | |
int | GetNcoeffs (const int eid) const |
Returns the total number of local degrees of freedom for element eid. More... | |
ExpansionType | GetExpType (void) |
Returns the type of the expansion. More... | |
void | SetExpType (ExpansionType Type) |
Returns the type of the expansion. More... | |
int | EvalBasisNumModesMax (void) const |
Evaulates the maximum number of modes in the elemental basis order over all elements. More... | |
const Array< OneD, int > | EvalBasisNumModesMaxPerExp (void) const |
Returns the vector of the number of modes in the elemental basis order over all elements. More... | |
int | GetTotPoints (void) const |
Returns the total number of quadrature points m_npoints . More... | |
int | GetTotPoints (const int eid) const |
Returns the total number of quadrature points for eid's element . More... | |
int | GetNpoints (void) const |
Returns the total number of quadrature points m_npoints . More... | |
int | Get1DScaledTotPoints (const NekDouble scale) const |
Returns the total number of qudature points scaled by the factor scale on each 1D direction. More... | |
void | SetWaveSpace (const bool wavespace) |
Sets the wave space to the one of the possible configuration true or false. More... | |
void | SetModifiedBasis (const bool modbasis) |
Set Modified Basis for the stability analysis. More... | |
void | SetPhys (int i, NekDouble val) |
Set the i th value of m_phys to value val. More... | |
bool | GetWaveSpace (void) const |
This function returns the third direction expansion condition, which can be in wave space (coefficient) or not It is stored in the variable m_WaveSpace. More... | |
void | SetPhys (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray) |
Fills the array m_phys. More... | |
void | SetPhysArray (Array< OneD, NekDouble > &inarray) |
Sets the array m_phys. More... | |
void | SetPhysState (const bool physState) |
This function manually sets whether the array of physical values (implemented as m_phys) is filled or not. More... | |
bool | GetPhysState (void) const |
This function indicates whether the array of physical values (implemented as m_phys) is filled or not. More... | |
NekDouble | PhysIntegral (void) |
This function integrates a function over the domain consisting of all the elements of the expansion. More... | |
NekDouble | PhysIntegral (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray) |
This function integrates a function over the domain consisting of all the elements of the expansion. More... | |
void | IProductWRTBase_IterPerExp (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
This function calculates the inner product of a function with respect to all {local} expansion modes . More... | |
void | IProductWRTBase (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray, CoeffState coeffstate=eLocal) |
void | IProductWRTDerivBase (const int dir, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
This function calculates the inner product of a function with respect to the derivative (in direction. More... | |
void | IProductWRTDerivBase (const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
This function calculates the inner product of a function with respect to the derivative (in direction. More... | |
void | FwdTrans_IterPerExp (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
This function elementally evaluates the forward transformation of a function onto the global spectral/hp expansion. More... | |
void | FwdTrans (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray, CoeffState coeffstate=eLocal) |
void | MultiplyByElmtInvMass (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
This function elementally mulplies the coefficient space of Sin my the elemental inverse of the mass matrix. More... | |
void | MultiplyByInvMassMatrix (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray, CoeffState coeffstate=eLocal) |
void | SmoothField (Array< OneD, NekDouble > &field) |
Smooth a field across elements. More... | |
void | HelmSolve (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray, const FlagList &flags, const StdRegions::ConstFactorMap &factors, const StdRegions::VarCoeffMap &varcoeff=StdRegions::NullVarCoeffMap, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &dirForcing=NullNekDouble1DArray, const bool PhysSpaceForcing=true) |
Solve helmholtz problem. More... | |
void | LinearAdvectionDiffusionReactionSolve (const Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &velocity, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray, const NekDouble lambda, CoeffState coeffstate=eLocal, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &dirForcing=NullNekDouble1DArray) |
Solve Advection Diffusion Reaction. More... | |
void | LinearAdvectionReactionSolve (const Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &velocity, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray, const NekDouble lambda, CoeffState coeffstate=eLocal, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &dirForcing=NullNekDouble1DArray) |
Solve Advection Diffusion Reaction. More... | |
void | FwdTrans_BndConstrained (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
void | BwdTrans_IterPerExp (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
This function elementally evaluates the backward transformation of the global spectral/hp element expansion. More... | |
void | BwdTrans (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray, CoeffState coeffstate=eLocal) |
void | GetCoords (Array< OneD, NekDouble > &coord_0, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &coord_1=NullNekDouble1DArray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &coord_2=NullNekDouble1DArray) |
This function calculates the coordinates of all the elemental quadrature points . More... | |
void | HomogeneousFwdTrans (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray, CoeffState coeffstate=eLocal, bool Shuff=true, bool UnShuff=true) |
void | HomogeneousBwdTrans (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray, CoeffState coeffstate=eLocal, bool Shuff=true, bool UnShuff=true) |
void | DealiasedProd (const Array< OneD, NekDouble > &inarray1, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > &inarray2, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray, CoeffState coeffstate=eLocal) |
void | DealiasedDotProd (const Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &inarray1, const Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &inarray2, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &outarray, CoeffState coeffstate=eLocal) |
void | GetBCValues (Array< OneD, NekDouble > &BndVals, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > &TotField, int BndID) |
void | NormVectorIProductWRTBase (Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &V1, Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &V2, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray, int BndID) |
void | NormVectorIProductWRTBase (Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &V, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
void | ApplyGeomInfo () |
Apply geometry information to each expansion. More... | |
void | Reset () |
Reset geometry information and reset matrices. More... | |
void | WriteTecplotHeader (std::ostream &outfile, std::string var="") |
void | WriteTecplotZone (std::ostream &outfile, int expansion=-1) |
void | WriteTecplotField (std::ostream &outfile, int expansion=-1) |
void | WriteTecplotConnectivity (std::ostream &outfile, int expansion=-1) |
void | WriteVtkHeader (std::ostream &outfile) |
void | WriteVtkFooter (std::ostream &outfile) |
void | WriteVtkPieceHeader (std::ostream &outfile, int expansion, int istrip=0) |
void | WriteVtkPieceFooter (std::ostream &outfile, int expansion) |
void | WriteVtkPieceData (std::ostream &outfile, int expansion, std::string var="v") |
int | GetCoordim (int eid) |
This function returns the dimension of the coordinates of the element eid. More... | |
void | SetCoeff (int i, NekDouble val) |
Set the i th coefficiient in m_coeffs to value val. More... | |
void | SetCoeffs (int i, NekDouble val) |
Set the i th coefficiient in m_coeffs to value val. More... | |
void | SetCoeffsArray (Array< OneD, NekDouble > &inarray) |
Set the m_coeffs array to inarray. More... | |
const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > & | GetCoeffs () const |
This function returns (a reference to) the array (implemented as m_coeffs) containing all local expansion coefficients. More... | |
void | ImposeDirichletConditions (Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
Impose Dirichlet Boundary Conditions onto Array. More... | |
void | FillBndCondFromField (void) |
Fill Bnd Condition expansion from the values stored in expansion. More... | |
void | FillBndCondFromField (const int nreg) |
Fill Bnd Condition expansion in nreg from the values stored in expansion. More... | |
void | LocalToGlobal (bool useComm=true) |
Gathers the global coefficients from the local coefficients . More... | |
void | LocalToGlobal (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray, bool useComm=true) |
void | GlobalToLocal (void) |
Scatters from the global coefficients to the local coefficients . More... | |
void | GlobalToLocal (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
NekDouble | GetCoeff (int i) |
Get the i th value (coefficient) of m_coeffs. More... | |
NekDouble | GetCoeffs (int i) |
Get the i th value (coefficient) of m_coeffs. More... | |
const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > & | GetPhys () const |
This function returns (a reference to) the array (implemented as m_phys) containing the function evaluated at the quadrature points. More... | |
NekDouble | Linf (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &soln=NullNekDouble1DArray) |
This function calculates the error of the global spectral/hp element approximation. More... | |
NekDouble | L2 (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &soln=NullNekDouble1DArray) |
This function calculates the error with respect to soln of the global spectral/hp element approximation. More... | |
NekDouble | H1 (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &soln=NullNekDouble1DArray) |
Calculates the error of the global spectral/hp element approximation. More... | |
NekDouble | Integral (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray) |
Array< OneD, const NekDouble > | HomogeneousEnergy (void) |
This function calculates the energy associated with each one of the modesof a 3D homogeneous nD expansion. More... | |
void | SetHomo1DSpecVanVisc (Array< OneD, NekDouble > visc) |
This function sets the Spectral Vanishing Viscosity in homogeneous1D expansion. More... | |
Array< OneD, const unsigned int > | GetZIDs (void) |
This function returns a vector containing the wave numbers in z-direction associated with the 3D homogenous expansion. Required if a parellelisation is applied in the Fourier direction. More... | |
LibUtilities::TranspositionSharedPtr | GetTransposition (void) |
This function returns the transposition class associaed with the homogeneous expansion. More... | |
NekDouble | GetHomoLen (void) |
This function returns the Width of homogeneous direction associaed with the homogeneous expansion. More... | |
Array< OneD, const unsigned int > | GetYIDs (void) |
This function returns a vector containing the wave numbers in y-direction associated with the 3D homogenous expansion. Required if a parellelisation is applied in the Fourier direction. More... | |
void | PhysInterp1DScaled (const NekDouble scale, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
This function interpolates the physical space points in inarray to outarray using the same points defined in the expansion but where the number of points are rescaled by 1DScale. More... | |
void | PhysGalerkinProjection1DScaled (const NekDouble scale, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
This function Galerkin projects the physical space points in inarray to outarray where inarray is assumed to be defined in the expansion but where the number of points are rescaled by 1DScale. More... | |
int | GetExpSize (void) |
This function returns the number of elements in the expansion. More... | |
int | GetNumElmts (void) |
This function returns the number of elements in the expansion which may be different for a homogeoenous extended expansionp. More... | |
const boost::shared_ptr < LocalRegions::ExpansionVector > | GetExp () const |
This function returns the vector of elements in the expansion. More... | |
LocalRegions::ExpansionSharedPtr & | GetExp (int n) const |
This function returns (a shared pointer to) the local elemental expansion of the element. More... | |
LocalRegions::ExpansionSharedPtr & | GetExp (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &gloCoord) |
This function returns (a shared pointer to) the local elemental expansion containing the arbitrary point given by gloCoord. More... | |
int | GetExpIndex (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &gloCoord, NekDouble tol=0.0, bool returnNearestElmt=false) |
int | GetExpIndex (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &gloCoords, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &locCoords, NekDouble tol=0.0, bool returnNearestElmt=false) |
int | GetCoeff_Offset (int n) const |
Get the start offset position for a global list of m_coeffs correspoinding to element n. More... | |
int | GetPhys_Offset (int n) const |
Get the start offset position for a global list of m_phys correspoinding to element n. More... | |
int | GetOffset_Elmt_Id (int n) const |
Get the element id associated with the n th consecutive block of data in m_phys and m_coeffs. More... | |
Array< OneD, NekDouble > & | UpdateCoeffs () |
This function returns (a reference to) the array (implemented as m_coeffs) containing all local expansion coefficients. More... | |
Array< OneD, NekDouble > & | UpdatePhys () |
This function returns (a reference to) the array (implemented as m_phys) containing the function evaluated at the quadrature points. More... | |
void | PhysDeriv (Direction edir, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &out_d) |
void | PhysDeriv (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &out_d0, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &out_d1=NullNekDouble1DArray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &out_d2=NullNekDouble1DArray) |
This function discretely evaluates the derivative of a function on the domain consisting of all elements of the expansion. More... | |
void | PhysDeriv (const int dir, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &out_d) |
void | CurlCurl (Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &Vel, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &Q) |
const Array< OneD, const boost::shared_ptr< ExpList > > & | GetBndCondExpansions () |
boost::shared_ptr< ExpList > & | UpdateBndCondExpansion (int i) |
void | Upwind (const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &Vec, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &Fwd, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &Bwd, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &Upwind) |
void | Upwind (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &Vn, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &Fwd, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &Bwd, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &Upwind) |
boost::shared_ptr< ExpList > & | GetTrace () |
boost::shared_ptr < AssemblyMapDG > & | GetTraceMap (void) |
const Array< OneD, const int > & | GetTraceBndMap (void) |
void | GetNormals (Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &normals) |
void | AddTraceIntegral (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &Fx, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &Fy, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
void | AddTraceIntegral (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &Fn, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
void | AddFwdBwdTraceIntegral (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &Fwd, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &Bwd, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
void | GetFwdBwdTracePhys (Array< OneD, NekDouble > &Fwd, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &Bwd) |
void | GetFwdBwdTracePhys (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &field, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &Fwd, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &Bwd) |
const std::vector< bool > & | GetLeftAdjacentFaces (void) const |
void | ExtractTracePhys (Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
void | ExtractTracePhys (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
const Array< OneD, const SpatialDomains::BoundaryConditionShPtr > & | GetBndConditions () |
Array< OneD, SpatialDomains::BoundaryConditionShPtr > & | UpdateBndConditions () |
void | EvaluateBoundaryConditions (const NekDouble time=0.0, const std::string varName="", const NekDouble=NekConstants::kNekUnsetDouble, const NekDouble=NekConstants::kNekUnsetDouble) |
void | GeneralMatrixOp (const GlobalMatrixKey &gkey, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray, CoeffState coeffstate=eLocal) |
This function calculates the result of the multiplication of a matrix of type specified by mkey with a vector given by inarray. More... | |
void | GeneralMatrixOp_IterPerExp (const GlobalMatrixKey &gkey, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
void | SetUpPhysNormals () |
void | GetBoundaryToElmtMap (Array< OneD, int > &ElmtID, Array< OneD, int > &EdgeID) |
void | GetBndElmtExpansion (int i, boost::shared_ptr< ExpList > &result, const bool DeclareCoeffPhysArrays=true) |
void | ExtractElmtToBndPhys (int i, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &elmt, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &boundary) |
void | ExtractPhysToBndElmt (int i, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &phys, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &bndElmt) |
void | ExtractPhysToBnd (int i, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &phys, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &bnd) |
void | GetBoundaryNormals (int i, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &normals) |
void | GeneralGetFieldDefinitions (std::vector< LibUtilities::FieldDefinitionsSharedPtr > &fielddef, int NumHomoDir=0, Array< OneD, LibUtilities::BasisSharedPtr > &HomoBasis=LibUtilities::NullBasisSharedPtr1DArray, std::vector< NekDouble > &HomoLen=LibUtilities::NullNekDoubleVector, bool homoStrips=false, std::vector< unsigned int > &HomoSIDs=LibUtilities::NullUnsignedIntVector, std::vector< unsigned int > &HomoZIDs=LibUtilities::NullUnsignedIntVector, std::vector< unsigned int > &HomoYIDs=LibUtilities::NullUnsignedIntVector) |
const NekOptimize::GlobalOptParamSharedPtr & | GetGlobalOptParam (void) |
std::map< int, RobinBCInfoSharedPtr > | GetRobinBCInfo () |
void | GetPeriodicEntities (PeriodicMap &periodicVerts, PeriodicMap &periodicEdges, PeriodicMap &periodicFaces=NullPeriodicMap) |
std::vector < LibUtilities::FieldDefinitionsSharedPtr > | GetFieldDefinitions () |
void | GetFieldDefinitions (std::vector< LibUtilities::FieldDefinitionsSharedPtr > &fielddef) |
void | AppendFieldData (LibUtilities::FieldDefinitionsSharedPtr &fielddef, std::vector< NekDouble > &fielddata) |
Append the element data listed in elements fielddef->m_ElementIDs onto fielddata. More... | |
void | AppendFieldData (LibUtilities::FieldDefinitionsSharedPtr &fielddef, std::vector< NekDouble > &fielddata, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &coeffs) |
Append the data in coeffs listed in elements fielddef->m_ElementIDs onto fielddata. More... | |
void | ExtractElmtDataToCoeffs (LibUtilities::FieldDefinitionsSharedPtr &fielddef, std::vector< NekDouble > &fielddata, std::string &field, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &coeffs) |
Extract the data in fielddata into the coeffs using the basic ExpList Elemental expansions rather than planes in homogeneous case. More... | |
void | ExtractCoeffsToCoeffs (const boost::shared_ptr< ExpList > &fromExpList, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &fromCoeffs, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &toCoeffs) |
Extract the data from fromField using fromExpList the coeffs using the basic ExpList Elemental expansions rather than planes in homogeneous case. More... | |
void | ExtractDataToCoeffs (LibUtilities::FieldDefinitionsSharedPtr &fielddef, std::vector< NekDouble > &fielddata, std::string &field, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &coeffs) |
Extract the data in fielddata into the coeffs. More... | |
boost::shared_ptr< ExpList > | GetSharedThisPtr () |
Returns a shared pointer to the current object. More... | |
boost::shared_ptr < LibUtilities::SessionReader > | GetSession () const |
Returns the session object. More... | |
boost::shared_ptr < LibUtilities::Comm > | GetComm () |
Returns the comm object. More... | |
SpatialDomains::MeshGraphSharedPtr | GetGraph () |
LibUtilities::BasisSharedPtr | GetHomogeneousBasis (void) |
boost::shared_ptr< ExpList > & | GetPlane (int n) |
void | CreateCollections (Collections::ImplementationType ImpType=Collections::eNoImpType) |
Construct collections of elements containing a single element type and polynomial order from the list of expansions. More... | |
void | ClearGlobalLinSysManager (void) |
Public Attributes | |
ExpansionType | m_expType |
Protected Member Functions | |
boost::shared_ptr< DNekMat > | GenGlobalMatrixFull (const GlobalLinSysKey &mkey, const boost::shared_ptr< AssemblyMapCG > &locToGloMap) |
const DNekScalBlkMatSharedPtr | GenBlockMatrix (const GlobalMatrixKey &gkey) |
This function assembles the block diagonal matrix of local matrices of the type mtype. More... | |
const DNekScalBlkMatSharedPtr & | GetBlockMatrix (const GlobalMatrixKey &gkey) |
void | MultiplyByBlockMatrix (const GlobalMatrixKey &gkey, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
boost::shared_ptr< GlobalMatrix > | GenGlobalMatrix (const GlobalMatrixKey &mkey, const boost::shared_ptr< AssemblyMapCG > &locToGloMap) |
Generates a global matrix from the given key and map. More... | |
void | GlobalEigenSystem (const boost::shared_ptr< DNekMat > &Gmat, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &EigValsReal, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &EigValsImag, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &EigVecs=NullNekDouble1DArray) |
boost::shared_ptr< GlobalLinSys > | GenGlobalLinSys (const GlobalLinSysKey &mkey, const boost::shared_ptr< AssemblyMapCG > &locToGloMap) |
This operation constructs the global linear system of type mkey. More... | |
boost::shared_ptr< GlobalLinSys > | GenGlobalBndLinSys (const GlobalLinSysKey &mkey, const AssemblyMapSharedPtr &locToGloMap) |
Generate a GlobalLinSys from information provided by the key "mkey" and the mapping provided in LocToGloBaseMap. More... | |
void | ReadGlobalOptimizationParameters () |
virtual int | v_GetNumElmts (void) |
virtual const Array< OneD, const boost::shared_ptr < ExpList > > & | v_GetBndCondExpansions (void) |
virtual boost::shared_ptr < ExpList > & | v_UpdateBndCondExpansion (int i) |
virtual void | v_Upwind (const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &Vec, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &Fwd, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &Bwd, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &Upwind) |
virtual void | v_Upwind (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &Vn, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &Fwd, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &Bwd, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &Upwind) |
virtual boost::shared_ptr < ExpList > & | v_GetTrace () |
virtual boost::shared_ptr < AssemblyMapDG > & | v_GetTraceMap () |
virtual const Array< OneD, const int > & | v_GetTraceBndMap () |
virtual void | v_GetNormals (Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &normals) |
virtual void | v_AddTraceIntegral (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &Fx, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &Fy, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
virtual void | v_AddTraceIntegral (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &Fn, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
virtual void | v_AddFwdBwdTraceIntegral (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &Fwd, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &Bwd, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
virtual void | v_GetFwdBwdTracePhys (Array< OneD, NekDouble > &Fwd, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &Bwd) |
virtual void | v_GetFwdBwdTracePhys (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &field, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &Fwd, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &Bwd) |
virtual const std::vector< bool > & | v_GetLeftAdjacentFaces (void) const |
virtual void | v_ExtractTracePhys (Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
virtual void | v_ExtractTracePhys (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
virtual void | v_MultiplyByInvMassMatrix (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray, CoeffState coeffstate) |
virtual void | v_HelmSolve (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray, const FlagList &flags, const StdRegions::ConstFactorMap &factors, const StdRegions::VarCoeffMap &varcoeff, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &dirForcing, const bool PhysSpaceForcing) |
virtual void | v_LinearAdvectionDiffusionReactionSolve (const Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &velocity, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray, const NekDouble lambda, CoeffState coeffstate=eLocal, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &dirForcing=NullNekDouble1DArray) |
virtual void | v_LinearAdvectionReactionSolve (const Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &velocity, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray, const NekDouble lambda, CoeffState coeffstate=eLocal, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &dirForcing=NullNekDouble1DArray) |
virtual void | v_ImposeDirichletConditions (Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
virtual void | v_FillBndCondFromField () |
virtual void | v_FillBndCondFromField (const int nreg) |
virtual void | v_Reset () |
Reset geometry information, metrics, matrix managers and geometry information. More... | |
virtual void | v_LocalToGlobal (bool UseComm) |
virtual void | v_LocalToGlobal (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray, bool UseComm) |
virtual void | v_GlobalToLocal (void) |
virtual void | v_GlobalToLocal (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
virtual void | v_BwdTrans (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray, CoeffState coeffstate) |
virtual void | v_BwdTrans_IterPerExp (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
virtual void | v_FwdTrans (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray, CoeffState coeffstate) |
virtual void | v_FwdTrans_IterPerExp (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
virtual void | v_SmoothField (Array< OneD, NekDouble > &field) |
virtual void | v_IProductWRTBase (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray, CoeffState coeffstate) |
virtual void | v_IProductWRTBase_IterPerExp (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
virtual void | v_GeneralMatrixOp (const GlobalMatrixKey &gkey, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray, CoeffState coeffstate) |
virtual void | v_GetCoords (Array< OneD, NekDouble > &coord_0, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &coord_1, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &coord_2=NullNekDouble1DArray) |
virtual void | v_PhysDeriv (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &out_d0, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &out_d1, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &out_d2) |
virtual void | v_PhysDeriv (const int dir, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &out_d) |
virtual void | v_PhysDeriv (Direction edir, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &out_d) |
virtual void | v_CurlCurl (Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &Vel, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &Q) |
virtual void | v_HomogeneousFwdTrans (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray, CoeffState coeffstate=eLocal, bool Shuff=true, bool UnShuff=true) |
virtual void | v_HomogeneousBwdTrans (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray, CoeffState coeffstate=eLocal, bool Shuff=true, bool UnShuff=true) |
virtual void | v_DealiasedProd (const Array< OneD, NekDouble > &inarray1, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > &inarray2, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray, CoeffState coeffstate=eLocal) |
virtual void | v_DealiasedDotProd (const Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &inarray1, const Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &inarray2, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &outarray, CoeffState coeffstate=eLocal) |
virtual void | v_GetBCValues (Array< OneD, NekDouble > &BndVals, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > &TotField, int BndID) |
virtual void | v_NormVectorIProductWRTBase (Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &V1, Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &V2, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray, int BndID) |
virtual void | v_NormVectorIProductWRTBase (Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &V, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
virtual void | v_SetUpPhysNormals () |
virtual void | v_GetBoundaryToElmtMap (Array< OneD, int > &ElmtID, Array< OneD, int > &EdgeID) |
virtual void | v_GetBndElmtExpansion (int i, boost::shared_ptr< ExpList > &result, const bool DeclareCoeffPhysArrays) |
virtual void | v_ExtractElmtToBndPhys (int i, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &elmt, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &boundary) |
virtual void | v_ExtractPhysToBndElmt (int i, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &phys, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &bndElmt) |
virtual void | v_ExtractPhysToBnd (int i, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &phys, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &bnd) |
virtual void | v_GetBoundaryNormals (int i, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &normals) |
virtual void | v_ReadGlobalOptimizationParameters () |
virtual std::vector < LibUtilities::FieldDefinitionsSharedPtr > | v_GetFieldDefinitions (void) |
virtual void | v_GetFieldDefinitions (std::vector< LibUtilities::FieldDefinitionsSharedPtr > &fielddef) |
virtual void | v_AppendFieldData (LibUtilities::FieldDefinitionsSharedPtr &fielddef, std::vector< NekDouble > &fielddata) |
virtual void | v_AppendFieldData (LibUtilities::FieldDefinitionsSharedPtr &fielddef, std::vector< NekDouble > &fielddata, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &coeffs) |
virtual void | v_ExtractDataToCoeffs (LibUtilities::FieldDefinitionsSharedPtr &fielddef, std::vector< NekDouble > &fielddata, std::string &field, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &coeffs) |
Extract data from raw field data into expansion list. More... | |
virtual void | v_ExtractCoeffsToCoeffs (const boost::shared_ptr< ExpList > &fromExpList, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &fromCoeffs, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &toCoeffs) |
virtual void | v_WriteTecplotHeader (std::ostream &outfile, std::string var="") |
virtual void | v_WriteTecplotZone (std::ostream &outfile, int expansion) |
virtual void | v_WriteTecplotField (std::ostream &outfile, int expansion) |
virtual void | v_WriteTecplotConnectivity (std::ostream &outfile, int expansion) |
virtual void | v_WriteVtkPieceHeader (std::ostream &outfile, int expansion, int istrip) |
virtual void | v_WriteVtkPieceData (std::ostream &outfile, int expansion, std::string var) |
virtual NekDouble | v_L2 (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &phys, const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &soln=NullNekDouble1DArray) |
virtual NekDouble | v_Integral (const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &inarray) |
virtual Array< OneD, const NekDouble > | v_HomogeneousEnergy (void) |
virtual LibUtilities::TranspositionSharedPtr | v_GetTransposition (void) |
virtual NekDouble | v_GetHomoLen (void) |
virtual Array< OneD, const unsigned int > | v_GetZIDs (void) |
virtual Array< OneD, const unsigned int > | v_GetYIDs (void) |
virtual void | v_PhysInterp1DScaled (const NekDouble scale, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
virtual void | v_PhysGalerkinProjection1DScaled (const NekDouble scale, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > &inarray, Array< OneD, NekDouble > &outarray) |
virtual void | v_ClearGlobalLinSysManager (void) |
void | ExtractFileBCs (const std::string &fileName, LibUtilities::CommSharedPtr comm, const std::string &varName, const boost::shared_ptr< ExpList > locExpList) |
Static Protected Member Functions | |
static SpatialDomains::BoundaryConditionShPtr | GetBoundaryCondition (const SpatialDomains::BoundaryConditionCollection &collection, unsigned int index, const std::string &variable) |
Protected Attributes | |
LibUtilities::CommSharedPtr | m_comm |
Communicator. More... | |
LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr | m_session |
Session. More... | |
SpatialDomains::MeshGraphSharedPtr | m_graph |
Mesh associated with this expansion list. More... | |
int | m_ncoeffs |
The total number of local degrees of freedom. m_ncoeffs . More... | |
int | m_npoints |
Array< OneD, NekDouble > | m_coeffs |
Concatenation of all local expansion coefficients. More... | |
Array< OneD, NekDouble > | m_phys |
The global expansion evaluated at the quadrature points. More... | |
bool | m_physState |
The state of the array m_phys. More... | |
boost::shared_ptr < LocalRegions::ExpansionVector > | m_exp |
The list of local expansions. More... | |
Collections::CollectionVector | m_collections |
std::vector< int > | m_coll_coeff_offset |
Offset of elemental data into the array m_coeffs. More... | |
std::vector< int > | m_coll_phys_offset |
Offset of elemental data into the array m_phys. More... | |
Array< OneD, int > | m_coeff_offset |
Offset of elemental data into the array m_coeffs. More... | |
Array< OneD, int > | m_phys_offset |
Offset of elemental data into the array m_phys. More... | |
Array< OneD, int > | m_offset_elmt_id |
Array containing the element id m_offset_elmt_id[n] that the n^th consecutive block of data in m_coeffs and m_phys is associated, i.e. for an array of constant expansion size and single shape elements m_phys[n*m_npoints] is the data related to m_exp[m_offset_elmt_id[n]];. More... | |
NekOptimize::GlobalOptParamSharedPtr | m_globalOptParam |
BlockMatrixMapShPtr | m_blockMat |
bool | m_WaveSpace |
boost::unordered_map< int, int > | m_elmtToExpId |
Mapping from geometry ID of element to index inside m_exp. More... | |
Private Member Functions | |
virtual const Array< OneD, const SpatialDomains::BoundaryConditionShPtr > & | v_GetBndConditions () |
virtual Array< OneD, SpatialDomains::BoundaryConditionShPtr > & | v_UpdateBndConditions () |
virtual void | v_EvaluateBoundaryConditions (const NekDouble time=0.0, const std::string varName="", const NekDouble x2_in=NekConstants::kNekUnsetDouble, const NekDouble x3_in=NekConstants::kNekUnsetDouble) |
virtual std::map< int, RobinBCInfoSharedPtr > | v_GetRobinBCInfo (void) |
virtual void | v_GetPeriodicEntities (PeriodicMap &periodicVerts, PeriodicMap &periodicEdges, PeriodicMap &periodicFaces) |
virtual LibUtilities::BasisSharedPtr | v_GetHomogeneousBasis (void) |
virtual void | v_SetHomo1DSpecVanVisc (Array< OneD, NekDouble > visc) |
virtual boost::shared_ptr < ExpList > & | v_GetPlane (int n) |
Base class for all multi-elemental spectral/hp expansions.
All multi-elemental expansions can be considered as the assembly of the various elemental contributions. On a discrete level, this yields,
where is the number of elements and is the local elemental number of expansion modes. As it is the lowest level class, it contains the definition of the common data and common routines to all multi-elemental expansions.
The class stores a vector of expansions, m_exp, (each derived from StdRegions::StdExpansion) which define the constituent components of the domain. The coefficients from these expansions are concatenated in m_coeffs, while the expansion evaluated at the quadrature points is stored in m_phys.
Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList::ExpList | ( | ) |
The default constructor.
Creates an empty expansion list. The expansion list will typically be populated by a derived class (namely one of MultiRegions::ExpList1D, MultiRegions::ExpList2D or MultiRegions::ExpList3D).
Definition at line 95 of file ExpList.cpp.
References Nektar::MultiRegions::eNoType, and SetExpType().
Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList::ExpList | ( | const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr & | pSession | ) |
The default constructor.
Creates an empty expansion list. The expansion list will typically be populated by a derived class (namely one of MultiRegions::ExpList1D, MultiRegions::ExpList2D or MultiRegions::ExpList3D).
Definition at line 121 of file ExpList.cpp.
References Nektar::MultiRegions::eNoType, and SetExpType().
Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList::ExpList | ( | const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr & | pSession, |
const SpatialDomains::MeshGraphSharedPtr & | pGraph | ||
) |
The default constructor.
Creates an empty expansion list. The expansion list will typically be populated by a derived class (namely one of MultiRegions::ExpList1D, MultiRegions::ExpList2D or MultiRegions::ExpList3D).
Definition at line 148 of file ExpList.cpp.
References Nektar::MultiRegions::eNoType, and SetExpType().
Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList::ExpList | ( | const ExpList & | in, |
const std::vector< unsigned int > & | eIDs, | ||
const bool | DeclareCoeffPhysArrays = true |
) |
Constructor copying only elements defined in eIds.
Copies the eIds elements from an existing expansion list.
in | Source expansion list. |
in | elements that will be in the new exp list. |
Definition at line 175 of file ExpList.cpp.
References Nektar::MultiRegions::eNoType, m_coeffs, m_exp, m_ncoeffs, m_npoints, m_phys, and SetExpType().
Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList::ExpList | ( | const ExpList & | in, |
const bool | DeclareCoeffPhysArrays = true |
) |
The copy constructor.
Copies an existing expansion list.
in | Source expansion list. |
Definition at line 215 of file ExpList.cpp.
References Nektar::MultiRegions::eNoType, m_coeffs, m_ncoeffs, m_npoints, m_phys, and SetExpType().
virtual |
inline |
Definition at line 2195 of file ExpList.h.
References v_AddFwdBwdTraceIntegral().
inline |
Definition at line 2180 of file ExpList.h.
References v_AddTraceIntegral().
inline |
Definition at line 2188 of file ExpList.h.
References v_AddTraceIntegral().
inline |
Append the element data listed in elements fielddef->m_ElementIDs onto fielddata.
Definition at line 868 of file ExpList.h.
References v_AppendFieldData().
inline |
Append the data in coeffs listed in elements fielddef->m_ElementIDs onto fielddata.
Definition at line 878 of file ExpList.h.
References v_AppendFieldData().
void Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList::ApplyGeomInfo | ( | ) |
Apply geometry information to each expansion.
Configures geometric info, such as tangent direction, on each expansion.
graph2D | Mesh |
Definition at line 1500 of file ExpList.cpp.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::DisContField1D(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::DisContField3D().
inline |
Definition at line 1699 of file ExpList.h.
References v_BwdTrans().
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::L2_DGDeriv(), and v_WriteTecplotField().
inline |
This function elementally evaluates the backward transformation of the global spectral/hp element expansion.
Definition at line 1710 of file ExpList.h.
References v_BwdTrans_IterPerExp().
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D::BwdTrans(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::BwdTrans(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::v_BwdTrans().
Definition at line 3268 of file ExpList.cpp.
References v_ClearGlobalLinSysManager().
void Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList::CreateCollections | ( | Collections::ImplementationType | ImpType = Collections::eNoImpType | ) |
Construct collections of elements containing a single element type and polynomial order from the list of expansions.
Definition at line 3129 of file ExpList.cpp.
References Nektar::iterator, m_coeff_offset, m_coll_coeff_offset, m_coll_phys_offset, m_collections, m_comm, m_exp, m_phys_offset, and m_session.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D::ExpList1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D::ExpList2D(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3D::ExpList3D().
inline |
Definition at line 1815 of file ExpList.h.
References v_CurlCurl().
inline |
Definition at line 1863 of file ExpList.h.
References v_DealiasedDotProd().
inline |
Definition at line 1851 of file ExpList.h.
References v_DealiasedProd().
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D::v_DealiasedDotProd().
inline |
Evaulates the maximum number of modes in the elemental basis order over all elements.
Evaulates the maximum number of modes in the elemental basis order over all elements
Definition at line 1507 of file ExpList.h.
References m_exp.
inline |
Returns the vector of the number of modes in the elemental basis order over all elements.
Definition at line 1524 of file ExpList.h.
References m_exp.
inline |
Definition at line 2249 of file ExpList.h.
References v_EvaluateBoundaryConditions().
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::DisContField1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::DisContField2D(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::DisContField3D().
void Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList::ExtractCoeffsToCoeffs | ( | const boost::shared_ptr< ExpList > & | fromExpList, |
const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > & | fromCoeffs, | ||
Array< OneD, NekDouble > & | toCoeffs | ||
) |
Extract the data from fromField using fromExpList the coeffs using the basic ExpList Elemental expansions rather than planes in homogeneous case.
Definition at line 2225 of file ExpList.cpp.
References v_ExtractCoeffsToCoeffs().
void Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList::ExtractDataToCoeffs | ( | LibUtilities::FieldDefinitionsSharedPtr & | fielddef, |
std::vector< NekDouble > & | fielddata, | ||
std::string & | field, | ||
Array< OneD, NekDouble > & | coeffs | ||
) |
Extract the data in fielddata into the coeffs.
Definition at line 2216 of file ExpList.cpp.
References v_ExtractDataToCoeffs().
void Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList::ExtractElmtDataToCoeffs | ( | LibUtilities::FieldDefinitionsSharedPtr & | fielddef, |
std::vector< NekDouble > & | fielddata, | ||
std::string & | field, | ||
Array< OneD, NekDouble > & | coeffs | ||
) |
Extract the data in fielddata into the coeffs using the basic ExpList Elemental expansions rather than planes in homogeneous case.
inline |
Definition at line 2315 of file ExpList.h.
References v_ExtractElmtToBndPhys().
protected |
Definition at line 1987 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0, Nektar::LibUtilities::NekFactory< tKey, tBase, >::CreateInstance(), Nektar::LibUtilities::GetFieldIOFactory(), Nektar::LibUtilities::FieldIO::GetFileType(), and m_session.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::v_EvaluateBoundaryConditions(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_EvaluateBoundaryConditions().
inline |
Definition at line 2329 of file ExpList.h.
References v_ExtractPhysToBnd().
inline |
Definition at line 2322 of file ExpList.h.
References v_ExtractPhysToBndElmt().
Definition at line 2223 of file ExpList.h.
References v_ExtractTracePhys().
inline |
Definition at line 2229 of file ExpList.h.
References v_ExtractTracePhys().
Fill Bnd Condition expansion from the values stored in expansion.
Definition at line 1957 of file ExpList.h.
References v_FillBndCondFromField().
inline |
Fill Bnd Condition expansion in nreg from the values stored in expansion.
Definition at line 1962 of file ExpList.h.
References v_FillBndCondFromField().
inline |
Definition at line 1670 of file ExpList.h.
References v_FwdTrans().
void Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList::FwdTrans_BndConstrained | ( | const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > & | inarray, |
Array< OneD, NekDouble > & | outarray | ||
) |
Definition at line 690 of file ExpList.cpp.
References m_coeff_offset, and m_phys_offset.
inline |
This function elementally evaluates the forward transformation of a function onto the global spectral/hp expansion.
Definition at line 1681 of file ExpList.h.
References v_FwdTrans_IterPerExp().
protected |
This function assembles the block diagonal matrix of local matrices of the type mtype.
This function assembles the block diagonal matrix , which is the concatenation of the local matrices of the type mtype, that is
mtype | the type of matrix to be assembled |
scalar | an optional parameter |
constant | an optional parameter |
Definition at line 754 of file ExpList.cpp.
References Nektar::MemoryManager< DataType >::AllocateSharedPtr(), Nektar::StdRegions::eBwdTrans, Nektar::eDIAGONAL, ErrorUtil::efatal, Nektar::StdRegions::eHelmholtz, Nektar::StdRegions::eHybridDGHelmBndLam, Nektar::StdRegions::eHybridDGLamToU, Nektar::StdRegions::eInvHybridDGHelmholtz, Nektar::StdRegions::eInvMass, Nektar::StdRegions::eIProductWRTBase, Nektar::StdRegions::eLaplacian, Nektar::StdRegions::eMass, Nektar::LibUtilities::eNoShapeType, Nektar::MultiRegions::GlobalMatrixKey::GetConstFactors(), Nektar::MultiRegions::GlobalMatrixKey::GetMatrixType(), Nektar::MultiRegions::GlobalMatrixKey::GetNVarCoeffs(), Nektar::MultiRegions::GlobalMatrixKey::GetShapeType(), Nektar::MultiRegions::GlobalMatrixKey::GetVarCoeffs(), m_exp, m_offset_elmt_id, m_phys_offset, and NEKERROR.
Referenced by GetBlockMatrix().
void Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList::GeneralGetFieldDefinitions | ( | std::vector< LibUtilities::FieldDefinitionsSharedPtr > & | fielddef, |
int | NumHomoDir = 0 , |
Array< OneD, LibUtilities::BasisSharedPtr > & | HomoBasis = LibUtilities::NullBasisSharedPtr1DArray , |
std::vector< NekDouble > & | HomoLen = LibUtilities::NullNekDoubleVector , |
bool | homoStrips = false , |
std::vector< unsigned int > & | HomoSIDs = LibUtilities::NullUnsignedIntVector , |
std::vector< unsigned int > & | HomoZIDs = LibUtilities::NullUnsignedIntVector , |
std::vector< unsigned int > & | HomoYIDs = LibUtilities::NullUnsignedIntVector |
) |
Definition at line 2066 of file ExpList.cpp.
References Nektar::MemoryManager< DataType >::AllocateSharedPtr(), ASSERTL0, ASSERTL1, Nektar::LibUtilities::eHexahedron, Nektar::LibUtilities::eQuadrilateral, Nektar::LibUtilities::eSegment, Nektar::LibUtilities::eTetrahedron, Nektar::LibUtilities::eTriangle, and m_exp.
Referenced by v_GetFieldDefinitions().
inline |
This function calculates the result of the multiplication of a matrix of type specified by mkey with a vector given by inarray.
This operation is equivalent to the evaluation of , that is,
where are the local matrices of type specified by the key mkey. The decoupling of the local matrices allows for a local evaluation of the operation. However, rather than a local matrix-vector multiplication, the local operations are evaluated as implemented in the function StdRegions::StdExpansion::GeneralMatrixOp.
mkey | This key uniquely defines the type matrix required for the operation. |
inarray | The vector of size . |
outarray | The resulting vector of size . |
Definition at line 2287 of file ExpList.h.
References v_GeneralMatrixOp().
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::GenerateDirBndCondForcing().
void Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList::GeneralMatrixOp_IterPerExp | ( | const GlobalMatrixKey & | gkey, |
const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > & | inarray, | ||
Array< OneD, NekDouble > & | outarray | ||
) |
Definition at line 905 of file ExpList.cpp.
References Nektar::MultiRegions::GlobalMatrixKey::GetConstFactors(), Nektar::MultiRegions::GlobalMatrixKey::GetMatrixType(), Nektar::MultiRegions::GlobalMatrixKey::GetNVarCoeffs(), Nektar::MultiRegions::GlobalMatrixKey::GetVarCoeffs(), m_coeff_offset, m_globalOptParam, m_offset_elmt_id, m_phys_offset, and MultiplyByBlockMatrix().
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::v_GeneralMatrixOp(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D::v_GeneralMatrixOp(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::v_GeneralMatrixOp(), and v_GeneralMatrixOp().
protected |
Generate a GlobalLinSys from information provided by the key "mkey" and the mapping provided in LocToGloBaseMap.
Definition at line 1270 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0, Nektar::LibUtilities::NekFactory< tKey, tBase, >::CreateInstance(), Nektar::MultiRegions::eSIZE_GlobalSysSolnType, Nektar::MultiRegions::GetGlobalLinSysFactory(), Nektar::MultiRegions::GlobalLinSysKey::GetGlobalSysSolnType(), GetRobinBCInfo(), GetSharedThisPtr(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::GlobalSysSolnTypeMap.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::GetGlobalBndLinSys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::GetGlobalBndLinSys(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::GetGlobalBndLinSys().
protected |
This operation constructs the global linear system of type mkey.
Consider a linear system to be solved. Dependent on the solution method, this function constructs
mkey | A key which uniquely defines the global matrix to be constructed. |
locToGloMap | Contains the mapping array and required information for the transformation from local to global degrees of freedom. |
Definition at line 1251 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0, Nektar::LibUtilities::NekFactory< tKey, tBase, >::CreateInstance(), Nektar::MultiRegions::eSIZE_GlobalSysSolnType, Nektar::MultiRegions::GetGlobalLinSysFactory(), Nektar::MultiRegions::GlobalLinSysKey::GetGlobalSysSolnType(), GetSharedThisPtr(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::GlobalSysSolnTypeMap.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::GenGlobalLinSys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D::GenGlobalLinSys(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::GenGlobalLinSys().
protected |
Generates a global matrix from the given key and map.
Retrieves local matrices from each expansion in the expansion list and combines them together to generate a global matrix system.
mkey | Matrix key for the matrix to be generated. |
locToGloMap | Local to global mapping. |
Definition at line 973 of file ExpList.cpp.
References Nektar::MemoryManager< DataType >::AllocateSharedPtr(), Nektar::StdRegions::eBwdTrans, ErrorUtil::efatal, Nektar::StdRegions::eHelmholtz, Nektar::StdRegions::eHybridDGHelmBndLam, Nektar::StdRegions::eIProductWRTBase, Nektar::StdRegions::eLaplacian, Nektar::StdRegions::eMass, Nektar::MultiRegions::GlobalMatrixKey::GetConstFactors(), Nektar::MultiRegions::GlobalMatrixKey::GetMatrixType(), Nektar::MultiRegions::GlobalMatrixKey::GetNVarCoeffs(), Nektar::MultiRegions::GlobalMatrixKey::GetVarCoeffs(), m_npoints, m_offset_elmt_id, m_phys_offset, m_session, and NEKERROR.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::GetGlobalMatrix(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::GetGlobalMatrix().
protected |
Definition at line 1110 of file ExpList.cpp.
References Nektar::MemoryManager< DataType >::AllocateSharedPtr(), Nektar::eFULL, Nektar::StdRegions::eHelmholtz, Nektar::StdRegions::eLaplacian, Nektar::ePOSITIVE_DEFINITE_SYMMETRIC, Nektar::ePOSITIVE_DEFINITE_SYMMETRIC_BANDED, Nektar::MultiRegions::GlobalMatrixKey::GetConstFactors(), Nektar::MultiRegions::GlobalMatrixKey::GetMatrixType(), Nektar::MultiRegions::GlobalMatrixKey::GetNVarCoeffs(), GetRobinBCInfo(), Nektar::MultiRegions::GlobalMatrixKey::GetVarCoeffs(), m_coeff_offset, m_offset_elmt_id, and m_phys_offset.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::LinearAdvectionEigs().
inline |
Returns the total number of qudature points scaled by the factor scale on each 1D direction.
Definition at line 1554 of file ExpList.h.
References m_exp.
inline |
Definition at line 1875 of file ExpList.h.
References v_GetBCValues().
protected |
Definition at line 890 of file ExpList.cpp.
References GenBlockMatrix(), Nektar::iterator, and m_blockMat.
Referenced by MultiplyByBlockMatrix(), MultiplyByElmtInvMass(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::v_GeneralMatrixOp(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_GeneralMatrixOp(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::v_HelmSolve(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_HelmSolve(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::v_HelmSolve().
inline |
Definition at line 2131 of file ExpList.h.
References v_GetBndCondExpansions().
Referenced by v_ExtractElmtToBndPhys(), v_ExtractPhysToBnd(), v_ExtractPhysToBndElmt(), and v_GetBoundaryNormals().
inline |
Definition at line 2237 of file ExpList.h.
References v_GetBndConditions().
inline |
Definition at line 2308 of file ExpList.h.
References v_GetBndElmtExpansion().
staticprotected |
Definition at line 3037 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL1.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::FindPeriodicEdges(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::FindPeriodicFaces(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::FindPeriodicVertices(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::GenerateBoundaryConditionExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::GenerateBoundaryConditionExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::GenerateBoundaryConditionExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::SetBoundaryConditionExpansion(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D::SetupBoundaryConditions().
inline |
Definition at line 2336 of file ExpList.h.
References v_GetBoundaryNormals().
inline |
Definition at line 2302 of file ExpList.h.
References v_GetBoundaryToElmtMap().
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::DisContField1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::DisContField2D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::DisContField3D(), v_ExtractElmtToBndPhys(), v_ExtractPhysToBnd(), v_ExtractPhysToBndElmt(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::v_GetBndElmtExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::v_GetBndElmtExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_GetBndElmtExpansion(), v_GetBoundaryNormals(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::v_GetRobinBCInfo(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::v_GetRobinBCInfo(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_GetRobinBCInfo().
inline |
Get the i th value (coefficient) of m_coeffs.
i | The index of m_coeffs to be returned |
Definition at line 2023 of file ExpList.h.
References m_coeffs.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::v_EvaluateBoundaryConditions().
inline |
Get the start offset position for a global list of m_coeffs correspoinding to element n.
Definition at line 2084 of file ExpList.h.
References m_coeff_offset.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::AssemblyMapCG::AssemblyMapCG(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D::NormVectorIProductWRTBase(), Nektar::MultiRegions::LocTraceToTraceMap::Setup2D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::LocTraceToTraceMap::Setup3D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::AssemblyMapCG::SetUpUniversalC0ContMap(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_AddFwdBwdTraceIntegral(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::v_AddTraceIntegral(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_AddTraceIntegral(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous2D::v_GetBndElmtExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D::v_GetBndElmtExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::v_GetBndElmtExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::v_GetBndElmtExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_GetBndElmtExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous1D::v_HomogeneousEnergy(), and v_NormVectorIProductWRTBase().
inline |
This function returns (a reference to) the array (implemented as m_coeffs) containing all local expansion coefficients.
As the function returns a constant reference to a const Array, it is not possible to modify the underlying data of the array m_coeffs. In order to do so, use the function UpdateCoeffs instead.
Definition at line 1946 of file ExpList.h.
References m_coeffs.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous2D::EvaluateBoundaryConditions(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D::EvaluateBoundaryConditions(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D::PostProcess(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous2D::v_GetBndElmtExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D::v_GetBndElmtExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::v_GetBndElmtExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_GetBndElmtExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::v_GetBndElmtExpansion(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous1D::v_HomogeneousEnergy().
inline |
Get the i th value (coefficient) of m_coeffs.
i | The index of m_coeffs to be returned |
Definition at line 2032 of file ExpList.h.
References m_coeffs.
inline |
Returns the comm object.
Definition at line 930 of file ExpList.h.
References m_comm.
inline |
This function returns the dimension of the coordinates of the element eid.
eid | The index of the element to be checked. |
Definition at line 1906 of file ExpList.h.
References ASSERTL2, and m_exp.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2DHomogeneous1D::GetCoords(), GetExp(), GetExpIndex(), IProductWRTDerivBase(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D::v_GetBoundaryNormals(), v_GetBoundaryNormals(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2DHomogeneous1D::v_GetCoords(), v_GetCoords(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2DHomogeneous1D::v_GetNormals(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D::v_GetNormals(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D::v_GetNormals(), v_NormVectorIProductWRTBase(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D::v_Upwind(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1DHomogeneous2D::v_WriteTecplotZone(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2DHomogeneous1D::v_WriteTecplotZone(), and v_WriteTecplotZone().
inline |
This function calculates the coordinates of all the elemental quadrature points .
Definition at line 1777 of file ExpList.h.
References v_GetCoords().
Referenced by v_WriteTecplotZone().
inline |
This function returns the vector of elements in the expansion.
Definition at line 2075 of file ExpList.h.
References m_exp.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::AssemblyMapCG::AssemblyMapCG(), Nektar::MultiRegions::AssemblyMapDG::AssemblyMapDG(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3DHomogeneous1D::ContField3DHomogeneous1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3DHomogeneous2D::ContField3DHomogeneous2D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::AssemblyMapCG::CreateGraph(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous2D::DisContField3DHomogeneous2D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1DHomogeneous2D::ExpList1DHomogeneous2D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2DHomogeneous1D::ExpList2DHomogeneous1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous2D::ExpList3DHomogeneous2D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous1D::GenExpList3DHomogeneous1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D::GetBCValues(), GetExpIndex(), Nektar::MultiRegions::LocTraceToTraceMap::LocTraceToTraceMap(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D::NormVectorIProductWRTBase(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D::PostProcess(), Nektar::MultiRegions::LocTraceToTraceMap::Setup2D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::LocTraceToTraceMap::Setup3D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::AssemblyMapCG::SetUpUniversalC0ContMap(), Nektar::MultiRegions::AssemblyMapDG::SetUpUniversalDGMap(), Nektar::MultiRegions::AssemblyMapDG::SetUpUniversalTraceMap(), v_ExtractElmtToBndPhys(), v_ExtractPhysToBnd(), v_ExtractPhysToBndElmt(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous2D::v_GetBndElmtExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D::v_GetBndElmtExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::v_GetBndElmtExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::v_GetBndElmtExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_GetBndElmtExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D::v_GetBoundaryNormals(), v_GetBoundaryNormals(), v_GetCoords(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous1D::v_HomogeneousEnergy(), Nektar::MultiRegions::AssemblyMapCG::v_LinearSpaceMap(), and v_WriteTecplotHeader().
inline |
This function returns (a shared pointer to) the local elemental expansion of the element.
n | The index of the element concerned. |
Definition at line 2066 of file ExpList.h.
References m_exp.
LocalRegions::ExpansionSharedPtr & Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList::GetExp | ( | const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > & | gloCoord | ) |
This function returns (a shared pointer to) the local elemental expansion containing the arbitrary point given by gloCoord.
Definition at line 1319 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0, GetCoordim(), and m_exp.
int Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList::GetExpIndex | ( | const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > & | gloCoord, |
NekDouble | tol = 0.0 , |
bool | returnNearestElmt = false |
) |
This function returns the index of the local elemental expansion containing the arbitrary point given by gloCoord.
Definition at line 1340 of file ExpList.cpp.
int Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList::GetExpIndex | ( | const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > & | gloCoords, |
Array< OneD, NekDouble > & | locCoords, | ||
NekDouble | tol = 0.0 , |
bool | returnNearestElmt = false |
) |
This function returns the index and the Local Cartesian Coordinates locCoords of the local elemental expansion containing the arbitrary point given by gloCoords.
Definition at line 1351 of file ExpList.cpp.
References GetCoordim(), GetExp(), GetNumElmts(), m_exp, m_graph, CellMLToNektar.pycml::msg, Nektar::NekPoint< data_type >::SetX(), Nektar::NekPoint< data_type >::SetY(), Nektar::NekPoint< data_type >::SetZ(), Vmath::Vcopy(), and WARNINGL1.
inline |
This function returns the number of elements in the expansion.
Definition at line 2054 of file ExpList.h.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3DHomogeneous1D::ContField3DHomogeneous1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3DHomogeneous2D::ContField3DHomogeneous2D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous2D::DisContField3DHomogeneous2D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::EvaluateHDGPostProcessing(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::EvaluateHDGPostProcessing(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList0D::ExpList0D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D::ExpList1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D::ExpList2D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2DHomogeneous1D::ExpList2DHomogeneous1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3D::ExpList3D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous2D::ExpList3DHomogeneous2D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous1D::GenExpList3DHomogeneous1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::GetNegatedFluxNormal(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::L2_DGDeriv(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D::PeriodicEval(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::SameTypeOfBoundaryConditions(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::SameTypeOfBoundaryConditions(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_AddFwdBwdTraceIntegral(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::v_AddTraceIntegral(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_AddTraceIntegral(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::v_ExtractTracePhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_ExtractTracePhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::v_GetBoundaryToElmtMap(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_GetBoundaryToElmtMap(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::v_GetBoundaryToElmtMap(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::v_GetFwdBwdTracePhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_GetFwdBwdTracePhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::v_HelmSolve(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_HelmSolve(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::v_HelmSolve(), v_NormVectorIProductWRTBase(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3D::v_PhysGalerkinProjection1DScaled(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D::v_PhysGalerkinProjection1DScaled(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3D::v_PhysInterp1DScaled(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D::v_PhysInterp1DScaled(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3D::v_ReadGlobalOptimizationParameters(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D::v_ReadGlobalOptimizationParameters().
ExpansionType Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList::GetExpType | ( | void | ) |
Returns the type of the expansion.
Definition at line 245 of file ExpList.cpp.
References m_expType.
Referenced by v_CurlCurl().
inline |
Definition at line 853 of file ExpList.h.
References v_GetFieldDefinitions().
inline |
Definition at line 859 of file ExpList.h.
References v_GetFieldDefinitions().
inline |
Definition at line 2203 of file ExpList.h.
References v_GetFwdBwdTracePhys().
inline |
Definition at line 2210 of file ExpList.h.
References v_GetFwdBwdTracePhys().
inline |
Definition at line 834 of file ExpList.h.
References m_globalOptParam.
inline |
Definition at line 935 of file ExpList.h.
References m_graph.
inline |
Definition at line 941 of file ExpList.h.
References v_GetHomogeneousBasis().
This function returns the Width of homogeneous direction associaed with the homogeneous expansion.
Definition at line 578 of file ExpList.h.
References v_GetHomoLen().
inline |
Definition at line 2218 of file ExpList.h.
References v_GetLeftAdjacentFaces().
inline |
Returns the total number of local degrees of freedom .
Returns the total number of local degrees of freedom .
Definition at line 1493 of file ExpList.h.
References m_ncoeffs.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::GenerateDirBndCondForcing(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::LaplaceSolve(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::v_FillBndCondFromField(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::v_FillBndCondFromField(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::v_HelmSolve(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::v_HelmSolve(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_HelmSolve(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::v_HelmSolve(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::v_ImposeDirichletConditions(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::v_ImposeDirichletConditions(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::v_LinearAdvectionDiffusionReactionSolve(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::v_LinearAdvectionDiffusionReactionSolve().
inline |
Returns the total number of local degrees of freedom for element eid.
Definition at line 1498 of file ExpList.h.
References m_exp.
inline |
Definition at line 2174 of file ExpList.h.
References v_GetNormals().
inline |
inline |
This function returns the number of elements in the expansion which may be different for a homogeoenous extended expansionp.
Definition at line 623 of file ExpList.h.
References v_GetNumElmts().
Referenced by GetExpIndex(), v_GetCoords(), and v_WriteTecplotHeader().
inline |
Get the element id associated with the n th consecutive block of data in m_phys and m_coeffs.
Definition at line 2100 of file ExpList.h.
References m_offset_elmt_id.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::AssemblyMapCG::AssemblyMapCG(), Nektar::MultiRegions::AssemblyMapDG::AssemblyMapDG(), Nektar::MultiRegions::AssemblyMapCG::CreateGraph(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::AssemblyMapDG::SetUpUniversalDGMap().
inline |
Definition at line 844 of file ExpList.h.
References v_GetPeriodicEntities().
This function returns (a reference to) the array (implemented as m_phys) containing the function evaluated at the quadrature points.
As the function returns a constant reference to a const Array it is not possible to modify the underlying data of the array m_phys. In order to do so, use the function UpdatePhys instead.
Definition at line 2045 of file ExpList.h.
References m_phys.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous2D::v_GetBndElmtExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D::v_GetBndElmtExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::v_GetBndElmtExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_GetBndElmtExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::v_GetBndElmtExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::v_GetFwdBwdTracePhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::v_GetFwdBwdTracePhys(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_GetFwdBwdTracePhys().
inline |
Get the start offset position for a global list of m_phys correspoinding to element n.
Definition at line 2092 of file ExpList.h.
References m_phys_offset.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D::GetBCValues(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D::NormVectorIProductWRTBase(), Nektar::MultiRegions::LocTraceToTraceMap::Setup2D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::LocTraceToTraceMap::Setup3D(), v_ExtractPhysToBnd(), v_ExtractPhysToBndElmt(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::v_ExtractTracePhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_ExtractTracePhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous2D::v_GetBndElmtExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D::v_GetBndElmtExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::v_GetBndElmtExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::v_GetBndElmtExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_GetBndElmtExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::v_GetFwdBwdTracePhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_GetFwdBwdTracePhys(), and v_NormVectorIProductWRTBase().
inline |
This function indicates whether the array of physical values (implemented as m_phys) is filled or not.
Definition at line 1641 of file ExpList.h.
References m_physState.
inline |
Definition at line 946 of file ExpList.h.
References v_GetPlane().
inline |
Definition at line 839 of file ExpList.h.
References v_GetRobinBCInfo().
Referenced by GenGlobalBndLinSys(), and GenGlobalMatrixFull().
inline |
Returns the session object.
Definition at line 924 of file ExpList.h.
References m_session.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::AssemblyMapCG::SetUpUniversalC0ContMap(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::AssemblyMapCG::v_LinearSpaceMap().
inline |
Returns a shared pointer to the current object.
Definition at line 918 of file ExpList.h.
Referenced by GenGlobalBndLinSys(), and GenGlobalLinSys().
inline |
Returns the total number of quadrature points m_npoints .
Definition at line 1543 of file ExpList.h.
References m_npoints.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2DHomogeneous1D::GetCoords(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous2D::GetCoords(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous1D::GetCoords(), v_CurlCurl(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous1D::v_HomogeneousEnergy(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous2D::v_L2(), v_WriteTecplotField(), and v_WriteTecplotZone().
inline |
Returns the total number of quadrature points for eid's element .
Definition at line 1548 of file ExpList.h.
References m_exp.
inline |
Return a reference to the trace space associated with this expansion list.
Definition at line 2159 of file ExpList.h.
References v_GetTrace().
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_AddFwdBwdTraceIntegral(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::v_AddTraceIntegral(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_AddTraceIntegral().
Definition at line 2169 of file ExpList.h.
References v_GetTraceBndMap().
inline |
Definition at line 2164 of file ExpList.h.
References v_GetTraceMap().
Referenced by v_GetTraceBndMap().
inline |
This function returns the transposition class associaed with the homogeneous expansion.
Definition at line 571 of file ExpList.h.
References v_GetTransposition().
inline |
This function returns the third direction expansion condition, which can be in wave space (coefficient) or not It is stored in the variable m_WaveSpace.
Definition at line 1592 of file ExpList.h.
References m_WaveSpace.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous2D::v_GetBndElmtExpansion(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D::v_GetBndElmtExpansion().
This function returns a vector containing the wave numbers in y-direction associated with the 3D homogenous expansion. Required if a parellelisation is applied in the Fourier direction.
Definition at line 587 of file ExpList.h.
References v_GetYIDs().
This function returns a vector containing the wave numbers in z-direction associated with the 3D homogenous expansion. Required if a parellelisation is applied in the Fourier direction.
Definition at line 564 of file ExpList.h.
References v_GetZIDs().
Referenced by v_WriteTecplotZone().
protected |
Scatters from the global coefficients to the local coefficients .
Definition at line 1980 of file ExpList.h.
References v_GlobalToLocal().
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D::BwdTrans(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::BwdTrans(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D::FwdTrans(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::FwdTrans(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::LaplaceSolve(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D::MultiplyByInvMassMatrix(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::MultiplyByInvMassMatrix(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::v_BwdTrans(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::v_FwdTrans(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::v_GeneralMatrixOp(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D::v_GeneralMatrixOp(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::v_GeneralMatrixOp(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::v_HelmSolve(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D::v_HelmSolve(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::v_HelmSolve(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::v_LinearAdvectionDiffusionReactionSolve(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::v_LinearAdvectionDiffusionReactionSolve(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::v_LinearAdvectionReactionSolve(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::v_MultiplyByInvMassMatrix().
inline |
This operation is evaluated as:
where map is the mapping array and sign is an array of similar dimensions ensuring the correct modal connectivity between the different elements (both these arrays are contained in the data member #m_locToGloMap). This operation is equivalent to the scatter operation , where is the permutation matrix.
inarray | An array of size containing the global degrees of freedom . |
outarray | The resulting local degrees of freedom will be stored in this array of size . |
Definition at line 2011 of file ExpList.h.
References v_GlobalToLocal().
NekDouble Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList::H1 | ( | const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > & | inarray, |
const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > & | soln = NullNekDouble1DArray |
) |
Calculates the error of the global spectral/hp element approximation.
Given a spectral/hp approximation evaluated at the quadrature points (which should be contained in m_phys), this function calculates the error of this approximation with respect to an exact solution. The local distribution of the quadrature points allows an elemental evaluation of this operation through the functions StdRegions::StdExpansion::H1.
The exact solution, also evaluated at the quadrature points, should be contained in the variable m_phys of the ExpList object Sol.
soln | An 1D array, containing the discrete evaluation of the exact solution at the quadrature points. |
Definition at line 2047 of file ExpList.cpp.
References m_comm, m_phys_offset, and Nektar::LibUtilities::ReduceSum.
inline |
Solve helmholtz problem.
Definition at line 1732 of file ExpList.h.
References v_HelmSolve().
inline |
Definition at line 1838 of file ExpList.h.
References v_HomogeneousBwdTrans().
This function calculates the energy associated with each one of the modesof a 3D homogeneous nD expansion.
Definition at line 548 of file ExpList.h.
References v_HomogeneousEnergy().
inline |
Definition at line 1825 of file ExpList.h.
References v_HomogeneousFwdTrans().
inline |
Impose Dirichlet Boundary Conditions onto Array.
Definition at line 1951 of file ExpList.h.
References v_ImposeDirichletConditions().
inline |
Definition at line 541 of file ExpList.h.
References v_Integral().
inline |
Definition at line 1649 of file ExpList.h.
References v_IProductWRTBase().
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::v_FwdTrans(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::v_HelmSolve(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::v_HelmSolve(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_HelmSolve(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::v_HelmSolve(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::v_LinearAdvectionDiffusionReactionSolve().
inline |
This function calculates the inner product of a function with respect to all {local} expansion modes .
Definition at line 1660 of file ExpList.h.
References v_IProductWRTBase_IterPerExp().
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::IProductWRTBase(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D::IProductWRTBase(), v_FwdTrans_IterPerExp(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::v_IProductWRTBase().
void Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList::IProductWRTDerivBase | ( | const int | dir, |
const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > & | inarray, | ||
Array< OneD, NekDouble > & | outarray | ||
) |
This function calculates the inner product of a function with respect to the derivative (in direction.
dir) | of all {local} expansion modes . |
The operation is evaluated locally for every element by the function StdRegions::StdExpansion::IProductWRTDerivBase.
dir | {0,1} is the direction in which the derivative of the basis should be taken |
inarray | An array of size containing the values of the function at the quadrature points . |
outarray | An array of size used to store the result. |
Definition at line 383 of file ExpList.cpp.
References m_coeff_offset, and m_phys_offset.
void Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList::IProductWRTDerivBase | ( | const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > & | inarray, |
Array< OneD, NekDouble > & | outarray | ||
) |
This function calculates the inner product of a function with respect to the derivative (in direction.
dir) | of all {local} expansion modes . |
The operation is evaluated locally for every element by the function StdRegions::StdExpansion::IProductWRTDerivBase.
inarray | An array of arrays of size containing the values of the function at the quadrature points in dir directions. |
outarray | An array of size used to store the result. |
Definition at line 410 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0, ASSERTL1, Nektar::NekOptimize::eIProductWRTDerivBase, GetCoordim(), m_coll_coeff_offset, m_coll_phys_offset, and m_collections.
inline |
This function calculates the error with respect to soln of the global spectral/hp element approximation.
Definition at line 528 of file ExpList.h.
References v_L2().
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::L2_DGDeriv(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous2D::v_L2().
inline |
Solve Advection Diffusion Reaction.
Definition at line 1750 of file ExpList.h.
References v_LinearAdvectionDiffusionReactionSolve().
inline |
Solve Advection Diffusion Reaction.
Definition at line 1762 of file ExpList.h.
References v_LinearAdvectionReactionSolve().
NekDouble Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList::Linf | ( | const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > & | inarray, |
const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > & | soln = NullNekDouble1DArray |
) |
This function calculates the error of the global spectral/hp element approximation.
Given a spectral/hp approximation evaluated at the quadrature points (which should be contained in m_phys), this function calculates the error of this approximation with respect to an exact solution. The local distribution of the quadrature points allows an elemental evaluation of this operation through the functions StdRegions::StdExpansion::Linf.
The exact solution, also evaluated at the quadrature points, should be contained in the variable m_phys of the ExpList object Sol.
soln | A 1D array, containing the discrete evaluation of the exact solution at the quadrature points in its array m_phys. |
Definition at line 1846 of file ExpList.cpp.
References m_comm, m_npoints, Nektar::NullNekDouble1DArray, Nektar::LibUtilities::ReduceMax, and Vmath::Vmax().
inline |
Gathers the global coefficients from the local coefficients .
Definition at line 1967 of file ExpList.h.
References v_LocalToGlobal().
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::v_FillBndCondFromField(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::v_FillBndCondFromField(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::v_HelmSolve(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::v_HelmSolve().
inline |
Definition at line 1972 of file ExpList.h.
References v_LocalToGlobal().
protected |
Retrieves the block matrix specified by bkey, and computes .
gkey | GlobalMatrixKey specifying the block matrix to use in the matrix-vector multiply. |
inarray | Input vector . |
outarray | Output vector . |
Definition at line 326 of file ExpList.cpp.
References Nektar::eWrapper, and GetBlockMatrix().
Referenced by GeneralMatrixOp_IterPerExp().
void Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList::MultiplyByElmtInvMass | ( | const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > & | inarray, |
Array< OneD, NekDouble > & | outarray | ||
) |
This function elementally mulplies the coefficient space of Sin my the elemental inverse of the mass matrix.
The coefficients of the function to be acted upon should be contained in the
inarray. | The resulting coefficients are stored in |
outarray | |
inarray | An array of size containing the inner product. |
Definition at line 641 of file ExpList.cpp.
References Nektar::StdRegions::eInvMass, Nektar::eWrapper, GetBlockMatrix(), and m_ncoeffs.
Referenced by v_FwdTrans_IterPerExp().
inline |
Definition at line 1721 of file ExpList.h.
References v_MultiplyByInvMassMatrix().
inline |
Definition at line 1886 of file ExpList.h.
References v_NormVectorIProductWRTBase().
inline |
Definition at line 1895 of file ExpList.h.
References v_NormVectorIProductWRTBase().
inline |
Definition at line 1807 of file ExpList.h.
References v_PhysDeriv().
Referenced by v_CurlCurl().
inline |
This function discretely evaluates the derivative of a function on the domain consisting of all elements of the expansion.
Definition at line 1788 of file ExpList.h.
References v_PhysDeriv().
inline |
Definition at line 1799 of file ExpList.h.
References v_PhysDeriv().
inline |
This function Galerkin projects the physical space points in inarray to outarray where inarray is assumed to be defined in the expansion but where the number of points are rescaled by 1DScale.
Definition at line 608 of file ExpList.h.
References v_PhysGalerkinProjection1DScaled().
This function integrates a function over the domain consisting of all the elements of the expansion.
The integration is evaluated locally, that is
where the integration over the separate elements is done by the function StdRegions::StdExpansion::Integral, which discretely evaluates the integral using Gaussian quadrature.
Note that the array m_phys should be filled with the values of the function at the quadrature points .
Definition at line 278 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL1, m_phys, and m_physState.
NekDouble Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList::PhysIntegral | ( | const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > & | inarray | ) |
This function integrates a function over the domain consisting of all the elements of the expansion.
The integration is evaluated locally, that is
where the integration over the separate elements is done by the function StdRegions::StdExpansion::Integral, which discretely evaluates the integral using Gaussian quadrature.
inarray | An array of size containing the values of the function at the quadrature points . |
Definition at line 303 of file ExpList.cpp.
References m_phys_offset.
inline |
This function interpolates the physical space points in inarray to outarray using the same points defined in the expansion but where the number of points are rescaled by 1DScale.
Definition at line 596 of file ExpList.h.
References v_PhysInterp1DScaled().
inlineprotected |
Definition at line 1111 of file ExpList.h.
References v_ReadGlobalOptimizationParameters().
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D::ExpList1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D::ExpList2D(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3D::ExpList3D().
inline |
Reset geometry information and reset matrices.
Definition at line 378 of file ExpList.h.
References v_Reset().
Set the i th coefficiient in m_coeffs to value val.
i | The index of m_coeffs to be set |
val | The value which m_coeffs[i] is to be set to. |
Definition at line 1917 of file ExpList.h.
References m_coeffs.
Set the i th coefficiient in m_coeffs to value val.
Definition at line 1927 of file ExpList.h.
References m_coeffs.
Set the m_coeffs array to inarray.
Definition at line 1933 of file ExpList.h.
References m_coeffs.
void Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList::SetExpType | ( | ExpansionType | Type | ) |
Returns the type of the expansion.
Definition at line 253 of file ExpList.cpp.
References m_expType.
Referenced by ExpList(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList0D::ExpList0D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D::ExpList1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D::ExpList2D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3D::ExpList3D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous1D::ExpList3DHomogeneous1D(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous2D::ExpList3DHomogeneous2D().
This function sets the Spectral Vanishing Viscosity in homogeneous1D expansion.
Definition at line 555 of file ExpList.h.
References v_SetHomo1DSpecVanVisc().
inline |
Set Modified Basis for the stability analysis.
Set the i th value of m_phys to value val.
Set the i th value ofm_phys to value val.
Definition at line 1598 of file ExpList.h.
References m_phys.
inline |
Fills the array m_phys.
This function fills the array , the evaluation of the expansion at the quadrature points (implemented as m_phys), with the values of the array inarray.
inarray | The array containing the values where m_phys should be filled with. |
Definition at line 1612 of file ExpList.h.
References ASSERTL0, m_npoints, m_phys, m_physState, and Vmath::Vcopy().
Sets the array m_phys.
Definition at line 1623 of file ExpList.h.
References m_phys.
inline |
This function manually sets whether the array of physical values (implemented as m_phys) is filled or not.
physState | true (=filled) or false (=not filled). |
Definition at line 1632 of file ExpList.h.
References m_physState.
inline |
Definition at line 2297 of file ExpList.h.
References v_SetUpPhysNormals().
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::DisContField1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::DisContField2D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::DisContField3D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::GenerateBoundaryConditionExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::GenerateBoundaryConditionExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::SetUpDG(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::SetUpDG(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::SetUpDG().
inline |
Sets the wave space to the one of the possible configuration true or false.
Definition at line 1584 of file ExpList.h.
References m_WaveSpace.
Smooth a field across elements.
Definition at line 1691 of file ExpList.h.
References v_SmoothField().
inline |
Definition at line 2136 of file ExpList.h.
References v_UpdateBndCondExpansion().
inline |
Definition at line 2244 of file ExpList.h.
References v_UpdateBndConditions().
This function returns (a reference to) the array (implemented as m_coeffs) containing all local expansion coefficients.
If one wants to get hold of the underlying data without modifying them, rather use the function GetCoeffs instead.
Definition at line 2111 of file ExpList.h.
References m_coeffs.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous2D::EvaluateBoundaryConditions(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D::EvaluateBoundaryConditions().
This function returns (a reference to) the array (implemented as m_phys) containing the function evaluated at the quadrature points.
If one wants to get hold of the underlying data without modifying them, rather use the function GetPhys instead.
Definition at line 2122 of file ExpList.h.
References m_phys, and m_physState.
inline |
Definition at line 2141 of file ExpList.h.
References v_Upwind().
inline |
Definition at line 2150 of file ExpList.h.
References v_Upwind().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D.
Definition at line 2436 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by AddFwdBwdTraceIntegral().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D.
Definition at line 2419 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by AddTraceIntegral().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D.
Definition at line 2428 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 2188 of file ExpList.cpp.
References m_coeffs.
Referenced by AppendFieldData().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 2193 of file ExpList.cpp.
References m_coeff_offset.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D.
Definition at line 2684 of file ExpList.cpp.
References v_BwdTrans_IterPerExp().
Referenced by BwdTrans().
protectedvirtual |
Given the elemental coefficients of an expansion, this function evaluates the spectral/hp expansion at the quadrature points . The operation is evaluated locally by the elemental function StdRegions::StdExpansion::BwdTrans.
inarray | An array of size containing the local coefficients . |
outarray | The resulting physical values at the quadrature points will be stored in this array of size . |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 1307 of file ExpList.cpp.
References Nektar::StdRegions::eBwdTrans, m_coll_coeff_offset, m_coll_phys_offset, and m_collections.
Referenced by BwdTrans_IterPerExp(), and v_BwdTrans().
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3DHomogeneous1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3DHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 1981 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by ClearGlobalLinSysManager().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 562 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0, Nektar::MultiRegions::e2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::e3D, Nektar::MultiRegions::e3DH1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::e3DH2D, GetExpType(), GetTotPoints(), m_session, Vmath::Neg(), PhysDeriv(), Vmath::Smul(), Vmath::Vsub(), Nektar::xDir, Nektar::yDir, and Nektar::zDir.
Referenced by CurlCurl().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 2558 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by DealiasedDotProd().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 2549 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by DealiasedProd().
privatevirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 3006 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by EvaluateBoundaryConditions().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D.
Definition at line 2329 of file ExpList.cpp.
References m_coeff_offset, and m_offset_elmt_id.
Referenced by ExtractCoeffsToCoeffs().
protectedvirtual |
Extract data from raw field data into expansion list.
fielddef | Field definitions. |
fielddata | Data for associated field. |
field | Field variable name. |
coeffs | Resulting coefficient array. |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 2238 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0, Nektar::LibUtilities::GetNumberOfCoefficients(), Nektar::iterator, m_coeff_offset, m_elmtToExpId, m_exp, and Vmath::Vcopy().
Referenced by ExtractDataToCoeffs().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 2804 of file ExpList.cpp.
References GetBndCondExpansions(), GetBoundaryToElmtMap(), and GetExp().
Referenced by ExtractElmtToBndPhys().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 2884 of file ExpList.cpp.
References GetBndCondExpansions(), GetBoundaryToElmtMap(), GetExp(), and GetPhys_Offset().
Referenced by ExtractPhysToBnd().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 2843 of file ExpList.cpp.
References GetBndCondExpansions(), GetBoundaryToElmtMap(), GetExp(), GetPhys_Offset(), and Vmath::Vcopy().
Referenced by ExtractPhysToBndElmt().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D.
Definition at line 2470 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by ExtractTracePhys().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D.
Definition at line 2476 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3DHomogeneous1D.
Definition at line 2639 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by FillBndCondFromField().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3DHomogeneous1D.
Definition at line 2647 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D.
Definition at line 2691 of file ExpList.cpp.
References v_FwdTrans_IterPerExp().
Referenced by FwdTrans().
protectedvirtual |
Given a function defined at the quadrature points, this function determines the transformed elemental coefficients employing a discrete elemental Galerkin projection from physical space to coefficient space. For each element, the operation is evaluated locally by the function StdRegions::StdExpansion::IproductWRTBase followed by a call to #MultiRegions#MultiplyByElmtInvMass.
inarray | An array of size containing the values of the function at the quadrature points . |
outarray | The resulting coefficients will be stored in this array of size . |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 680 of file ExpList.cpp.
References IProductWRTBase_IterPerExp(), m_ncoeffs, and MultiplyByElmtInvMass().
Referenced by FwdTrans_IterPerExp(), and v_FwdTrans().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D.
Definition at line 2713 of file ExpList.cpp.
References GeneralMatrixOp_IterPerExp().
Referenced by GeneralMatrixOp().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D.
Definition at line 2568 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by GetBCValues().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 2355 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by GetBndCondExpansions().
privatevirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 2985 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by GetBndConditions().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 2794 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by GetBndElmtExpansion().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D.
Definition at line 2922 of file ExpList.cpp.
References GetBndCondExpansions(), GetBoundaryToElmtMap(), GetCoordim(), GetExp(), and Vmath::Vcopy().
Referenced by GetBoundaryNormals().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 2967 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by GetBoundaryToElmtMap().
protectedvirtual |
The operation is evaluated locally by the elemental function StdRegions::StdExpansion::GetCoords.
coord_0 | After calculation, the coordinate will be stored in this array. |
coord_1 | After calculation, the coordinate will be stored in this array. |
coord_2 | After calculation, the coordinate will be stored in this array. |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2DHomogeneous1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1DHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 2733 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0, GetCoordim(), GetExp(), GetNumElmts(), and m_phys_offset.
Referenced by GetCoords().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 2174 of file ExpList.cpp.
Referenced by GetFieldDefinitions().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 2181 of file ExpList.cpp.
References GeneralGetFieldDefinitions().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D.
Definition at line 2445 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by GetFwdBwdTracePhys().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D.
Definition at line 2452 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
inlineprivatevirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D.
Definition at line 1462 of file ExpList.h.
References ASSERTL0, and Nektar::LibUtilities::NullBasisSharedPtr.
Referenced by GetHomogeneousBasis().
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D.
Definition at line 1945 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by GetHomoLen().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D.
Definition at line 2461 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by GetLeftAdjacentFaces().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2DHomogeneous1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList0D.
Definition at line 2412 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by GetNormals().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 1118 of file ExpList.h.
Referenced by GetNumElmts().
privatevirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous1D.
Definition at line 3028 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by GetPeriodicEntities().
privatevirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D.
Definition at line 3051 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0, and Nektar::MultiRegions::NullExpListSharedPtr.
Referenced by GetPlane().
privatevirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 3018 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by GetRobinBCInfo().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D.
Definition at line 2391 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by GetTrace().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D.
Definition at line 2407 of file ExpList.cpp.
References GetTraceMap().
Referenced by GetTraceBndMap().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D.
Definition at line 2399 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by GetTraceMap().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D.
Definition at line 1937 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by GetTransposition().
protectedvirtual |
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D.
Definition at line 1953 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by GetZIDs().
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3DHomogeneous1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3DHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 2669 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by GlobalToLocal().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D.
Definition at line 2676 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3DHomogeneous1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3DHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 2493 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by HelmSolve().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 2539 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by HomogeneousBwdTrans().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous1D.
Definition at line 1929 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by HomogeneousEnergy().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 2529 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by HomogeneousFwdTrans().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3DHomogeneous1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3DHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 2631 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by ImposeDirichletConditions().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 1915 of file ExpList.cpp.
References m_comm, m_offset_elmt_id, m_phys_offset, and Nektar::LibUtilities::ReduceSum.
Referenced by Integral().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D.
Definition at line 2698 of file ExpList.cpp.
References Nektar::StdRegions::eIProductWRTBase, m_coll_coeff_offset, m_coll_phys_offset, and m_collections.
Referenced by IProductWRTBase().
protectedvirtual |
The operation is evaluated locally for every element by the function StdRegions::StdExpansion::IProductWRTBase.
inarray | An array of size containing the values of the function at the quadrature points . |
outarray | An array of size used to store the result. |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 356 of file ExpList.cpp.
References Nektar::StdRegions::eIProductWRTBase, m_coll_coeff_offset, m_coll_phys_offset, and m_collections.
Referenced by IProductWRTBase_IterPerExp().
protectedvirtual |
Given a spectral/hp approximation evaluated at the quadrature points (which should be contained in m_phys), this function calculates the error of this approximation with respect to an exact solution. The local distribution of the quadrature points allows an elemental evaluation of this operation through the functions StdRegions::StdExpansion::L2.
The exact solution, also evaluated at the quadrature points, should be contained in the variable m_phys of the ExpList object Sol.
Sol | An ExpList, containing the discrete evaluation of the exact solution at the quadrature points in its array m_phys. |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 1885 of file ExpList.cpp.
References m_comm, m_phys_offset, Nektar::NullNekDouble1DArray, and Nektar::LibUtilities::ReduceSum.
Referenced by L2().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D.
Definition at line 2505 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by LinearAdvectionDiffusionReactionSolve().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D.
Definition at line 2517 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by LinearAdvectionReactionSolve().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3DHomogeneous1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3DHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 2653 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by LocalToGlobal().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D.
Definition at line 2660 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D.
Definition at line 2484 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by MultiplyByInvMassMatrix().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D.
Definition at line 2576 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by NormVectorIProductWRTBase().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 2585 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0, GetCoeff_Offset(), GetCoordim(), GetExpSize(), and GetPhys_Offset().
protectedvirtual |
Given a function evaluated at the quadrature points, this function calculates the derivatives , and of the function at the same quadrature points. The local distribution of the quadrature points allows an elemental evaluation of the derivative. This is done by a call to the function StdRegions::StdExpansion::PhysDeriv.
inarray | An array of size containing the values of the function at the quadrature points . |
out_d0 | The discrete evaluation of the derivative will be stored in this array of size . |
out_d1 | The discrete evaluation of the derivative will be stored in this array of size . Note that if no memory is allocated for out_d1, the derivative will not be calculated. |
out_d2 | The discrete evaluation of the derivative will be stored in this array of size . Note that if no memory is allocated for out_d2, the derivative will not be calculated. |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 490 of file ExpList.cpp.
References m_coll_phys_offset, and m_collections.
Referenced by PhysDeriv(), and v_PhysDeriv().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 513 of file ExpList.cpp.
References Nektar::MultiRegions::DirCartesianMap, and v_PhysDeriv().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 521 of file ExpList.cpp.
References Nektar::MultiRegions::eN, Nektar::MultiRegions::eS, m_coll_phys_offset, m_collections, and m_phys_offset.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3D.
Definition at line 1976 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by PhysGalerkinProjection1DScaled().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3D.
Definition at line 1970 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by PhysInterp1DScaled().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3D.
Definition at line 2976 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by ReadGlobalOptimizationParameters().
protectedvirtual |
Reset geometry information, metrics, matrix managers and geometry information.
This routine clears all matrix managers and resets all geometry information, which allows the geometry information to be dynamically updated as the solver is run.
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D.
Definition at line 1513 of file ExpList.cpp.
References m_exp, and m_graph.
Referenced by Reset(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::v_Reset(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::v_Reset(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_Reset().
inlineprivatevirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D.
Definition at line 1470 of file ExpList.h.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by SetHomo1DSpecVanVisc().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3D.
Definition at line 2786 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by SetUpPhysNormals().
protectedvirtual |
This function smooth a field after some calculaitons which have been done elementally.
field | An array containing the field in physical space |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3DHomogeneous1D.
Definition at line 712 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0, Nektar::LibUtilities::eGauss_Lagrange, Nektar::LibUtilities::eGLL_Lagrange, and m_exp.
Referenced by SmoothField().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 2363 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by UpdateBndCondExpansion().
privatevirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D, Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 2996 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by UpdateBndConditions().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D.
Definition at line 2371 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by Upwind().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList0D.
Definition at line 2381 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous1D.
Definition at line 1673 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0, and m_exp.
Referenced by WriteTecplotConnectivity().
protectedvirtual |
Write Tecplot Files Field
outfile | Output file name. |
expansion | Expansion that is considered |
Definition at line 1750 of file ExpList.cpp.
References BwdTrans(), GetTotPoints(), m_coeffs, m_phys, m_phys_offset, and m_physState.
Referenced by WriteTecplotField().
protectedvirtual |
Write Tecplot Files Header
outfile | Output file name. |
var | variables names |
Definition at line 1540 of file ExpList.cpp.
References Nektar::MultiRegions::e3DH1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::e3DH2D, GetExp(), GetNumElmts(), and m_expType.
Referenced by WriteTecplotHeader().
protectedvirtual |
Write Tecplot Files Zone
outfile | Output file name. |
expansion | Expansion that is considered |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2DHomogeneous1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous2D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1DHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 1579 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0, Nektar::MultiRegions::e3DH1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::e3DH2D, GetCoordim(), GetCoords(), GetTotPoints(), GetZIDs(), m_exp, and m_expType.
Referenced by WriteTecplotZone().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D.
Definition at line 1809 of file ExpList.cpp.
References Nektar::NekConstants::kNekZeroTol, m_phys, and m_phys_offset.
Referenced by WriteVtkPieceData().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2DHomogeneous1D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous2D, Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1DHomogeneous2D, and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3D.
Definition at line 1798 of file ExpList.cpp.
References ASSERTL0.
Referenced by WriteVtkPieceHeader().
inline |
Definition at line 402 of file ExpList.h.
References v_WriteTecplotConnectivity().
inline |
Definition at line 396 of file ExpList.h.
References v_WriteTecplotField().
inline |
Definition at line 383 of file ExpList.h.
References v_WriteTecplotHeader().
inline |
Definition at line 389 of file ExpList.h.
References v_WriteTecplotZone().
void Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList::WriteVtkFooter | ( | std::ostream & | outfile | ) |
Definition at line 1792 of file ExpList.cpp.
void Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList::WriteVtkHeader | ( | std::ostream & | outfile | ) |
Definition at line 1784 of file ExpList.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 421 of file ExpList.h.
References v_WriteVtkPieceData().
void Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList::WriteVtkPieceFooter | ( | std::ostream & | outfile, |
int | expansion | ||
) |
Definition at line 1803 of file ExpList.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 411 of file ExpList.h.
References v_WriteVtkPieceHeader().
protected |
Definition at line 1062 of file ExpList.h.
Referenced by GetBlockMatrix().
Offset of elemental data into the array m_coeffs.
Definition at line 1047 of file ExpList.h.
Referenced by CreateCollections(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::EvaluateHDGPostProcessing(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::EvaluateHDGPostProcessing(), FwdTrans_BndConstrained(), GeneralMatrixOp_IterPerExp(), GenGlobalMatrixFull(), GetCoeff_Offset(), IProductWRTDerivBase(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::L2_DGDeriv(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1DHomogeneous2D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2DHomogeneous1D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous2D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous1D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList0D::SetCoeffPhysOffsets(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D::SetCoeffPhysOffsets(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D::SetCoeffPhysOffsets(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D::v_AppendFieldData(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D::v_AppendFieldData(), v_AppendFieldData(), v_ExtractCoeffsToCoeffs(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D::v_ExtractDataToCoeffs(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D::v_ExtractDataToCoeffs(), v_ExtractDataToCoeffs(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::v_HelmSolve().
Concatenation of all local expansion coefficients.
The array of length m_ncoeffs which is the concatenation of the local expansion coefficients over all elements
Definition at line 998 of file ExpList.h.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::Assemble(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::Assemble(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D::Assemble(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::EvaluateHDGPostProcessing(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::EvaluateHDGPostProcessing(), ExpList(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList0D::ExpList0D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D::ExpList1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D::ExpList2D(), GetCoeff(), GetCoeffs(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::L2_DGDeriv(), SetCoeff(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1DHomogeneous2D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2DHomogeneous1D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous2D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous1D::SetCoeffPhys(), SetCoeffs(), SetCoeffsArray(), UpdateCoeffs(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D::v_AppendFieldData(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D::v_AppendFieldData(), v_AppendFieldData(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::v_FillBndCondFromField(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::v_FillBndCondFromField(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::v_GlobalToLocal(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D::v_GlobalToLocal(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::v_GlobalToLocal(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::v_LocalToGlobal(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D::v_LocalToGlobal(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::v_LocalToGlobal(), and v_WriteTecplotField().
protected |
Offset of elemental data into the array m_coeffs.
Definition at line 1041 of file ExpList.h.
Referenced by CreateCollections(), IProductWRTDerivBase(), v_BwdTrans_IterPerExp(), v_IProductWRTBase(), and v_IProductWRTBase_IterPerExp().
protected |
Offset of elemental data into the array m_phys.
Definition at line 1044 of file ExpList.h.
Referenced by CreateCollections(), IProductWRTDerivBase(), v_BwdTrans_IterPerExp(), v_IProductWRTBase(), v_IProductWRTBase_IterPerExp(), and v_PhysDeriv().
protected |
Definition at line 1038 of file ExpList.h.
Referenced by CreateCollections(), IProductWRTDerivBase(), v_BwdTrans_IterPerExp(), v_IProductWRTBase(), v_IProductWRTBase_IterPerExp(), and v_PhysDeriv().
protected |
Definition at line 966 of file ExpList.h.
Referenced by CreateCollections(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D::ExpListHomogeneous1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D::ExpListHomogeneous2D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D::GenHomogeneous1DBlockMatrix(), GetComm(), H1(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D::Homogeneous1DTrans(), Linf(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::SameTypeOfBoundaryConditions(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::SameTypeOfBoundaryConditions(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D::v_DealiasedDotProd(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D::v_DealiasedProd(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous1D::v_HomogeneousEnergy(), v_Integral(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous1D::v_L2(), v_L2(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D::v_PhysDeriv().
protected |
Mapping from geometry ID of element to index inside m_exp.
Definition at line 1070 of file ExpList.h.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D::v_AppendFieldData(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D::v_ExtractDataToCoeffs(), and v_ExtractDataToCoeffs().
protected |
The list of local expansions.
The (shared pointer to the) vector containing (shared pointers to) all local expansions. The fact that the local expansions are all stored as a (pointer to a) #StdExpansion, the abstract base class for all local expansions, allows a general implementation where most of the routines for the derived classes are defined in the ExpList base class.
Definition at line 1036 of file ExpList.h.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3DHomogeneous1D::ContField3DHomogeneous1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3DHomogeneous2D::ContField3DHomogeneous2D(), CreateCollections(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous2D::DisContField3DHomogeneous2D(), EvalBasisNumModesMax(), EvalBasisNumModesMaxPerExp(), ExpList(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2DHomogeneous1D::ExpList2DHomogeneous1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous2D::ExpList3DHomogeneous2D(), GenBlockMatrix(), GeneralGetFieldDefinitions(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous1D::GenExpList3DHomogeneous1D(), Get1DScaledTotPoints(), GetCoordim(), GetExp(), GetExpIndex(), GetNcoeffs(), GetTotPoints(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::IsLeftAdjacentEdge(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::IsLeftAdjacentFace(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::IsLeftAdjacentVertex(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList0D::SetCoeffPhysOffsets(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D::SetCoeffPhysOffsets(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D::SetCoeffPhysOffsets(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::SetUpDG(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::SetUpDG(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::SetUpDG(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::v_AddTraceIntegral(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D::v_ExtractDataToCoeffs(), v_ExtractDataToCoeffs(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList0D::v_GetNormals(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D::v_GetNormals(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D::v_GetNormals(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3D::v_PhysGalerkinProjection1DScaled(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D::v_PhysGalerkinProjection1DScaled(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3D::v_PhysInterp1DScaled(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D::v_PhysInterp1DScaled(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3D::v_ReadGlobalOptimizationParameters(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D::v_ReadGlobalOptimizationParameters(), v_Reset(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3D::v_SetUpPhysNormals(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D::v_SetUpPhysNormals(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D::v_SetUpPhysNormals(), v_SmoothField(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D::v_Upwind(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D::v_Upwind(), v_WriteTecplotConnectivity(), and v_WriteTecplotZone().
ExpansionType Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList::m_expType |
Definition at line 952 of file ExpList.h.
Referenced by GetExpType(), SetExpType(), v_WriteTecplotHeader(), and v_WriteTecplotZone().
protected |
Definition at line 1060 of file ExpList.h.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::BwdTrans(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3DHomogeneous1D::ContField3DHomogeneous1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3DHomogeneous2D::ContField3DHomogeneous2D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous2D::DisContField3DHomogeneous2D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList0D::ExpList0D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D::ExpList1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1DHomogeneous2D::ExpList1DHomogeneous2D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D::ExpList2D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2DHomogeneous1D::ExpList2DHomogeneous1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3D::ExpList3D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous2D::ExpList3DHomogeneous2D(), GeneralMatrixOp_IterPerExp(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous1D::GenExpList3DHomogeneous1D(), GetGlobalOptParam(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::IProductWRTBase(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::v_BwdTrans(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::v_GeneralMatrixOp(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::v_GeneralMatrixOp(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::v_IProductWRTBase(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3D::v_ReadGlobalOptimizationParameters(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D::v_ReadGlobalOptimizationParameters().
protected |
Mesh associated with this expansion list.
Definition at line 972 of file ExpList.h.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3DHomogeneous1D::ContField3DHomogeneous1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D::ExpList1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::FindPeriodicEdges(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::FindPeriodicFaces(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::FindPeriodicVertices(), GetExpIndex(), GetGraph(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::SetUpDG(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::SetUpDG(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::SetUpDG(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::v_GetBoundaryToElmtMap(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_GetBoundaryToElmtMap(), and v_Reset().
protected |
The total number of local degrees of freedom. m_ncoeffs .
Definition at line 976 of file ExpList.h.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::BwdTrans(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D::ContField1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::ContField2D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::ContField3D(), ExpList(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList0D::ExpList0D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D::ExpList1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D::ExpList2D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3D::ExpList3D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D::FwdTrans(), GetNcoeffs(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::IProductWRTBase(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D::IProductWRTBase(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::L2_DGDeriv(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::LaplaceSolve(), MultiplyByElmtInvMass(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D::MultiplyByInvMassMatrix(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1DHomogeneous2D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2DHomogeneous1D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous2D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous1D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList0D::SetCoeffPhysOffsets(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D::SetCoeffPhysOffsets(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D::SetCoeffPhysOffsets(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::v_BwdTrans(), v_FwdTrans_IterPerExp(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::v_GeneralMatrixOp(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D::v_GeneralMatrixOp(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::v_GeneralMatrixOp(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::v_HelmSolve(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_HelmSolve(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::v_HelmSolve(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::v_IProductWRTBase().
protected |
The total number of quadrature points. m_npoints
Definition at line 981 of file ExpList.h.
Referenced by ExpList(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList0D::ExpList0D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D::ExpList1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D::ExpList2D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3D::ExpList3D(), GenGlobalMatrix(), GetNpoints(), GetTotPoints(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D::Homogeneous1DTrans(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D::Homogeneous2DTrans(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::L2_DGDeriv(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::LinearAdvectionEigs(), Linf(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1DHomogeneous2D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2DHomogeneous1D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous2D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous1D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList0D::SetCoeffPhysOffsets(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D::SetCoeffPhysOffsets(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D::SetCoeffPhysOffsets(), and SetPhys().
Array containing the element id m_offset_elmt_id[n] that the n^th consecutive block of data in m_coeffs and m_phys is associated, i.e. for an array of constant expansion size and single shape elements m_phys[n*m_npoints] is the data related to m_exp[m_offset_elmt_id[n]];.
Definition at line 1058 of file ExpList.h.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::EvaluateHDGPostProcessing(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::EvaluateHDGPostProcessing(), GenBlockMatrix(), GeneralMatrixOp_IterPerExp(), GenGlobalMatrix(), GenGlobalMatrixFull(), GetOffset_Elmt_Id(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::L2_DGDeriv(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1DHomogeneous2D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2DHomogeneous1D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous2D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous1D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList0D::SetCoeffPhysOffsets(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D::SetCoeffPhysOffsets(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D::SetCoeffPhysOffsets(), v_ExtractCoeffsToCoeffs(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::v_HelmSolve(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_HelmSolve(), and v_Integral().
The global expansion evaluated at the quadrature points.
The array of length m_npoints containing the evaluation of at the quadrature points .
Definition at line 1015 of file ExpList.h.
Referenced by ExpList(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList0D::ExpList0D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D::ExpList1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D::ExpList2D(), GetPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::L2_DGDeriv(), PhysIntegral(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1DHomogeneous2D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2DHomogeneous1D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous2D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous1D::SetCoeffPhys(), SetPhys(), SetPhysArray(), UpdatePhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::v_ExtractTracePhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::v_ExtractTracePhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_ExtractTracePhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D::v_ExtractTracePhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::v_GetFwdBwdTracePhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::v_GetFwdBwdTracePhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_GetFwdBwdTracePhys(), v_WriteTecplotField(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D::v_WriteVtkPieceData(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D::v_WriteVtkPieceData(), and v_WriteVtkPieceData().
Offset of elemental data into the array m_phys.
Definition at line 1050 of file ExpList.h.
Referenced by CreateCollections(), FwdTrans_BndConstrained(), GenBlockMatrix(), GeneralMatrixOp_IterPerExp(), GenGlobalMatrix(), GenGlobalMatrixFull(), GetPhys_Offset(), H1(), IProductWRTDerivBase(), PhysIntegral(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1DHomogeneous2D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2DHomogeneous1D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous2D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous1D::SetCoeffPhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList0D::SetCoeffPhysOffsets(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D::SetCoeffPhysOffsets(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D::SetCoeffPhysOffsets(), v_GetCoords(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList0D::v_GetNormals(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D::v_GetNormals(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D::v_GetNormals(), v_Integral(), v_L2(), v_PhysDeriv(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D::v_Upwind(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList1D::v_Upwind(), v_WriteTecplotField(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D::v_WriteVtkPieceData(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D::v_WriteVtkPieceData(), and v_WriteVtkPieceData().
protected |
The state of the array m_phys.
Indicates whether the array m_phys, created to contain the evaluation of at the quadrature points , is filled with these values.
Definition at line 1024 of file ExpList.h.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D::ExpList2D(), GetPhysState(), PhysIntegral(), SetPhys(), SetPhysState(), UpdatePhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::v_ExtractTracePhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::v_ExtractTracePhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::v_ExtractTracePhys(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D::v_ExtractTracePhys(), and v_WriteTecplotField().
protected |
Definition at line 969 of file ExpList.h.
Referenced by Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField1D::ContField1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField2D::ContField2D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3D::ContField3D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3DHomogeneous1D::ContField3DHomogeneous1D(), CreateCollections(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::DisContField1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::DisContField2D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::DisContField3D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2DHomogeneous1D::ExpList2DHomogeneous1D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous2D::ExpList3DHomogeneous2D(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D::ExpListHomogeneous1D(), ExtractFileBCs(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::FindPeriodicEdges(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::FindPeriodicFaces(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::FindPeriodicVertices(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::GenerateBoundaryConditionExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::GenerateBoundaryConditionExpansion(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous1D::GenExpList3DHomogeneous1D(), GenGlobalMatrix(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::GetDomainBCs(), GetSession(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D::Homogeneous1DTrans(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous2D::SetupBoundaryConditions(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D::SetupBoundaryConditions(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3D::SetUpDG(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField2D::SetUpDG(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField1D::SetUpDG(), v_CurlCurl(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D::v_DealiasedDotProd(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D::v_DealiasedProd(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D::v_GetFieldDefinitions(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D::v_PhysDeriv(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3D::v_ReadGlobalOptimizationParameters(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList2D::v_ReadGlobalOptimizationParameters(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpList3DHomogeneous1D::v_WriteVtkPieceHeader().
protected |
Definition at line 1067 of file ExpList.h.
Referenced by GetWaveSpace(), SetWaveSpace(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D::v_BwdTrans(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D::v_BwdTrans(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D::v_BwdTrans_IterPerExp(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D::v_BwdTrans_IterPerExp(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D::v_DealiasedDotProd(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D::v_DealiasedProd(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D::v_DealiasedProd(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D::v_FwdTrans(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D::v_FwdTrans(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D::v_FwdTrans_IterPerExp(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D::v_FwdTrans_IterPerExp(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3DHomogeneous2D::v_HelmSolve(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ContField3DHomogeneous1D::v_HelmSolve(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous2D::v_HelmSolve(), Nektar::MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D::v_HelmSolve(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D::v_IProductWRTBase(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D::v_IProductWRTBase_IterPerExp(), Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous2D::v_PhysDeriv(), and Nektar::MultiRegions::ExpListHomogeneous1D::v_PhysDeriv().