Arpack | |
Blas | |
DBUtils | |
ErrorUtil | |
NekError | |
Gs | |
array | |
comm | |
pw_comm_data | |
pw_data | |
cr_stage | |
cr_data | |
allreduce_data | |
gs_remote | |
gs_data | |
Lapack | |
Metis | |
Nektar | < |
detail | |
ThreadSpecificPool | |
LibUtilities | |
StdHexData | |
StdPrismData | |
StdPyrData | |
StdQuadData | |
StdSegData | |
StdTetData | |
StdTriData | |
Equation | |
FieldDefinitions | |
FieldIO | Class for operating on FLD files |
MeshPartition | |
GraphEdgeProperties | |
GraphVertexProperties | |
MeshComposite | |
MeshCurved | |
MeshEdge | |
MeshElement | |
MeshEntity | |
MeshFace | |
MeshVertex | |
MeshPartitionMetis | |
MeshPartitionScotch | |
none | |
NekFactory | Provides a generic Factory class |
ModuleEntry | Define a struct to hold the information about a module |
defOpLessCreator | |
NekManager | |
CmdLineArg | |
FunctionVariableDefinition | |
SessionReader | Reads and parses information from a Nektar++ XML session file |
Comm | Base communications class |
CommMpi | A global linear system |
CommSerial | A global linear system |
Transposition | |
NekFFTW | |
NektarFFT | |
BasisKey | Describes the specification for a Basis |
opLess | |
Basis | Represents a basis of a given type |
BLPoints | |
FourierPoints | |
FourierSingleModePoints | |
GaussPoints | |
GraphVertexObject | |
GraphEdgeObject | |
Graph | |
NodalPrismEvenlySpaced | |
NodalTetElec | |
NodalTetEvenlySpaced | |
NodalTriElec | |
NodalTriEvenlySpaced | |
NodalTriFekete | |
PointsKey | Defines a specification for a set of points |
opLess | |
Points | Stores a set of points of datatype DataT, defined by a PointKey |
PolyEPoints | |
func | |
functions | |
AnalyticExpressionEvaluator | This class defines evaluator of analytic (symbolic) mathematical expressions. Expressions are allowed to depend on a number of spatial-time variables and parameters. Pre-processing and evaluation stages are split. At evaluation stage one specifies values for each variable, resulting expression value is returned. Vectorized evaluator (evaluate expression at a set of points) is available |
AnalyticExpression | |
definition | |
variables | |
CopyState | |
EvalAbs | |
EvalAcos | |
EvalAng | |
EvalAsin | |
EvalAtan | |
EvalAtan2 | |
EvalAWGN | |
EvalCeil | |
EvalCos | |
EvalCosh | |
EvalDiv | |
EvalExp | |
EvalFabs | |
EvalFloor | |
EvalLog | |
EvalLog10 | |
EvalLogicalEqual | |
EvalLogicalGeq | |
EvalLogicalGreater | |
EvalLogicalLeq | |
EvalLogicalLess | |
EvalMul | |
EvalNeg | |
EvalPow | |
EvalRad | |
EvalSign | |
EvalSin | |
EvalSinh | |
EvalSqrt | |
EvalSub | |
EvalSum | |
EvalTan | |
EvalTanh | |
EvaluationStep | Function objects (functors) |
StoreConst | |
StorePrm | |
StoreVar | |
Kernel | |
TimeIntegrationSchemeOperators | |
TimeIntegrationSchemeKey | |
opLess | |
TimeIntegrationScheme | |
TimeIntegrationSolution | |
TimeIntegrationWrapper | |
TimeIntegrationIMEXOrder1 | |
TimeIntegrationIMEXOrder2 | |
TimeIntegrationIMEXOrder3 | |
TimeIntegrationIMEXdirk_1_1_1 | |
TimeIntegrationIMEXdirk_1_2_1 | |
TimeIntegrationIMEXdirk_1_2_2 | |
TimeIntegrationIMEXdirk_4_4_3 | |
TimeIntegrationIMEXdirk_2_2_2 | |
TimeIntegrationIMEXdirk_2_3_3 | |
TimeIntegrationIMEXdirk_2_3_2 | |
TimeIntegrationIMEXdirk_3_4_3 | |
TimeIntegrationForwardEuler | |
TimeIntegrationBackwardEuler | |
TimeIntegrationBDFImplicitOrder1 | |
TimeIntegrationBDFImplicitOrder2 | |
TimeIntegrationRungeKutta2_ImprovedEuler | |
TimeIntegrationRungeKutta2_ModifiedEuler | |
TimeIntegrationClassicalRungeKutta4 | |
TimeIntegrationDIRKOrder2 | |
TimeIntegrationDIRKOrder3 | |
TimeIntegrationMidpoint | |
TimeIntegrationAdamsBashforthOrder2 | |
TimeIntegrationAdamsBashforthOrder3 | |
TimeIntegrationAdamsMoultonOrder2 | |
TimeIntegrationIMEXGear | |
TimeIntegrationCNAB | |
TimeIntegrationMCNAB | |
LocalRegions | |
Expansion | |
Expansion0D | |
Expansion1D | |
Expansion2D | |
Expansion3D | |
HexExp | |
LinSysKey | |
MatrixKey | |
opLess | Used to lookup the create function in NekManager |
NodalTetExp | |
NodalTriExp | |
PointExp | |
PrismExp | |
PyrExp | |
QuadExp | |
SegExp | |
TetExp | |
TriExp | |
MultiRegions | |
AssemblyMap | Base class for constructing local to global mapping of degrees of freedom |
AssemblyMapCG | Constructs mappings for the C0 scalar continuous Galerkin formulation |
AssemblyMapDG | |
ContField1D | Abstraction of a global continuous one-dimensional spectral/hp element expansion which approximates the solution of a set of partial differential equations |
ContField2D | This class is the abstraction of a global continuous two- dimensional spectral/hp element expansion which approximates the solution of a set of partial differential equations |
ContField3D | |
ContField3DHomogeneous1D | |
ContField3DHomogeneous2D | |
DisContField1D | This class is the abstraction of a global discontinuous two- dimensional spectral/hp element expansion which approximates the solution of a set of partial differential equations |
DisContField2D | |
DisContField3D | |
DisContField3DHomogeneous1D | |
DisContField3DHomogeneous2D | |
ExpList | Base class for all multi-elemental spectral/hp expansions |
ExpList0D | This class is the abstraction of a collection of zero-dimensional expansions which is merely a collection of points/values |
ExpList1D | This class is the abstraction of a one-dimensional multi-elemental expansions which is merely a collection of local expansions |
ExpList1DHomogeneous2D | Abstraction of a one-dimensional multi-elemental expansion which is merely a collection of local expansions |
ExpList2D | Abstraction of a two-dimensional multi-elemental expansion which is merely a collection of local expansions |
ExpList2DHomogeneous1D | Abstraction of a two-dimensional multi-elemental expansion which is merely a collection of local expansions |
ExpList3D | Abstraction of a three-dimensional multi-elemental expansion which is merely a collection of local expansions |
ExpList3DHomogeneous1D | Abstraction of a two-dimensional multi-elemental expansion which is merely a collection of local expansions |
ExpList3DHomogeneous2D | Abstraction of a one-dimensional multi-elemental expansion which is merely a collection of local expansions |
ExpListHomogeneous1D | Abstraction of a two-dimensional multi-elemental expansion which is merely a collection of local expansions |
ExpListHomogeneous2D | Abstraction of a two-dimensional multi-elemental expansion which is merely a collection of local expansions |
GlobalLinSys | A global linear system |
GlobalLinSysDirect | A global linear system |
GlobalLinSysDirectFull | A global linear system |
GlobalLinSysDirectStaticCond | A global linear system |
GlobalLinSysIterative | A global linear system |
GlobalLinSysIterativeFull | A global linear system |
GlobalLinSysIterativeStaticCond | A global linear system |
GlobalLinSysKey | Describe a linear system |
GlobalLinSysPETSc | A global linear system |
GlobalLinSysPETScFull | A global linear system |
GlobalLinSysPETScStaticCond | A global linear system |
GlobalLinSysStaticCond | A global linear system |
GlobalLinSysXxt | |
GlobalLinSysXxtFull | A global linear system |
GlobalLinSysXxtStaticCond | A global linear system |
GlobalMatrix | Represents a matrix of all degrees of freedom |
GlobalMatrixKey | Describes a matrix with ordering defined by a local to global map |
RobinBCInfo | |
_PeriodicEntity | |
Preconditioner | |
PreconditionerBlock | |
PreconditionerDiagonal | |
PreconditionerNull | |
PreconditionerLinear | |
PreconditionerLinearWithBlock | |
PreconditionerLinearWithDiag | |
PreconditionerLinearWithLowEnergy | |
PreconditionerLowEnergy | |
PatchMap | |
SubGraph | |
MultiLevelBisectedGraph | |
BottomUpSubStructuredGraph | |
NekConstants | |
NekOptimize | |
GlobalOptParam | Processes global optimisation parameters from a session |
SolverUtils | |
Advection | Defines a callback function which evaluates the flux vector |
Advection3DHomogeneous1D | |
AdvectionFR | |
AdvectionNonConservative | |
AdvectionWeakDG | |
HomoRSScalar | Wrapper class for Riemann solver scalars |
HomoRSVector | Wrapper class for Riemann solver scalars |
AdvectionSystem | A base class for PDEs which include an advection component |
Diffusion | |
Diffusion3DHomogeneous1D | |
DiffusionLDG | |
DiffusionLDGNS | |
DiffusionLFR | |
DiffusionLFRNS | |
Driver | Base class for the development of solvers |
DriverArnoldi | Base class for the development of solvers |
DriverArpack | Base class for the development of solvers |
DriverModifiedArnoldi | |
DriverStandard | Base class for the development of solvers |
DriverSteadyState | |
EquationSystem | A base class for describing how to solve specific equations |
Filter | |
FilterAeroForces | |
FilterAverageFields | |
FilterCheckpoint | |
FilterEnergyBase | |
FilterHistoryPoints | |
FilterModalEnergy | |
FilterThresholdMax | |
FilterThresholdMin | |
Forcing | Defines a forcing term to be explicitly applied |
ForcingAbsorption | |
ForcingBody | |
ForcingNoise | |
ForcingProgrammatic | |
RiemannSolver | Abstract interface under which solvers for various Riemann problems can be implemented |
UpwindLDGSolver | Upwind scheme Riemann solver for LDG |
UpwindSolver | Upwind scheme Riemann solver |
UnsteadySystem | Base class for unsteady solvers |
FilterEnergy | |
SpatialDomains | |
BoundaryConditionBase | |
DirichletBoundaryCondition | |
NeumannBoundaryCondition | |
RobinBoundaryCondition | |
PeriodicBoundaryCondition | |
NotDefinedBoundaryCondition | |
BoundaryConditions | |
Curve | |
BoundaryEntry | |
Domain | |
Geometry | Base class for shape geometry information |
GeometryHash | |
Geometry0D | 1D geometry information |
Geometry1D | 1D geometry information |
Geometry2D | 2D geometry information |
Geometry3D | 3D geometry information |
GeomFactors | Calculation and storage of geometric factors associated with the mapping from StdRegions reference elements to a given LocalRegions physical element in the mesh |
GeomFactorsHash | A hash functor for geometric factors. Utilises GeomFactors::GetHash |
HexGeom | |
InterfaceComponent | |
CompToElmt | Structure holding graphvertexobject id and local element facet id |
WireframeEdgeComponent | |
ElementEdge | |
ElementFace | |
DomainRange | |
Expansion | |
MeshGraph | Base class for a spectral/hp element mesh |
MeshGraph1D | |
MeshGraph2D | |
MeshGraph3D | |
PointGeom | |
PrismGeom | |
PyrGeom | |
QuadGeom | |
SegGeom | |
TetGeom | |
TriGeom | |
StdRegions | The namespace associated with the the StdRegions library (StdRegions introduction) |
IndexValue | |
IndexMapKey | |
opLess | |
StdExpansion | The base class for all shapes |
StdExpansion0D | |
StdExpansion1D | |
StdExpansion2D | |
StdExpansion3D | |
StdHexExp | Class representing a hexehedral element in reference space |
StdLinSysKey | |
StdMatrixKey | |
opLess | Used to lookup the create function in NekManager |
StdNodalPrismExp | |
StdNodalTetExp | |
StdNodalTriExp | |
StdPointExp | |
StdPrismExp | Class representing a prismatic element in reference space |
cmpop | |
StdPyrExp | |
StdQuadExp | |
StdSegExp | Class representing a segment element in reference space |
StdTetExp | |
StdTriExp | |
Utilities | |
FieldPts | |
Field | |
InputDat | Input module for Xml files |
InputFld | |
InputPts | |
InputXml | |
ConfigOption | Represents a command-line configuration option |
Module | |
InputModule | Abstract base class for input modules |
ProcessModule | Abstract base class for processing modules |
OutputModule | Abstract base class for output modules |
FieldConvertComm | |
OutputFld | Converter from fld to vtk |
OutputInfo | |
OutputTecplot | Converter from fld to dat |
OutputVtk | Converter from fld to vtk |
ProcessAddFld | This processing module scales the input fld file |
ProcessBoundaryExtract | This processing module sets up for the boundary field to be extracted |
ProcessC0Projection | This processing module calculates the Q Criterion and adds it as an extra-field to the output file |
ProcessConcatenateFld | This processing module sets up for the boundary field to be extracted |
ProcessEquiSpacedOutput | This processing module interpolates one field to another |
ProcessInterpField | This processing module interpolates one field to another |
ProcessInterpPointDataToFld | This processing module interpolates one field to another |
ProcessInterpPoints | This processing module interpolates one field to another |
Iso | |
IsoVertex | |
ProcessIsoContour | This processing module extracts an isocontour |
ProcessJacobianEnergy | This processing module scales the input fld file |
ProcessQCriterion | This processing module calculates the Q Criterion and adds it as an extra-field to the output file |
ProcessScaleInFld | This processing module scales the input fld file |
ProcessVorticity | This processing module calculates the vorticity and adds it as an extra-field to the output file |
InputGmsh | |
HOSurfHash | |
InputNek | |
InputNekpp | |
InputPly | Converter for Ply files |
InputSem | |
InputTec | Converter for VTK files |
InputSwan | Converter for Swansea mesh format |
InputVtk | Converter for VTK files |
TetOrient | |
TetOrientHash | |
Node | Represents a point in the domain |
NodeHash | Defines a hash function for nodes |
Edge | Represents an edge which joins two points |
EdgeHash | Defines a hash function for edges |
Face | Represents a face comprised of three or more edges |
FaceHash | |
ElmtConfig | Basic information about an element |
Element | Base class for element definitions |
element_id_less_than | Define element ordering based on ID |
Composite | A composite is a collection of elements |
Condition | Defines a boundary condition |
Mesh | |
Point | A 0-dimensional vertex |
Line | A 1-dimensional line between two vertex nodes |
HOTriangle | A lightweight struct for dealing with high-order triangle alignment |
Triangle | A 2-dimensional three-sided element |
Quadrilateral | A 2-dimensional four-sided element |
Tetrahedron | A 3-dimensional four-faced element |
Pyramid | A 3-dimensional square-based pyramidic element |
Prism | A 3-dimensional five-faced element (2 triangles, 3 quadrilaterals) |
Hexahedron | A 3-dimensional six-faced element |
ElmtConfigHash | |
OutputGmsh | Converter for Gmsh files |
OutputNekpp | Converter for Gmsh files |
SplitMapHelper | |
SplitEdgeHelper | |
ProcessBL | This processing module calculates the Jacobian of elements using SpatialDomains::GeomFactors and the Element::GetGeom method. For now it simply prints a list of elements which have negative Jacobian |
ProcessCyl | |
EdgeInfo | |
ProcessDetectSurf | This processing module calculates the Jacobian of elements using SpatialDomains::GeomFactors and the Element::GetGeom method. For now it simply prints a list of elements which have negative Jacobian |
ProcessExtractSurf | This processing module calculates the Jacobian of elements using SpatialDomains::GeomFactors and the Element::GetGeom method. For now it simply prints a list of elements which have negative Jacobian |
ProcessJac | This processing module calculates the Jacobian of elements using SpatialDomains::GeomFactors and the Element::GetGeom method. For now it simply prints a list of elements which have negative Jacobian |
ProcessPerAlign | |
ProcessScalar | This processing module calculates the Jacobian of elements using SpatialDomains::GeomFactors and the Element::GetGeom method. For now it simply prints a list of elements which have negative Jacobian |
ProcessSpherigon | |
ProcessTetSplit | This processing module calculates the Jacobian of elements using SpatialDomains::GeomFactors and the Element::GetGeom method. For now it simply prints a list of elements which have negative Jacobian |
OneD | |
TwoD | |
ThreeD | |
FourD | |
FlagList | Defines a list of flags |
ArrayInitializationPolicy< ObjectType, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_fundamental< ObjectType > >::type > | |
ArrayInitializationPolicy< ObjectType, typename boost::disable_if< boost::is_fundamental< ObjectType > >::type > | |
ArrayDestructionPolicy< ObjectType, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_fundamental< ObjectType > >::type > | |
ArrayDestructionPolicy< ObjectType, typename boost::disable_if< boost::is_fundamental< ObjectType > >::type > | |
AssignableConcept | |
ConsistentObjectAccess | |
ConsistentObjectAccess< DataType * > | |
ConsistentObjectAccess< boost::shared_ptr< DataType > > | |
NekPtr | |
ParseUtils | |
fctor1 | |
fctor2 | |
fctor3 | |
fctor4 | |
fctor5 | |
SymbolFunctor | |
ValueFunctor | |
RawType | |
RawType< const T > | |
RawType< volatile T > | |
RawType< const volatile T > | |
RawType< T * > | |
RawType< const T * > | |
RawType< volatile T * > | |
RawType< const volatile T * > | |
RawType< T *const > | |
RawType< const T *const > | |
RawType< volatile T *const > | |
RawType< const volatile T *const > | |
RawType< T *volatile > | |
RawType< const T *volatile > | |
RawType< volatile T *volatile > | |
RawType< const volatile T *volatile > | |
RawType< T *const volatile > | |
RawType< const T *const volatile > | |
RawType< volatile T *const volatile > | |
RawType< const volatile T *const volatile > | |
RawType< boost::shared_ptr< T > > | |
RawType< const boost::shared_ptr< T > > | |
RawType< volatile boost::shared_ptr< T > > | |
RawType< const volatile boost::shared_ptr< T > > | |
RawType< boost::shared_ptr< const T > > | |
RawType< const boost::shared_ptr< const T > > | |
RawType< volatile boost::shared_ptr< const T > > | |
RawType< const volatile boost::shared_ptr< const T > > | |
RawType< boost::shared_ptr< volatile T > > | |
RawType< const boost::shared_ptr< volatile T > > | |
RawType< volatile boost::shared_ptr< volatile T > > | |
RawType< const volatile boost::shared_ptr< volatile T > > | |
RawType< boost::shared_ptr< const volatile T > > | |
RawType< const boost::shared_ptr< const volatile T > > | |
RawType< volatile boost::shared_ptr< const volatile T > > | |
RawType< const volatile boost::shared_ptr< const volatile T > > | |
Array< OneD, const DataType > | 1D Array of constant elements with garbage collection and bounds checking |
Array< TwoD, const DataType > | 2D array with garbage collection and bounds checking |
Array< ThreeD, const DataType > | 3D array with garbage collection and bounds checking |
Array< OneD, DataType > | 1D Array |
Array< TwoD, DataType > | A 2D array |
Array< ThreeD, DataType > | A 3D array |
Timer | |
XmlUtil | |
NekMatrix< NekMatrix< DataType, InnerMatrixType >, BlockMatrixTag > | |
iterator_base | |
CanGetRawPtr | |
CanGetRawPtr< NekMatrix< T, StandardMatrixTag > > | |
CanGetRawPtr< NekMatrix< NekMatrix< T, R >, ScaledMatrixTag > > | |
CanGetRawPtr< NekMatrix< T, M > > | |
ConstMatrix | |
Matrix | |
BandedMatrixFuncs | |
FullMatrixFuncs | |
TriangularMatrixFuncs | |
UpperTriangularMatrixFuncs | |
LowerTriangularMatrixFuncs | |
SymmetricMatrixFuncs | |
DiagonalMatrixFuncs | |
TriangularBandedMatrixFuncs | |
UpperTriangularBandedMatrixFuncs | |
LowerTriangularBandedMatrixFuncs | |
SymmetricBandedMatrixFuncs | |
IsSharedPointer | |
IsSharedPointer< boost::shared_ptr< DataType > > | |
LinearSystemSolver | |
LinearSystem | |
NekPoint | |
NekVector | |
IsVector | |
IsVector< NekVector< DataType > > | |
NekMatrix< NekMatrix< DataType, InnerMatrixType >, ScaledMatrixTag > | |
const_iterator | |
NekSparseDiagBlkMatrix | |
NekSparseMatrix | |
NekMatrix< DataType, StandardMatrixTag > | Standard Matrix |
iterator_impl | |
TagType | |
TagType< const Z > | |
Proxy | |
StorageSmvBsr | |
const_iterator | |
IterType | |
MemoryManager | General purpose memory allocation routines with the ability to allocate from thread specific memory pools |
DeallocateSharedPtr | |
DefaultCustomDeallocator | |
rebind | |
MemPool | |
CFLtester | |
EigenValuesAdvection | |
Helmholtz | |
Laplace | |
Poisson | |
SteadyAdvectionDiffusion | |
SteadyAdvectionDiffusionReaction | |
UnsteadyAdvection | |
UnsteadyAdvectionDiffusion | |
UnsteadyDiffusion | |
UnsteadyInviscidBurger | |
APE | |
APESolver | |
LaxFriedrichsSolver | |
UpwindSolver | |
CellModelAlievPanfilov | Aliev Panfilov model |
CellModel | Cell model base class |
CourtemancheRamirezNattel98 | |
FentonKarma | |
CellModelFitzHughNagumo | FitzHugh-Nagumo model |
Fox02 | |
LuoRudy91 | |
PanditGilesDemir03 | |
TenTusscher06 | |
Winslow99 | |
Bidomain | A model for cardiac conduction |
BidomainRoth | A model for cardiac conduction |
Monodomain | A model for cardiac conduction |
FilterBenchmark | Records activation and repolarisation times |
FilterCheckpointCellModel | |
FilterElectrogram | |
Protocol | Protocol base class |
ProtocolS1 | Protocol base class |
ProtocolS1S2 | Protocol base class |
ProtocolSingle | Protocol base class |
Stimulus | Stimulus base class |
StimulusCirc | Protocol base class |
StimulusPoint | Protocol base class |
StimulusRect | Protocol base class |
CompressibleFlowSystem | |
EulerADCFE | |
EulerCFE | |
NavierStokesCFE | |
AUSM0Solver | |
AUSM1Solver | |
AUSM2Solver | |
AUSM3Solver | |
AverageSolver | |
CompressibleSolver | |
ExactSolverToro | |
HLLCSolver | |
HLLSolver | |
RoeSolver | |
ImageWarpingSystem | |
AdjointAdvection | Advection for the adjoint form of the linearised Navier-Stokes equations |
LinearisedAdvection | |
NavierStokesAdvection | |
NoAdvection | |
SkewSymmetricAdvection | |
coupledSolverMatrices | |
CoupledLinearNS | |
CoupledLocalToGlobalC0ContMap | |
HBCInfo | |
Extrapolate | |
IncNavierStokes | This class is the base class for Navier Stokes problems |
StandardExtrapolate | |
SubSteppingExtrapolate | |
VelocityCorrectionScheme | |
ArterialPressureArea | A global linear system |
LymphaticPressureArea | A global linear system |
PulseWaveBoundary | |
PulseWavePressureArea | |
PulseWavePropagation | |
InterfacePoint | |
PulseWaveSystem | Base class for unsteady solvers |
QInflow | A global linear system |
RCROutflow | A global linear system |
ROutflow | A global linear system |
TerminalOutflow | A global linear system |
TimeDependentInflow | A global linear system |
UndefinedInOutflow | A global linear system |
PulseWaveSystemOutput | Base class for unsteady solvers |
LinearSWE | |
NonlinearPeregrine | |
NonlinearSWE | |
ShallowWaterSystem | Base class for unsteady solvers |
LinearAverageSolver | |
LinearHLLSolver | |
LinearSWESolver | |
NonlinearSWESolver | |
NoSolver | |
VortexWaveInteraction | |
Polylib | The namespace associated with the the Polylib library (Polylib introduction) |
Scotch | |
Tau | |
VDmath | |
Vmath | |
Xxt | |
comm | |
sparse_cholesky | |
csr_mat | |
crs_data | |
Block | |
Diffusion | |
Edge | |
Element | |
GlobalLinSysIterativeCG | |
Mesh | |
MoveVerts | |
Null | |
Ord | |
PulseWaveFlow | |
Segment | |
Triangle | |
TwoDElement | |
Vertex | Represents a vertex in the mesh |
VertexHash | Hash function for the Vertex struct used for defining sets |