Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
Nektar::SolverUtils Namespace Reference


class  Advection
 An abstract base class encapsulating the concept of advection of a vector field. More...
class  Advection3DHomogeneous1D
class  AdvectionFR
class  AdvectionNonConservative
class  AdvectionSystem
 A base class for PDEs which include an advection component. More...
class  AdvectionWeakDG
class  Coupling
class  CouplingCwipi
class  CouplingFile
class  Diffusion
class  Diffusion3DHomogeneous1D
class  DiffusionIP
class  DiffusionLDG
class  DiffusionLFR
class  DiffusionLFRNS
class  Driver
 Base class for the development of solvers. More...
class  DriverAdaptive
 Base class for the adaptive polynomial order driver. More...
class  DriverArnoldi
 Base class for the development of solvers. More...
class  DriverArpack
 Base class for the development of solvers. More...
class  DriverModifiedArnoldi
class  DriverParallelInTime
 Base class for the development of parallel-in-time solvers. More...
class  DriverParareal
 Base class for the development of solvers. More...
class  DriverPFASST
 Base class for the development of solvers. More...
class  DriverStandard
 Base class for the development of solvers. More...
class  DriverSteadyState
class  EquationSystem
 A base class for describing how to solve specific equations. More...
class  EvaluatePoints
class  FileFieldInterpolator
class  FileSolution
 This class is the base class for Navier Stokes problems. More...
class  Filter
class  FilterAeroForces
class  FilterAverageFields
class  FilterBodyFittedVelocity
class  FilterCheckpoint
class  FilterEnergy
class  FilterEnergy1D
 Filter for one-dimensional energy spectrum. More...
class  FilterError
class  FilterFieldConvert
class  FilterHistoryPoints
class  FilterIntegral
class  FilterLagrangianPoints
class  FilterMaxMinFields
class  FilterMean
class  FilterModalEnergy
class  FilterMovingAverage
class  FilterReynoldsStresses
 Append Reynolds stresses to the average fields. More...
class  FilterThresholdMax
class  FilterThresholdMin
class  FluidInterface
class  Forcing
 Defines a forcing term to be explicitly applied. More...
class  ForcingAbsorption
class  ForcingBody
class  ForcingMovingReferenceFrame
class  ForcingNoise
class  ForcingProgrammatic
class  FrameTransform
class  HomoRSScalar
 Wrapper class for Riemann solver scalars. More...
class  HomoRSVector
 Wrapper class for Riemann solver scalars. More...
class  MMFSystem
 A base class for PDEs which include an advection component. More...
class  MobilePoint
class  Newmark_BetaSolver
class  RiemannSolver
 The RiemannSolver class provides an abstract interface under which solvers for various Riemann problems can be implemented. More...
class  SessionFunction
class  StationaryPoints
class  StatLagrangianPoints
class  UnsteadySystem
 Base class for unsteady solvers. More...
class  UpwindSolver
 Upwind scheme Riemann solver. More...


typedef std::shared_ptr< AdvectionAdvectionSharedPtr
 A shared pointer to an Advection object. More...
typedef LibUtilities::NekFactory< std::string, Advection, std::string > AdvectionFactory
 Datatype of the NekFactory used to instantiate classes derived from the Advection class. More...
typedef std::function< void(const Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > > &)> AdvectionFluxVecCB
typedef std::shared_ptr< AdvectionSystemAdvectionSystemSharedPtr
 Shared pointer to an AdvectionSystem class. More...
typedef std::function< void(Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &interpField, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &distCoords)> SendCallbackType
typedef std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > SummaryList
typedef std::shared_ptr< SessionFunctionSessionFunctionSharedPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< DiffusionDiffusionSharedPtr
 A shared pointer to an EquationSystem object. More...
typedef LibUtilities::NekFactory< std::string, Diffusion, std::string > DiffusionFactory
 Datatype of the NekFactory used to instantiate classes derived from the Diffusion class. More...
typedef std::function< void(const Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &, const TensorOfArray3D< NekDouble > &, TensorOfArray3D< NekDouble > &)> DiffusionFluxVecCB
typedef std::function< void(const Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &, TensorOfArray3D< NekDouble > &, TensorOfArray3D< NekDouble > &)> DiffusionFluxVecCBNS
typedef std::function< void(const Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &, const Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &)> DiffusionFluxPenaltyNS
typedef std::function< void(const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &, const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > > &, NekDouble, const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &, const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > > &)> FunctorDerivBndCond
typedef std::function< void(const int, const Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &, const TensorOfArray3D< NekDouble > &, TensorOfArray3D< NekDouble > &, Array< OneD, int > &, const Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &)> DiffusionFluxCons
typedef std::function< void(const int, const Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &, const Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &, TensorOfArray3D< NekDouble > &, Array< OneD, int > &, const Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &)> DiffusionSymmFluxCons
typedef std::function< void(Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &)> SpecialBndTreat
typedef std::shared_ptr< DiffusionLFRNSDiffusionLFRNSSharedPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< DriverDriverSharedPtr
 A shared pointer to a Driver object. More...
typedef LibUtilities::NekFactory< std::string, Driver, const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr &, const SpatialDomains::MeshGraphSharedPtr & > DriverFactory
 Datatype of the NekFactory used to instantiate classes derived from the Driver class. More...
typedef Array< OneD, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > > SDCarray
typedef std::shared_ptr< EquationSystemEquationSystemSharedPtr
 A shared pointer to an EquationSystem object. More...
typedef LibUtilities::NekFactory< std::string, EquationSystem, const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr &, const SpatialDomains::MeshGraphSharedPtr & > EquationSystemFactory
 Datatype of the NekFactory used to instantiate classes derived from the EquationSystem class. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< MobilePointMobilePointSharedPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< StationaryPointsStationaryPointsSharedPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< FilterFilterSharedPtr
 A shared pointer to a Driver object. More...
typedef LibUtilities::NekFactory< std::string, Filter, const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr &, const std::weak_ptr< EquationSystem > &, const std::map< std::string, std::string > & > FilterFactory
 Datatype of the NekFactory used to instantiate classes derived from the Driver class. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< FilterAeroForcesFilterAeroForcesSharedPtr
typedef LibUtilities::NekFactory< std::string, Forcing, const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr &, const std::weak_ptr< EquationSystem > &, const Array< OneD, MultiRegions::ExpListSharedPtr > &, const unsigned int &, const TiXmlElement * > ForcingFactory
 Declaration of the forcing factory. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< MMFSystemMMFSystemSharedPtr
typedef std::function< const Array< OneD, const NekDouble > &()> RSScalarFuncType
typedef std::function< const Array< OneD, const Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &()> RSVecFuncType
typedef std::function< NekDouble()> RSParamFuncType
typedef std::shared_ptr< RiemannSolverRiemannSolverSharedPtr
 A shared pointer to an EquationSystem object. More...
typedef LibUtilities::NekFactory< std::string, RiemannSolver, const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr & > RiemannSolverFactory
 Datatype of the NekFactory used to instantiate classes derived from the RiemannSolver class. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< FileFieldInterpolatorFileFieldInterpolatorSharedPtr


enum  ProblemType { eCompressible , eIncompressible , eOthers }
enum  SurfaceType {
  ePlane , eSphere , eTRSphere , eIrregular ,
  eNonconvex , eCube , SIZE_SurfaceType
enum  BoundaryCopyType {
  eDirichlet , eNeumann , eFwdEQBwd , eFwdEQNegBwd ,
enum  UpwindType {
  eNotSet , eAverage , eLaxFriedrich , eUpwind ,
  eRusanov , eHLL , eHLLC , SIZE_UpwindType
enum  TestMaxwellType {
  eMaxwell1D , eTestMaxwell2DPEC , eTestMaxwell2DPECAVGFLUX , eTestMaxwell2DPMC ,
  eMaxwell3D , eScatField1D , eScatField2D , eScatField3D ,
  eTotField1D , eTotField2D , eTotField3D , eMaxwellSphere ,
  eELF2DSurface , SIZE_TestMaxwellType
enum  PolType { eTransMagnetic , eTransElectric , SIZE_PolType }
enum  IncType { ePlaneWave , ePlaneWaveImag , eCylindricalWave , SIZE_IncType }
enum  EvolutionOperatorType {
  eNonlinear , eDirect , eAdjoint , eTransientGrowth ,
  eSkewSymmetric , eAdaptiveSFD


AdvectionFactoryGetAdvectionFactory ()
 Gets the factory for initialising advection objects. More...
CouplingFactoryGetCouplingFactory ()
 Declaration of the Coupling factory singleton. More...
void AddSummaryItem (SummaryList &l, const std::string &name, const std::string &value)
 Adds a summary item to the summary info list. More...
void AddSummaryItem (SummaryList &l, const std::string &name, const int &value)
 Adds a summary item to the summary info list. More...
void AddSummaryItem (SummaryList &l, const std::string &name, const NekDouble &value)
 Adds a summary item to the summary info list. More...
DiffusionFactoryGetDiffusionFactory ()
DriverFactoryGetDriverFactory ()
EquationSystemFactoryGetEquationSystemFactory ()
FilterFactoryGetFilterFactory ()
static void RollOver (Array< OneD, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > > &data)
static int BinaryWrite (std::ofstream &ofile, std::string str)
static int OutputTec360_binary (const std::string filename, const std::vector< std::string > &variables, const std::vector< int > &rawN, std::vector< Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &data, int isdouble)
ForcingFactoryGetForcingFactory ()
 Declaration of the forcing factory singleton. More...
RiemannSolverFactoryGetRiemannSolverFactory ()
template<class T , typename = typename std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point<T>::value || tinysimd::is_vector_floating_point<T>::value>::type>
void rotateToNormalKernel (T *in, T *rotMat, T *out)
template<class T , typename = typename std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point<T>::value || tinysimd::is_vector_floating_point<T>::value>::type>
void rotateFromNormalKernel (T *in, T *rotMat, T *out)


SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT typedef std::shared_ptr< CouplingCouplingSharedPtr
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT typedef LibUtilities::NekFactory< std::string, Coupling, MultiRegions::ExpListSharedPtrCouplingFactory
 Declaration of the Coupling factory. More...
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT typedef std::shared_ptr< ForcingForcingSharedPtr
 A shared pointer to an EquationSystem object. More...
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT typedef std::shared_ptr< ForcingProgrammaticForcingProgrammaticSharedPtr
 A shared pointer to an EquationSystem object. More...
static std::map< std::string, SendCallbackTypeSendCallbackMap
static SessionFunctionSharedPtr NullSessionFunction
const char *const SurfaceTypeMap []
const char *const BoundaryCopyTypeMap []
const char *const UpwindTypeMap []
const char *const TestMaxwellTypeMap []
const char *const PolTypeMap []
const char *const IncTypeMap []

Typedef Documentation

◆ AdvectionFactory

Datatype of the NekFactory used to instantiate classes derived from the Advection class.

Definition at line 59 of file Advection.h.

◆ AdvectionFluxVecCB

Defines a callback function type which evaluates the flux vector \( F(u) \) in a conservative advection of the form \( \nabla\cdot F(u) \).

Definition at line 70 of file Advection.h.

◆ AdvectionSharedPtr

A shared pointer to an Advection object.

Definition at line 54 of file Advection.h.

◆ AdvectionSystemSharedPtr

Shared pointer to an AdvectionSystem class.

Definition at line 92 of file AdvectionSystem.h.

◆ DiffusionFactory

Datatype of the NekFactory used to instantiate classes derived from the Diffusion class.

Definition at line 59 of file Diffusion.h.

◆ DiffusionFluxCons

typedef std::function<void( const int, const Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble>> &, const TensorOfArray3D<NekDouble> &, TensorOfArray3D<NekDouble> &, Array<OneD, int> &, const Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble>> &)> Nektar::SolverUtils::DiffusionFluxCons

Parameter list meaning: 1st: nvariables 2nd: nspaceDimension 3rd: field conservative variables 4th: Devrivatives of field conservative varialbes 5th: nonzero flux index array, optional 6th: normal vectors optional

a null pointer need to be passed for optional parameters

Definition at line 109 of file Diffusion.h.

◆ DiffusionFluxPenaltyNS

Definition at line 75 of file Diffusion.h.

◆ DiffusionFluxVecCB

Definition at line 65 of file Diffusion.h.

◆ DiffusionFluxVecCBNS

Definition at line 70 of file Diffusion.h.

◆ DiffusionLFRNSSharedPtr

Definition at line 185 of file DiffusionLFRNS.h.

◆ DiffusionSharedPtr

A shared pointer to an EquationSystem object.

Definition at line 54 of file Diffusion.h.

◆ DiffusionSymmFluxCons

typedef std::function<void( const int, const Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble>> &, const Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble>> &, TensorOfArray3D<NekDouble> &, Array<OneD, int> &, const Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble>> &)> Nektar::SolverUtils::DiffusionSymmFluxCons

Parameter list meaning: 1st: nvariables 2nd: nspaceDimension 3rd: trace conservative variables for Diffusion Flux Jacobian 4th: trace conservative variables( usually the jump of trace value) 5th: trace symmetric flux 6th: nonzero flux index array, optional

a null pointer need to be passed for optional parameters

Definition at line 126 of file Diffusion.h.

◆ DriverFactory

Datatype of the NekFactory used to instantiate classes derived from the Driver class.

Definition at line 59 of file Driver.h.

◆ DriverSharedPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr<Driver> Nektar::SolverUtils::DriverSharedPtr

A shared pointer to a Driver object.

Definition at line 52 of file Driver.h.

◆ EquationSystemFactory

Datatype of the NekFactory used to instantiate classes derived from the EquationSystem class.

Definition at line 71 of file EquationSystem.h.

◆ EquationSystemSharedPtr

A shared pointer to an EquationSystem object.

Definition at line 65 of file EquationSystem.h.

◆ FileFieldInterpolatorSharedPtr

Definition at line 51 of file FileSolution.h.

◆ FilterAeroForcesSharedPtr

Definition at line 153 of file FilterAeroForces.h.

◆ FilterFactory

typedef LibUtilities::NekFactory<std::string, Filter, const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr &, const std::weak_ptr<EquationSystem> &, const std::map<std::string, std::string> &> Nektar::SolverUtils::FilterFactory

Datatype of the NekFactory used to instantiate classes derived from the Driver class.

Definition at line 59 of file Filter.h.

◆ FilterSharedPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr<Filter> Nektar::SolverUtils::FilterSharedPtr

A shared pointer to a Driver object.

Definition at line 51 of file Filter.h.

◆ ForcingFactory

typedef LibUtilities::NekFactory< std::string, Forcing, const LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr &, const std::weak_ptr<EquationSystem> &, const Array<OneD, MultiRegions::ExpListSharedPtr> &, const unsigned int &, const TiXmlElement *> Nektar::SolverUtils::ForcingFactory

Declaration of the forcing factory.

Definition at line 61 of file Forcing.h.

◆ FunctorDerivBndCond

typedef std::function<void( const Array<OneD, const Array<OneD, NekDouble>> &, const Array<OneD, const Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble>>> &, NekDouble, const Array<OneD, const Array<OneD, NekDouble>> &, const Array<OneD, const Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble>>> &)> Nektar::SolverUtils::FunctorDerivBndCond

Parameter list meaning: 1st: field conservative variables 2th: Devrivatives of field conservative varialbes 3rd: the current time for time-dependent boundary 4th: Fwd of field conservative variables optional 5th: Fwd of Devrivatives(2nd) optional

a null pointer need to be passed for optional parameters

Definition at line 92 of file Diffusion.h.

◆ MMFSystemSharedPtr

Definition at line 381 of file MMFSystem.h.

◆ MobilePointSharedPtr

Definition at line 54 of file EvaluatePoints.h.

◆ RiemannSolverFactory

Datatype of the NekFactory used to instantiate classes derived from the RiemannSolver class.

Definition at line 200 of file RiemannSolver.h.

◆ RiemannSolverSharedPtr

A shared pointer to an EquationSystem object.

Definition at line 195 of file RiemannSolver.h.

◆ RSParamFuncType

Definition at line 55 of file RiemannSolver.h.

◆ RSScalarFuncType

typedef std::function<const Array<OneD, const NekDouble> &()> Nektar::SolverUtils::RSScalarFuncType

Definition at line 52 of file RiemannSolver.h.

◆ RSVecFuncType

typedef std::function<const Array<OneD, const Array<OneD, NekDouble> > &()> Nektar::SolverUtils::RSVecFuncType

Definition at line 54 of file RiemannSolver.h.

◆ SDCarray

Definition at line 45 of file DriverPFASST.h.

◆ SendCallbackType

typedef std::function<void(Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble>> &interpField, Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble>> &distCoords)> Nektar::SolverUtils::SendCallbackType

Definition at line 180 of file CouplingCwipi.h.

◆ SessionFunctionSharedPtr

Definition at line 152 of file SessionFunction.h.

◆ SpecialBndTreat

Parameter list meaning: 1rd: trace conservative variables

Definition at line 133 of file Diffusion.h.

◆ StationaryPointsSharedPtr

Definition at line 55 of file EvaluatePoints.h.

◆ SummaryList

typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > Nektar::SolverUtils::SummaryList

Definition at line 46 of file Misc.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ BoundaryCopyType


Length of enum list.

Definition at line 58 of file MMFSystem.h.

64 SIZE_BoundaryCopyType ///< Length of enum list
@ SIZE_BoundaryCopyType
Length of enum list.
Definition: MMFSystem.h:64

◆ EvolutionOperatorType


Definition at line 37 of file SolverUtils.hpp.

◆ IncType


Definition at line 128 of file MMFSystem.h.

◆ PolType


Definition at line 116 of file MMFSystem.h.

◆ ProblemType


Definition at line 43 of file FilterMaxMinFields.h.

◆ SurfaceType


Definition at line 43 of file MMFSystem.h.

◆ TestMaxwellType


Length of enum list.

Definition at line 90 of file MMFSystem.h.

◆ UpwindType


flux not defined


averaged (or centred) flux


Lax-Friedrich flux.



Rusanov flux


Harten-Lax-Leer flux.


Harten-Lax-Leer Contact wave flux.


Length of enum list.

Definition at line 74 of file MMFSystem.h.

76 eNotSet, ///< flux not defined
77 eAverage, ///< averaged (or centred) flux
78 eLaxFriedrich, ///< Lax-Friedrich flux
79 eUpwind, /// Upwind
80 eRusanov, ///< Rusanov flux
81 eHLL, ///< Harten-Lax-Leer flux
82 eHLLC, ///< Harten-Lax-Leer Contact wave flux
83 SIZE_UpwindType ///< Length of enum list
@ SIZE_UpwindType
Length of enum list.
Definition: MMFSystem.h:83
@ eAverage
averaged (or centred) flux
Definition: MMFSystem.h:77
@ eHLL
Harten-Lax-Leer flux.
Definition: MMFSystem.h:81
@ eLaxFriedrich
Lax-Friedrich flux.
Definition: MMFSystem.h:78
@ eNotSet
flux not defined
Definition: MMFSystem.h:76
Harten-Lax-Leer Contact wave flux.
Definition: MMFSystem.h:82
@ eRusanov
Definition: MMFSystem.h:80

Function Documentation

◆ AddSummaryItem() [1/3]

SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void Nektar::SolverUtils::AddSummaryItem ( SummaryList l,
const std::string &  name,
const int &  value 

Adds a summary item to the summary info list.

Definition at line 54 of file Misc.cpp.

56 l.push_back(std::make_pair(name, std::to_string(value)));

References CellMLToNektar.pycml::name.

◆ AddSummaryItem() [2/3]

SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void Nektar::SolverUtils::AddSummaryItem ( SummaryList l,
const std::string &  name,
const NekDouble value 

Adds a summary item to the summary info list.

Definition at line 60 of file Misc.cpp.

63 l.push_back(std::make_pair(name, str(boost::format("%g") % value)));

References CellMLToNektar.pycml::format, and CellMLToNektar.pycml::name.

◆ AddSummaryItem() [3/3]

SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT void Nektar::SolverUtils::AddSummaryItem ( SummaryList l,
const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  value 

Adds a summary item to the summary info list.

Adds an item to a SummaryList

Definition at line 47 of file Misc.cpp.

50 l.push_back(std::make_pair(name, value));

References CellMLToNektar.pycml::name.

Referenced by Nektar::SolverUtils::EquationSystem::SessionSummary(), Nektar::Helmholtz::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::MMFAdvection::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::Poisson::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::Projection::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::SteadyAdvectionDiffusionReaction::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::UnsteadyAdvection::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::UnsteadyAdvectionDiffusion::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::UnsteadyViscousBurgers::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::CompressibleFlowSystem::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::MMFDiffusion::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::CoupledLinearNS::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::SmoothedProfileMethod::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::VelocityCorrectionScheme::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::VCSImplicit::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::VCSWeakPressure::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::LinearElasticSystem::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::MMFMaxwell::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::LinearSWE::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::MMFSWE::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::NonlinearPeregrine::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::NonlinearSWE::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::ShallowWaterSystem::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::SolverUtils::MMFSystem::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::SolverUtils::UnsteadySystem::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::UnsteadyDiffusion::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::CellModelAlievPanfilov::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::CourtemancheRamirezNattel98::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::FentonKarma::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::CellModelFitzHughNagumo::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::Fox02::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::LuoRudy91::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::PanditGilesDemir03::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::TenTusscher06::v_GenerateSummary(), Nektar::Winslow99::v_GenerateSummary(), and Nektar::Monodomain::v_GenerateSummary().

◆ BinaryWrite()

static int Nektar::SolverUtils::BinaryWrite ( std::ofstream &  ofile,
std::string  str 

Definition at line 153 of file FilterLagrangianPoints.cpp.

155 int tmp = 0;
156 for (size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i)
157 {
158 tmp = str[i];
159 ofile.write((char *)&tmp, 4);
160 }
161 tmp = 0;
162 ofile.write((char *)&tmp, 4);
163 return 4;

Referenced by OutputTec360_binary().

◆ GetAdvectionFactory()

SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT AdvectionFactory & Nektar::SolverUtils::GetAdvectionFactory ( )

◆ GetCouplingFactory()

SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT CouplingFactory & Nektar::SolverUtils::GetCouplingFactory ( )

Declaration of the Coupling factory singleton.

Definition at line 42 of file Coupling.cpp.

44 static CouplingFactory instance;
45 return instance;
SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT typedef LibUtilities::NekFactory< std::string, Coupling, MultiRegions::ExpListSharedPtr > CouplingFactory
Declaration of the Coupling factory.
Definition: Coupling.h:50

References CouplingFactory.

Referenced by Nektar::AcousticSystem::v_InitObject(), and Nektar::Dummy::v_InitObject().

◆ GetDiffusionFactory()

SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT DiffusionFactory & Nektar::SolverUtils::GetDiffusionFactory ( )

◆ GetDriverFactory()

SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT DriverFactory & Nektar::SolverUtils::GetDriverFactory ( )

Definition at line 65 of file Driver.cpp.

67 static DriverFactory instance;
68 return instance;

Referenced by Nektar::VortexWaveInteraction::ExecuteStreak(), Nektar::VortexWaveInteraction::ExecuteWave(), and main().

◆ GetEquationSystemFactory()

SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT EquationSystemFactory & Nektar::SolverUtils::GetEquationSystemFactory ( )

◆ GetFilterFactory()

SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT FilterFactory & Nektar::SolverUtils::GetFilterFactory ( )

Definition at line 39 of file Filter.cpp.

41 static FilterFactory instance;
42 return instance;

Referenced by Nektar::SolverUtils::UnsteadySystem::v_InitObject().

◆ GetForcingFactory()

SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT ForcingFactory & Nektar::SolverUtils::GetForcingFactory ( )

Declaration of the forcing factory singleton.

Definition at line 42 of file Forcing.cpp.

44 static ForcingFactory instance;
45 return instance;

Referenced by Nektar::VortexWaveInteraction::ExecuteRoll(), and Nektar::SolverUtils::Forcing::Load().

◆ GetRiemannSolverFactory()

SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT RiemannSolverFactory & Nektar::SolverUtils::GetRiemannSolverFactory ( )

◆ OutputTec360_binary()

static int Nektar::SolverUtils::OutputTec360_binary ( const std::string  filename,
const std::vector< std::string > &  variables,
const std::vector< int > &  rawN,
std::vector< Array< OneD, NekDouble > > &  data,
int  isdouble 

Definition at line 166 of file FilterLagrangianPoints.cpp.

172 std::vector<int> N = rawN;
173 for (int i = N.size(); i < 3; ++i)
174 {
175 N.push_back(1);
176 }
177 std::ofstream odata;
178, std::ios::binary);
179 if (!odata.is_open())
180 {
181 printf("error unable to open file %s\n", filename.c_str());
182 return -1;
183 }
184 char tecplotversion[] = "#!TDV112";
185 odata.write((char *)tecplotversion, 8);
186 int value1 = 1;
187 odata.write((char *)&value1, 4);
188 int filetype = 0;
189 odata.write((char *)&filetype, 4);
190 // read file title and variable names
191 std::string filetitle = "";
192 BinaryWrite(odata, filetitle);
193 int nvar = variables.size();
194 odata.write((char *)&nvar, 4); // number of variables
195 std::vector<std::string> vartitle;
196 for (int i = 0; i < nvar; ++i)
197 {
198 BinaryWrite(odata, variables[i]);
199 }
200 float zonemarker299I = 299.0f;
201 odata.write((char *)&zonemarker299I, 4);
202 // zone title
203 std::string zonetitle("ZONE 0");
204 BinaryWrite(odata, zonetitle);
205 int parentzone = -1;
206 odata.write((char *)&parentzone, 4);
207 int strandid = -1;
208 odata.write((char *)&strandid, 4);
209 double soltime = 0.0;
210 odata.write((char *)&soltime, 8);
211 int unused = -1;
212 odata.write((char *)&unused, 4);
213 int zonetype = 0;
214 odata.write((char *)&zonetype, 4);
215 int zero = 0;
216 odata.write((char *)&zero, 4);
217 odata.write((char *)&zero, 4);
218 odata.write((char *)&zero, 4);
219 for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
220 {
221 int tmp = N[i];
222 odata.write((char *)&tmp, 4);
223 }
225 odata.write((char *)&zero, 4);
226 float eohmarker357 = 357.0f;
227 odata.write((char *)&eohmarker357, 4);
228 float zonemarker299II = 299.0f;
229 odata.write((char *)&zonemarker299II, 4);
230 std::vector<int> binarydatatype(nvar, 1 + (isdouble > 0));
231 odata.write((char *), 4 * nvar);
232 odata.write((char *)&zero, 4);
233 odata.write((char *)&zero, 4);
234 int minus1 = -1;
235 odata.write((char *)&minus1, 4);
237 int datanumber, datasize;
238 datanumber = N[0] * N[1] * N[2];
239 datasize = N[0] * N[1] * N[2] * 4;
240 for (int i = 0; i < nvar; ++i)
241 {
242 double minv = 0., maxv = 1.;
243 for (int p = 0; p < datanumber; ++p)
244 {
245 if (maxv < data[i][p])
246 {
247 maxv = data[i][p];
248 }
249 if (minv > data[i][p])
250 {
251 minv = data[i][p];
252 }
253 }
254 odata.write((char *)&minv, 8);
255 odata.write((char *)&maxv, 8);
256 }
258 std::vector<float> vardata(datanumber);
259 for (int i = 0; i < nvar; ++i)
260 {
261 if (isdouble)
262 {
263 odata.write((char *)data[i].data(), datasize * 2);
264 }
265 else
266 {
267 std::vector<float> fdata(datanumber);
268 for (int j = 0; j < datanumber; ++j)
269 {
270 fdata[j] = data[i][j];
271 }
272 odata.write((char *), datasize);
273 }
274 }
275 odata.close();
276 return 0;
static int BinaryWrite(std::ofstream &ofile, std::string str)

References BinaryWrite(), and CellMLToNektar.cellml_metadata::p.

Referenced by Nektar::SolverUtils::StatLagrangianPoints::v_OutputData().

◆ RollOver()

static void Nektar::SolverUtils::RollOver ( Array< OneD, Array< OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble > > > &  data)

Definition at line 89 of file FilterLagrangianPoints.cpp.

91 int n = data.size();
92 if (n <= 1)
93 {
94 return;
95 }
96 Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble>> res = data[n - 1];
97 for (int i = n - 1; i > 0; --i)
98 {
99 data[i] = data[i - 1];
100 }
101 data[0] = res;

Referenced by Nektar::SolverUtils::StatLagrangianPoints::v_TimeAdvance().

◆ rotateFromNormalKernel()

template<class T , typename = typename std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point<T>::value || tinysimd::is_vector_floating_point<T>::value>::type>
void Nektar::SolverUtils::rotateFromNormalKernel ( T *  in,
T *  rotMat,
T *  out 

Definition at line 220 of file RiemannSolver.h.

223 // Apply rotation matrices.
224 out[0] = in[0] * rotMat[0] + in[1] * rotMat[3] + in[2] * rotMat[6];
226 out[1] = in[0] * rotMat[1] + in[1] * rotMat[4] + in[2] * rotMat[7];
228 out[2] = in[0] * rotMat[2] + in[1] * rotMat[5] + in[2] * rotMat[8];

Referenced by Nektar::RoeSolverSIMD::v_Solve().

◆ rotateToNormalKernel()

template<class T , typename = typename std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point<T>::value || tinysimd::is_vector_floating_point<T>::value>::type>
void Nektar::SolverUtils::rotateToNormalKernel ( T *  in,
T *  rotMat,
T *  out 

Definition at line 206 of file RiemannSolver.h.

209 // Apply rotation matrices.
210 out[0] = in[0] * rotMat[0] + in[1] * rotMat[1] + in[2] * rotMat[2];
212 out[1] = in[0] * rotMat[3] + in[1] * rotMat[4] + in[2] * rotMat[5];
214 out[2] = in[0] * rotMat[6] + in[1] * rotMat[7] + in[2] * rotMat[8];

Referenced by Nektar::RoeSolverSIMD::v_Solve().

Variable Documentation

◆ BoundaryCopyTypeMap

const char* const Nektar::SolverUtils::BoundaryCopyTypeMap[]
Initial value:
= {

Definition at line 67 of file MMFSystem.h.

◆ CouplingFactory

SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT typedef LibUtilities::NekFactory< std::string, Coupling, MultiRegions::ExpListSharedPtr> Nektar::SolverUtils::CouplingFactory

Declaration of the Coupling factory.

Definition at line 50 of file Coupling.h.

Referenced by GetCouplingFactory().

◆ CouplingSharedPtr

SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT typedef std::shared_ptr<Coupling> Nektar::SolverUtils::CouplingSharedPtr

◆ ForcingProgrammaticSharedPtr

SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT typedef std::shared_ptr<ForcingProgrammatic> Nektar::SolverUtils::ForcingProgrammaticSharedPtr

A shared pointer to an EquationSystem object.

Definition at line 53 of file ForcingProgrammatic.h.

◆ ForcingSharedPtr

SOLVER_UTILS_EXPORT typedef std::shared_ptr<Forcing> Nektar::SolverUtils::ForcingSharedPtr

◆ IncTypeMap

const char* const Nektar::SolverUtils::IncTypeMap[]
Initial value:
= {

Definition at line 136 of file MMFSystem.h.

Referenced by Nektar::MMFMaxwell::v_GenerateSummary(), and Nektar::MMFMaxwell::v_InitObject().

◆ NullSessionFunction

SessionFunctionSharedPtr Nektar::SolverUtils::NullSessionFunction

Definition at line 153 of file SessionFunction.h.

◆ PolTypeMap

const char* const Nektar::SolverUtils::PolTypeMap[]
Initial value:
= {

Definition at line 123 of file MMFSystem.h.

Referenced by Nektar::MMFMaxwell::v_GenerateSummary(), and Nektar::MMFMaxwell::v_InitObject().

◆ SendCallbackMap

std::map<std::string, SendCallbackType> Nektar::SolverUtils::SendCallbackMap

◆ SurfaceTypeMap

const char* const Nektar::SolverUtils::SurfaceTypeMap[]
Initial value:
= {
"Plane", "Sphere", "TRSphere", "Irregular", "Nonconvex", "Cube",

Definition at line 54 of file MMFSystem.h.

Referenced by Nektar::SolverUtils::MMFSystem::MMFInitObject(), and Nektar::SolverUtils::MMFSystem::v_GenerateSummary().

◆ TestMaxwellTypeMap

const char* const Nektar::SolverUtils::TestMaxwellTypeMap[]
Initial value:
= {
"Maxwell1D", "TestMaxwell2DPEC", "TestMaxwell2DPECAVGFLUX",
"TestMaxwell2DPMC", "Maxwell3D", "ScatField1D",
"ScatField2D", "ScatField3D", "TotField1D",
"TotField2D", "TotField3D", "MaxwellSphere",

Definition at line 108 of file MMFSystem.h.

Referenced by Nektar::MMFMaxwell::v_GenerateSummary(), and Nektar::MMFMaxwell::v_InitObject().

◆ UpwindTypeMap

const char* const Nektar::SolverUtils::UpwindTypeMap[]
Initial value:
= {
"NoSet", "Average", "LaxFriedrich", "Upwind", "Rusanov", "HLL", "HLLC",

Definition at line 86 of file MMFSystem.h.

Referenced by Nektar::SolverUtils::MMFSystem::MMFInitObject().